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  • glad to help bro, now you will show those beautiful black Canadian women how lean and ripped are your shoulder in that tanktop, Black women have the good blood mix your race and see what I mean ;)
    there's always going to be a symmetry issues, I have my right bicep bigger then the left, one calve is bigger than the other, there's nothing I can do about it, going higher reps on the other delt will not even it out, theres no proof out there that going higher on one specific muscle will even it out, try it for yourself go higher on the reps on that one side to see if it will help some, I could be wrong who knows, I'm telling u from my experience & it didn't work shit for me. Could it be how your are posing that makes u see one bigger than the other ? or is it really noticeable ?
    Didn't think you would ;)
    Well good luck, the tough ones are usually the best in my experience.
    Pictures, yes send them my way please, I'd love to see what you look like. Bet you look great.
    Luckily for me I don't need to top up my tan though :)

    My baby is awesome, we have a very close bond and he lurves me :) :)
    My girl is amazing too, love my kids even though they do drive me wild sometimes.

    Look forward to pics *with baited breath* lol!
    I know i have to get back over there!

    I've been working about 80-90 hours a week for the last three weeks.

    I should be back to normal hours next thursday. :)
    Ha days ago I sent this to myself instead of to you...Detour5
    Yesterday 04:25 PM - permalink
    Are you cutting? For anything special like a show or shoot?? Or just for yourself
    Just wondering because of the sounds of the restrictions on your diet. Everything sounds restrictive to me at the moment, I'm eating what I like when I like, even.....................
    CARBS before bed!!!! Ha, the wonders of breastfeeding lol!
    My wall is like detention class! lots of misfits, people looking for sources and a mess like that. Jimbo's place has the elite just kicking back in here! I found you guys!
    So this is where all the cool kids that eat good stuff have been hanging out!!
    I hear that, after my stint at competing and living off that, if I never have to look at an egg White or chicken breast again it'll be toooo soon! Although last few days I've been making protein pancakes again lol! Pig out on cheat day ;)
    I'll check into it tomorrow... we can change it around for any lean meat, like lean red meat, bison, salmon,or any fish, turkey.. ya know what I mean, right ?
    hey brother work is killing me, I didn't have time to be here, what's up with training??
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