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I just finished a 20 week cycle of test e, primo, and d-bol. I am looking for some post cycle therapy (pct) dosage advice.

I have:

10 2.5mg tabs of femara(for gyno?)
50 10 mg tabs of nolvadex
20000 ius of hcg

How and when should I dose them?
Does femara help get rid of puffy nips?
Femara (letro) is no good for post cycle therapy (pct), too harsh on estro levels. Yes, it's fine if you get gyno or a bad flare up but Aromasin or AIFM is a much better Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for routine use.\
Your going to want to use your HCG during cycle or towards the end.
I'd use Nolva 40/day week 1-2, 20/day week 3-4
never use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) durng post cycle therapy (pct), it will further destroy your hormonal balance and prevent recovery.. its deeply explained in some sticky in the classics section somewhere.

i suggest the following basic pct

1500iu of HCG every 3-4days, 3 times total
nolva 20mg/day during 3 weeks

im about to do the same cycle when i fully recover of the last one, what were the dosage of the test and the primo?
never use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) durng post cycle therapy (pct), it will further destroy your hormonal balance and prevent recovery.. its deeply explained in some sticky in the classics section somewhere.

i suggest the following basic pct

1500iu of HCG every 3-4days, 3 times total
nolva 20mg/day during 3 weeks

It's fine to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Aromasin/AIFM during post cycle therapy (pct), and you Nolva protocol is very weak.
I was thinking about:
5000 iu hcg on first day, taking it down 1000iu every 4th day totaling 15000iu
2.5 letro for first 10 days
40mg nolva next 2 weeks
20mg nolva next week or 2
I need a heavy dose because I have been running anabolics for over a year(with minimal breaks) with little to no test. My libido is shot, so i would imagine my natural test production is also.
It's fine to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Aromasin/AIFM during post cycle therapy (pct), and you Nolva protocol is very weak.


I like Arimidex during the cycle (in fact, consider use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while taking aromatisables a necessity) but it ABSOLUTELY should not be used post cycle (even though it has been shown to increase LH production) because the risk of driving estrogen too low, and therefore further damaging an already compromised Lipid Profile, is too great (this also drives libido back into the ground—and we don’t want that, do we?).

StoneColdNTO, what do u think of this? Its from SWALE, in the classics of this forum
should i use the letro during the last 10 days before my first shot of hcg to help with gyno and run the proviron i'm currently using with the nolva during pct
Old and outdated.

talk about the pot calling the kettle black .lol

im a believer that clomid is superior to nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) and i also believe that hcg DURING post cycle therapy (pct) isnt a good idea . i think hcg should be used during cycle to PREVENT shrinkage instead of post cycle to counteract it . if he can get clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) i would do 25 days of nolvadex at 2 pills a day and 300-500 iu of hcg every 4 days . stop hcg then run standard clomid post cycle therapy (pct) at
300 mg day 1
100 mg for 10 days
50 mg for 10 days
im not sure about the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct) so i will bow out of that argument lol
should i use the letro during the last 10 days before my first shot of hcg to help with gyno and run the proviron i'm currently using with the nolva during pct

Why would you use Letro for gyno, I thought you said you didn't use testosterone. If you're using it because you think you may get gyno from the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), then "no", it's still to strong an AI.

As far as proviron with Nolva, didn't I already tell you to use Clomid. Obviously you know more that me being on cycle for a year long without testosterone, so have it your way. Please let us know how many months it takes you to recover......
I used test for my last cycle for 20 weeks and got a little gyno. I heard a high dose of letro can help. I was stupid for running cycles without test before that. You don't need to point that out. I am wondering if a higher dose of hcg will better help me recover. And unfortunately I dont have a clomid store in my neighborhood.
Without nolva post cycle therapy (pct), dont emotions tend to get in the way?

your hormone balance going nuts causes the emotion problems not clomid imo. clomid may cause a quicker recovery during post cycle therapy (pct) which will cause the hormone rollercoaster ride but ill take the emotions along with the quicker recovery every time.
Old and outdated.

Okay assuming its not bad to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct) as SWALE stated, why would it be good ?

From my newbie point of view, post cycle therapy (pct) is started when test levels are below normal, so why would one use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when there is no excess testosterone floating around waiting to be aromatized ?