To organdoner , Oh i just read your update. You know any of us that are down to earth type people with hearts to share would not be able to listen to your story , ongoing, and not feel sympathetic to your plight. Sometimes I get anxious that I cannot help some others ,but I have found that again, I just ask for wisdom and strength. The comfort in that is, If you are a believer and you know the Characteristics of God you can rest assured He can and will help in just the mater of your strength and comfort.
Simple Simon

I say. He wants us to have Peace and Joy within, from the beginning so I am just praying for His attention to my lack of strength , and humbly acknowledging I need His added strength to get thru the ordeal.
It's tough many of the time. I also have seen no believers just take up some form of prayer to whomever their God and It is form of basic meditation. Prayer then becomes a lil time of Peace.
At this point if you can handle it financial then I would suggest you be pro-active doing what will first help others and that will offer you Peace forever by what you try to do. I know and many can attest if we hold back, .... then sometimes we suffer remorse forever. Simply we gotta do the right thing and lean on the second Command. "Love thy neighbor as thyself !
OK I'll stop and I hope I have not offended anyone by going of with this topic I brought up with OP. I also hope you organdoner are able to find peace as time unfolds.
Hang in , be strong but gentle doing the next right thing buddy,
Oh listen guy I believe that all our members here will say a prayer no matter what God they follow.