10 week cycle update. Pics !


New member

Height : 5'6
Starting weight : 205lbs
Current : 207lbs
Starting bench press: 115lbs x5
Current : 230lbs x 6
Starting barbell row : 95lbs x 5
Current : 220x5

I didn't feel the test kick in until week 8 , I'm going to extend my cycle for another 8 weeks @ 750 a week and eat a lot more protein.
Have you been doing the 750mg the whole time?

nah 250mg 1st 3 weeks , 500 the next 7 , starting 750 this week and focus on bulking( I know I'm fat) . Feel like test e is a waste for the 1st 8 weeks , I didn't gain any faster than I would naturally . Test ace for blasting next cycle.
Slow down man...Test is not a waste for the first 8 weeks. If you had done some research you would have known it takes a bout 5-6 weeks for test to kick in but that is why as I said before that we suggest a beginning of 500 mgs for 12 weeks.
What you didn't realize was you started out too low to begin with. Where the fuck did you ever get that idea. I can only suppose that you were gonna test out the waters to see how if was going to effect you.

IN hindsight even though you are faring out ok with your BF lose ( fat belly) you have approached the cycle all wrong. The 750 mg dose is overboard and if you had read and followed our protocol from day one you may have done even better. The extra 250 mgs over the 500mgs was just pissing in the north wind.

If your diet was right FIRST then you wouldn't need all the gear. You even said it you didn't gain any faster then natural. AS far as what you need to do what you lift means nothing and has no bearing. IF you were to be lifting steady with out steroids you would have reached that point anyway. The truth is making such fast gains at you level can hurt you in the long run be it your tendons, ligaments and joints are not / were not ready. As many do , you will see and feel tis down the road.

By the way giving us your lifting stats doesn't mean anything to us but what we need is your stats so we can help guide you further.
and some history,, IE: have you been lifting before this, how long. If no then you could have made those gains naturally because at some point in beginning lifting Mass moves mass so to a point fat people can move a lot of weight...more so the same.

I applauded you for you trimming down however you have failed as per you didn't need to do AAS to do what you have done...

I tell you like it is... and suggest you regroup , slow down with all these mgs and changing or esters. You do not have a clue as to what you are doing and you will soon back into filling up with water and some unwanted side effects.

Please back up , slow down do not add anything, cut back to 500mgs and start catching up on your research. Read al the sticky threads. Find out about using an AI, what it is and why to use it especially with high dose Test. God if you are prone Gyno might set in and the water gain.. not everyone has those problems but there is preventative medicine you take before you run into trouble. Same if it all begins without the preventive AI

Believe it or not I / we at O'logy have your best interest in mind and want to help you use AAS the safest way possible and not to continue this reckless behavior.

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You know I love these blood level charts. I put in what I think you are taking - 250 mg for 1st 3 weeks, then 500 mg for next 7 weeks, then 750mg then on. The chart runs out at 15 weeks, but you get the idea. I assumed 2x per week dosing, and 10 day half life for enanthate.

View attachment 566851

Notice a couple of things - the curve is always rising, due to use of a long ester and your pyramiding of the doses. You said you didn't feel anything until week 8, and this might shed some light on why that is. Week 8 you hit about 65mg on the Y axis, so now you know what it takes to feel an effect. Then week 10 you ramped up again, and you can see you will keep on rising until the end at week 18-ish.

The problem with this approach is the amount of wasted time before week 8, and the ever increasing dose will make estrogen control very difficult. If you know an AI dose that works at a given level (which I'm not sure you do) you will have to step it up to match the increasing levels of test over time. Also, you can't see on this chart but bleeding down to PCT levels from 750 test E will take a while, you need to time it right before taking PCT drugs.

With your body fat estrogen control is a major issue, so don't underestimate it.

You should listen to Mike about taking 500 mg/wk from the start and sticking with it. Much more predictable, easy to control, and will give you valuable info for your next cycle. This one you are on right now you will never reach a steady state, so will never be able to get good info from blood work on how to manage E2.

Another thing you could think about is front loading. This curve uses 750mg for shot 1, 500 mg for #2, and carries on with 250 for all the rest, ending at 12 weeks.

View attachment 566852

You get up to effective dose in week #2 and have that whole time in steady state to figure out your AI dosing. Notice after stopping it takes 3 weeks to bleed down to PCT levels - this from 500 mg/wk. So you can see it would be something like 4 weeks from 750 mg/wk.

Some folks don't like or believe in front loading, so do your own research. Good luck.
My natty test is 232 so I'm never coming off just c***sing. Everyone keep saying high body-fat is a estro control issue , I have no sides off high or low estro , I have adex and nolva on hand. I was taking 2mg on adexa week and felt like I tanked my estro and haven't been on since. Ive had better results in the past from ts-400 blend(00 a week)( i guess cause of the faster acting esters)

Now that I have built up some decent strength , I'm going to focus the rest of my cycle adding mass , and most likely bride into 150 test e and 350 tren a week to recomp. Cheers!
Yeah, 2mg/wk of adex for the early part of that curve would have been way too much. In the later part you may want to start taking some again.