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  • hey what did you do?? you got me and the kids addicted to maple syrup, we need that Canadian syrup,like the fat kid needs cake, I need a quick fix papi lol
    Jimbo you jinxed me!! Ever since you said I knew every lab, the last 3-4 posted I'm clueless on!!

    Santa should be there any day now!
    Merry Xmas bro!!! Hope its a good one bro. I got the best gift ever. My mom was released from the hospital
    What up Jiiiiiimbo ??
    Merry x-mas Brother !
    Loved what u sent us Thanxs :)
    But I'm not sharing the truffles with Mrs P (ok, don't tell her I said that :(
    Lol, kidlets! So cute!! Well, my kidlets are very cute and well, my little boy is an energy bomb and my girl is a dynamo! I've done my Xmas list, but waiting on two AmAzon buys, that seem delayed :eek:

    The UK is nice if you don't mind the cold weather and can deal with reserved English people! Not everyone is reserved obviously, but it's an about turn from US peeps. You should visit, depending on which bit you go to it'd be a culture shock for sure :)
    How you doing this fine Saturday? Well, it's kinda fine here in the UK considering it's cold and normally snowing by now, instead it's sunny :)
    hahaha big daddy, I can't cause my wife won't let me lol, yours should be in Canadian Customs about now, can u track it?
    LOL - high five mofo!

    I got your Xmas present - I'm working midnights right now getting ready for corporate on Friday - but I should have it out in time to make it to you by Xmas - I think you'll dig it - it's something I use all the time. :)
    You know, my daughter never took her nappy off, so hopefully my lil boy won't either. Although, he has pee'd on me after taking off said nappy, the little rascal! Ah - projectile ejections from baby body!! ;)
    Super tired! My boy is 3.5 months and so sweet, just demanding. I'm terrible though, tidying the house, working out, even if I've had 1hr sleep, I just can't stand the thought of losing strength or flexibilty..but payback is a mutha, it catches up with me after a few days and I have to accept I can't do everything, but mehhh! I have a 5 year old girl (she'd add on the 3/4's!) equally demanding, full of energy but a great girl. I'm 31, and my husband is 41 so I think we're done. For you.. A lot can happen in 4 years ;)
    They are awesome aren't they! Mrs P and I are in touch a lot - possibly the sweetest person I've met. I'm ok, could do with more sleep (new mum) but I still smile! Thanks on the compliment, hopefully I'll be back to that in about 6 months ;)
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