Recent content by sodium

  1. S

    digestive health

    I think I get a lot of fiber through my diet but it is hard to tell. I am going try drinking some Metamucil although its going make me feel like an old bastard. I tried some acidophilus but it didn't do much although I think I am more regular now. I don't think I have low test as I am in...
  2. S

    digestive health

    Hello, I am having some digestive problems most likely caused by my diet. I get bloating and severe gas every evening. I have tried some digestive enzymes with little effect. What have other people tried to solve this issue?
  3. S

    ala + alcar

    i remember when i was taking these supplements that my skin was dry and I had no acne. Is this possible from ala or alcar and which one was causing it?
  4. S

    it is unless in a forum for it

    may1010 forever & stringbeans erotic novels
  5. S

    Kane outside till is completly cured.

    anyone have any good advise on helping healing go along? getting massages ice etc? what seems to work best?
  6. S

    Deadlift form questions

    is it bad to stop and go w/ deadlift's? takes me a little time messing w/ feet between each rep
  7. S

    Affliction 2: January 24, 2009

    yo why are tickets 50$ for bleader seats its actually like 65 or 70 lol with all the fees they addon? i rly wanna go but two tickets is like 130 for crappiest seats that does not seem right for affliction....
  8. S

    beef jerky?

  9. S

    beef jerky?

    Is it bad for you? Whats the healthiest brand you can get other then making it yourself?
  10. S

    Carrot top on gear?

    SOO many actors/actresses/entertainment personalities use some form of hormone. Sean Penn is another one that comes to mind. I saw him on a TV show semi recently (~1-2 years ago) and he had put on considerable size (and ant his age fucking please). I mean i wouldnt be surprised if 40 percent of...
  11. S

    1st cycle....need advise.

    arimidex will effect weight gain. If your bro isnt taking arimidex he is going to retain more water thus putting on more weight. Ne specific reason for the arimidex?
  12. S


    Without nolva post cycle therapy (pct), dont emotions tend to get in the way?
  13. S

    Realtionship between good response vs sides

    ah interesting. I guess time will tell; for me neways.
  14. S

    shoot into vein

    By aspirate do you mean take a big ass breathe?
  15. S

    Realtionship between good response vs sides

    quick questions, is there a direct relationship between positive and negative effects of steroids? meaning, if someone is a good responder to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) do they have a greater chance of more/severe sides? I kno there are a lot of variables that can effect how people...