You could contact a local TV host or radio station, they usually happen to know people with bigger connections. The internet is also a good place to look for. Famous people on youtube perhaps ?
My hip had been worn down, its a genetically over developed head on my femur bone that ended up rubbing on the joint and causing damage. It lost a lot of fluid.
At first it was slight pain during my jogging and later on it became so bad that walking ended up to be a chore.
I had to get a surgery to scrape down the bone a bit, but the damage was already done.
I noticed a small improvment after the surgery and physio, but it was no where near enough to go running and swimming again.
The joint showed quite a bit of damage and I was told several times that I'd have to find other hobbies.
Of course I had all the knowledge about gear and discussed HGH and Deca with 3 specialists. One of them didnt even know what Nandrolone is. The other two had the impression that gear is "bad" and will only make matters worse.
I started a 6 months HGH cycle at only 2.5UI EoD and eventually went up to 4UI, the Deca came in about 6 weeks later which I ran together with some test, both also dosed quite low, 200mg Test Cypt with 100mg Deca, I ran this combo for 12 weeks.
In the end, 6 months and many many many dollars later, I felt like I never had a problem with my hip. I'm afraid I dont have any MRIs to back things up as the doctors didn't support me on any of this.
I just know about 2-3 months into that cycle I felt significant improvments. I would go for jogs for the first time in over 2 years.
Now days I have a quick run 4 times a week and on the other days I go swimming with no pains.
Sometimes I get minor pains on the running days, maybe a 3 on your scale, if it gets real bad it can go up to a 4 but it always resolves itself rather fast.
All in all I went from a situation that I couldn't live with to something I'm absolutley satisfyed with. I might be able to even further improve it, I never really tried, I'm happy with where I'm at now.