thanks for the reply. i was concerned because that could be someone in your of my family. with so many shady people in the world you just don't show up to someone's door but i definitely will find a way to help in some manner. wish me luck. and again thanks.
last week as i was coming from the market an elderly woman came to her door and frantically said " i really need your help. PLEASE " i was scared to enter her residence but felt the need to assist. her husband. all 5 foot four 350 plus lbs slipped out of his wheelchair and she needed me to pull...
it's never to late bro. even if you travel to him and just have one memorable conversation it could be life changing. at 87 surely he may drop some knowledge on you or offer some wisdom reguarding life experiences etc. embrace at least a visit, conversation. do it for you.
been a little over a year since the wife passed. i want to share my feelings about christmas gift giving. most charities want gifts for kids in new unwrapped boxes etc.
my son is 26 and my grandson who is 3 plays with my sons toys from over 23-24 years ago all in immaculate condition. why won't...
i find it hard to believe no one responded to this thread. myself i grew up with a father. only maybe four out of every twenty of my friends had our fathers i their lives. the ones without a dad and raised by mom or usually grand mom always said it didn't matter. now days when we get together to...
i don't think she had a favorite country even though she traveled a lot but one thing i know. if it wasn't about GOD it wasn't important. lol. which was frushtrationg at times. i did follow the link and will ship the eye wear to the virginia based recycling factory there. thankx a lot guys/gals.
since the wife passed i donated her kick around clothes to shelters etc. her nice clothes. some brand spanking new. i found a consignment shop that was really fair. my wife bought new eye glasses every year. there are over 50 glasses in perfect condidion. my question is. is there somewhere maybe...
sadly my wife passed on the 16th. in addition to her lungs she had cancer around her heart. after tearing up the house i found the insurance policy by luck. to show you how family is. her sisters went to the bank and demanded access to her accounts and said they would not leave with out it. can...
thankx all. well the senior family member on her side of the family arrived out of town and told her she was a spoiled brat and always was as a little girl. hey. no one talks to my wife that way! i thought. told her we have no money to bury you. my wife said we have insurance and her aunt told...
she is out of breath but has no pain. she can eat and wash her self and help care for foster baby from family member BUT she is very religious and doesn't want treatment. she just wants to go be with her LORD. someone please help me understand what is going on. who doesn't want to live ? i'm...
pull my pants up. bro you are disrespectful and an internet bully and the sissys here gravitate toward you. almost 5000 post in a few years tells me you have too much time on your hands. now on a side note i respect you. when you see BS you call it. i could use you on my job and we could go to...
i like to drink a lot every now and then and i love using gear so i won't claim to be mr all american citizen. the same bros who cycle gear hate when an athlete is caught using but we use too yet we consider that cheating. what we stand for is a joke. it's just a game. i bet none of you had your...
this is not about the flag guys it is about social injustice. about what's wrong with our great country. my daughter is half white and sometimes shunned by black / white so called friends and treated differently. that's wrong. yes i have been stopped by police, cuffed, slapped around for no...
when i go to games some fans etc do not stand for the anthem. so what i just want to see the game. the protest is against social injustice oridginally. i served my country from 1975 to 1979 and i love america. i would go fight again even as an old man. god bless america. however my love for my...
i train every body part ED. always have always will. it has me looking defined beyond belief. not better then anyone else but more sculped. i have a front delt issue but i train it anyway. your arms will look better.
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