100 ml of ****** cyp and quad pain 5 days later


New member
well like the sub line states. everything was ultra cleaned. lotta pain in guad just below inj site.
previously I used this same stuff in glute and also was sore for close to 5 days but this pain is not lessening. should I go to the doc or wait a while ?
First cycle? I won't use gear that gives me pip. Glood suppliers have stuff that won't do that unless it's your first time pinning.
100ml?? You have the world record of most gear pinned in 1 day

OP what you meant was 100mgs .

I tell you I wouldn't still use some gear that hurt tat much. Wrong move on your part doing Sust for1st cycle and having some , no so good gear. :dunno: But live n learn.

Now if it is not infected then there is NOTHING a doctor can do. Just make sure it isn't infected and it will calm down. Try your glutes. You can do the maximus or the safer and better ventrogluteal.