Irentat's Joint Repair and Rebuilding Cycle

Similar story

hello, i saw this post online after searching for the best way to recover from a football injury in october where i tore my acl and meniscus. my research lead me to the thought of using hgh for recovery, and after reading about your usage i decided i should make an account and contact you because i thought you could share some good advice to me. i am 20 years old and have lived a active lifestyle all my life, although my football career ended this past fall i still want my mobility and strength back. so i guess my question to you would be am i a good candidate for using hgh to recover? and where do i start?

ps. i have been doing physical therapy since my surgery but have been very frustrated with the minimal gains. my quad, hamstring and calf muscles atrophied drastically.

any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I've got a similar, but much less severe story as broncbuster. I'm a soccer player with what we think is an eversion ankle sprain. I've had it for four months now and the damn thing won't heal. I don't know diddly about HGH or peptides, so if Irentat or anyone else can give me a dumbed-down blow-by-blow on where to buy and what to do, I'd be forever grateful.

Thanks in advance.