Recent content by mr8888

  1. mr8888

    Enanthate, 700mg/w for 15weeks. First time cycle[Before-PICS]

    Its roughly a pound a week , I think eating a clean surplus and a mass gainer its possible if you stay on a strict diet. as fas as OP I'd recommend taking it slow. Your body is doing a great job natural a little juice might do wonders for you. You might react really well to a normal or less...
  2. mr8888

    6 Weeks Anavar Only

    you can do 10 lbs on Anavar (var) but probably not at 40 mg for that duration. Like others have said its for keeping weight on patients wasting away. So in its medical purposes it is a weight gainer. People I know that have gained that much on Anavar (var) stacked it with creatine and ate like...
  3. mr8888

    Any point in tapering up anavar?

    Yeah I can see what you mean thats why I edited the original msg. Are you gonna stack it with anything else?
  4. mr8888

    Any point in tapering up anavar?

    This plan you said yourself. That is why I told you of a similar situation of waiting and its problems. It seeems rather straight forward, sorry if you had trouble understanding it.
  5. mr8888

    Any point in tapering up anavar?

    i would say stick with your ORIGINAL plan . Swim Started at 3 weeks 60 mg waited for the next batch had to cut back to 40mg sucked. Id do what Stone says.
  6. mr8888

    For Those Who've Done Anavar Only Cycle

    insane pumps during workout, hair thinning , shut down , nut shrinkage. lethargy . didnt really get the appetite Suppressed made me hungry.
  7. mr8888

    My Anavar and Winstrol course

    I think this is a case of mind over matter. So many people I personally know have tried "var" only trusted source at higher and lower than 30mg a day. While it did produce hardening the strength gains are way over rated. Also there is no way in 1 week you are going to feel much of anything...
  8. mr8888

    Please help

    I think by your own admission the road to "normalcy" is going to be hard considering that you have been on program for so long its hard for your body to adapt. You are on the right path to finding out the solution to the problem , I know its hard to wait for all the doctors but that is really...
  9. mr8888

    Not just another Winny-Only Question!

    Hey I know a lot of people will say this but its probably not worth a Winstrol (winny) only cycle. If you have to run just one I would say Anavar (var) > Winstrol (winny) other swear by tbol. Now I wouldnt reccomend an oral only cycle because you will get shut down and its not really worth it...
  10. mr8888

    My Anavar and Winstrol course

    friend is on a Anavar (var) only cycle 60mg 3 weeks then 40mg 3 weeks in going to 8 weeks. imho , you need AT LEAST 60mg+ to really see anything with Anavar (var) unless you are very very low BF%. I know you probably heard this but go straight for the test cycle. The Anavar (var) will most...
  11. mr8888

    Where to purchase legit steroids

    i think he means pro-hormones aka designer steroids :D
  12. mr8888

    Biggest Steroid Bust for No Steroids found. Check this out.

    its amazing once they railroad you what you will conceed. until you are in a position you think its like tv where you get a good lawyer and walk away. The reality is that they will more or less force you to take a plea or if you decide to "waste thier time in a trial" throw the book at you if...
  13. mr8888

    How do you guys feel about Tbol?

    im going to give it a go next . I keep hearing mostly positive feedback.
  14. mr8888

    Most effective steroid for weightloss or otc "fatburner"

    You have to change your diet and you HAVE to work out hard. Cardio at least 45 minutes 3 or more times a week. As far as something to supplement you can try an EC stack. Do some research. I wouldn't mess with t4/t3 clen at your stage in the game.
  15. mr8888

    Going to vegas...First time!!!

    I see the cycle workin out good for you bro , have fun on your trip. I think you should be ok. Clen isnt going to be overly toxic compared to what you were doing and you will be 2 weeks out. If you want to be on the safe side supplement the drinking with some water in between but thats never...