My Anavar and Winstrol course


New member
Watsup guys, I have been researching roids for quite some time now but more advice never hurts. I have ordered a course of Anavar and Winstrol and am getting it on friday. I am getting 50 tabs (10mg) of Anavar and 50 tabs (10mg) of Winstrol. My plan is to take 20mg a day Anavar and maybe increase to 30 mg a day and when it's done take a week in between and the start the Winstrol at 20mg Every day, does this sound fine or is there any other advice or way you guys can give me???

I wanted to stack them together but I am choosing not to because of the liver and kidney stress.

20 Years old
Weight - 89kg's
Height - 5 foot 11"
BF% - I haven't measured in long
Training - I have been training like a beast for 2 years, 5 days a week (Monday-Friday) and supplementing.

Any comments that will help is appreciated.

Sweet dude's
2 orals are a VERY bad idea. I wouldn't do it. And your too young.
Just tell him the truth Kane....just do it :)
I'm not concerned about 2 orals at all, especially at doses so low and a duration so short.

Aside from the general aversion to all-oral cycles, the problem is that the doses are too low and the duration is too short. I also see no reason to take a break between anavar and winstrol. Moreover, I don't like winstrol at all.
friend is on a Anavar (var) only cycle 60mg 3 weeks then 40mg 3 weeks in going to 8 weeks. imho , you need AT LEAST 60mg+ to really see anything with Anavar (var) unless you are very very low BF%. I know you probably heard this but go straight for the test cycle.

The Anavar (var) will most likely shut you down and imho not worth it at such a low dose. The Anavar (var) is more expensive. i wouldnt bother with the Winstrol (winny) at all. If you are dead set on running just Anavar (var) i would make it a higher dosage or run in with the test. Don't make the same mistake as my friend :D
guy, do the winni first for 6 weeks, then 4 weeks out run some nolva for 3 weeks and then start your anavar and save some nolva for the end of that too... that way you'll loose some water and fat and harden up and then use the anavar to keep most your gains... i'm on Anavar (var) right now and it's tottaly not shutting me down.. i'm running 20ml in the am and then 10ml after 10 hours or so, if i feel really crazy then i'll do 30ml in the am before a workout and fucking loose it in the gym and possibly kill someone, but other then that, 30-40ml of Anavar (var) is a good bridge... winni will shut you down, Anavar (var) prolly won't, so thats why you wanna do the harsher shit first! please correct me if i'm wrong here guys!
Kane, this is my first cycle and I have chosen to go with the Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny) because I don't wanna make crazy gains, I just want the strength and the quality. How does the cycle sound??? Should I increase the Anavar (var) dosage?
Ozzy, sorry if I'm wrong but do you tell everyone below the age of 21 they're too young, in my opinion I'm not too young.
Does anybody here agree with Pushover, cause I think it's great advice?
OK here is the update, I have just ordered another course of Anavar, so thats 100 (10mg) tabs of Anavar and 50 (10mg) tabs of Winny.

So Im going to take 40mg Every day of the Anavar (var), take my PCT then take 20mg Every day of the Winny.

Does this sound better??
Its difficult to give advice on your first cycle when you have choosen to go against all advice and recomendations for first cycles provided in this forum.
I agree with the rest, if you say you have read so much you would probably just run Test E for 10-12 weeks and have a good post cycle therapy (pct) with that. That is hands down youre best alternative and it will give great gains.

I do think you are abit on the young side though and to little serious training to hit the juice. Keep training and eating good for 2 more years and then, if you still want to, juice.
OK here is the update, I have just ordered another course of Anavar, so thats 100 (10mg) tabs of Anavar and 50 (10mg) tabs of Winny.

So Im going to take 40mg Every day of the Anavar (var), take my post cycle therapy (pct) then take 20mg Every day of the Winny.

Does this sound better??

I think the biggest problem is that you are still too young to use steroids. But when you have bought them already...

I have never run Anavar and Winstrol together (and I will hardly do, because I hate Winstrol because of issues with joints and hair), but I think that these steroids could support each other, because Anavar acts via androgen receptors, while Winstrol acts in a non-receptor way.

Basically, I think that the most economical and safe - but at the same time effective - dose would be 20 mg Anavar+30 mg Winstrol/day. Winstrol 30 mg/day produces very solid strength increases in novices weighing even more than 200 lbs (90 kg). And Anavar at this dose was proven to be effective as fat-burner, and could further improve the effect of Winstrol.

I would run it for at least 6 weeks. You don't have to be afraid of any issues with liver or kidneys; this is a very mild dose. But you can't expect big gains in size; only strength and hardness.

If you wanted to increase the dose, you should go up with Anavar, not with Winstrol. There are too many unpleasant side effects tied with this stuff.
OK here is the update, I have just ordered another course of Anavar, so thats 100 (10mg) tabs of Anavar and 50 (10mg) tabs of Winny.

So Im going to take 40mg Every day of the Var, take my post cycle therapy (pct) then take 20mg Every day of the Winny.

Does this sound better??

If you have only 1000 mg of Anavar and 500 mg of Winstrol, that's really a waste of money. I think you could achieve something even with such a small dose, but you will remember this cycle as something that you f*cked up.

As I said, if you can't buy a much bigger amount, then add 1000 mg of Winstrol, and run both steroids for 50 days. Or 25 mg Anavar+30 mg Winstrol for 40 days, if you can split the tabs.
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dude your only 20, but if your gonna do it anyway, then make sure you do it perfect cuz you can keep alot of gains on juice if you do it right... go basic, one injectable and one oral with a pct... i like the sounds of winni and anavar, it's as safe as your gonna get, and your obviosly scared shitless of sides and needles right... well if you wanna be a man, then take that 22 and push it through, kiddo! otherwise, you'll be stuck doing low doses for orals, and your prolly gonna increase the dose anyway and do more harm then if you were to do the same amount with the inject... inject winni, pop the var!
dude your only 20, but if your gonna do it anyway, then make sure you do it perfect cuz you can keep alot of gains on juice if you do it right... go basic, one injectable and one oral with a pct... i like the sounds of winni and anavar, it's as safe as your gonna get, and your obviosly scared shitless of sides and needles right... well if you wanna be a man, then take that 22 and push it through, kiddo! otherwise, you'll be stuck doing low doses for orals, and your prolly gonna increase the dose anyway and do more harm then if you were to do the same amount with the inject... inject winni, pop the var!

It won't help him much anyway. Injectable Winstrol is partly metabolized in the liver as well.
Look I'm not scared of needles, I'm shit scared of sides, you see I had acne when I was younger and I'm shit scared to take injectables or even Dianabol for that matter cause I'm scared I get Acne again. I understand that more than one of you have said I'm too young but I don't think so, I've been training fuckin hard for 2 years and I feel it's something I want to do now for increased strenght and some quality gains (which I know Anavar and Winstrol can give me), I was thinking heavy about the Test E but I'm too scared of the sides because I'm almost sure I'll be prone to Acne. So I'm in a predicament and I feel the only gear I can take would be Anavar (I'm even a bit worried for the Winstrol because it can cause Acne)
Well if you are going to completely ignore the quality advice and do a cycle.... the least you could do is follow the standard recommended first cycle that usually gets posted every other day in this forum.