Irentat's Joint Repair and Rebuilding Cycle

Damn I hate it when the boys do that! It's not like anyone else notices (not even my wife!) but what a mind fuk to have shrinkage down there....ever thot about trying Yohimba for bridging the gap after PCT?
Can you guys please help...I am a user of roids, and I was thinking of ordering through AXOI labs, I live in N.Y and I dont know what they do if customs seize the pakage, do they just take it or do you get into trouble, Please can anyone help....Thanks[/QUOTE]
Can you guys please help...I am a user of roids, and I was thinking of ordering through AXOI labs, I live in N.Y and I dont know what they do if customs seize the pakage, do they just take it or do you get into trouble, Please can anyone help....Thanks

Thanks to all that read and hopefully got something out this thread.

I was an innocent bystander in a car accident that led to a broken foot and neck. Because of this, I will end this log and start a new one that will reference my fractures and ligament sprain recovery.


5 weeks after starting and 8 weeks after last pin I finally feel like I have my natty test back. Boys are looking good with energy to boot. I will be getting blood work done probably sometime by the end of the month to fully see where I am at.


Ended with my ankles feeling a constant 3.5-4 on the pain scale (3 = No pain walking and no hesitancy. 4 = Perception of pain with every step but does not affect gait. Barely any perceptible hesitancy in my walk). This is a little off the goal of 3 but am EXTREMELY happy with the overall impact my protocol has had on the body.

Here is what I feel happened: Deca took away my pain quickly and started the healing process. From there, the GH helped long term and has kept the pain from returning once I stopped the Deca 2 months ago. Overall, a very good protocol.

The intent is to look at another cycle probably starting in Feb. That cycle will have less test as my base and more Deca. Further, heavier resistance and impact will be incorporated. Before I start, I want to know where I am in my recovery from the bone fractures before I begin a new cycle. GH peptides are still being used however.
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I was an innocent bystander in a car accident that led to a broken foot and neck. Because of this, I will end this log and start a new one that will reference my fractures and ligament sprain recovery.

That's fukked - not your broken neck I hope???

Anyways thanks for the log - great to see the progress you made. Much respect for your courage & determination
This is an amazing and for me also a very aggravating read. I've used HGH and Deca myself to deal with a genetic hip problem. It was severe enough to take me out of BB and sports. However I had to finance and do everything myself.
Talking to doctors about this was like talking to a 5 year old. I can't stand the lack of knowledge these guys have and the bad rep of AAS.

Why does it have to be like this? Cause of the olympics?! Seriously, so many lifes could be improved but no, AAS are soley responsible for domestice voilence, robberies and world war 2....God this pisses me off. Time for a xanax

I think you should be more public about it. If you get all the gear from a doctor, go to a TV station or a news paper. Have them do some good press about it for a change.
So many people suffer from arthristis, brusitis and god-knows-what-itis, all of their conditions could be significantly improved or even resolved. Imagine they all knew....
I think you should be more public about it. If you get all the gear from a doctor, go to a TV station or a news paper. Have them do some good press about it for a change.
So many people suffer from arthristis, brusitis and god-knows-what-itis, all of their conditions could be significantly improved or even resolved. Imagine they all knew....

My sense since I have gone through these couple of years of recovery has been to help others with similar conditions. If I knew someone who could promote my success, I would very much consider it.

I have thought of being more open and publicly helpful but am holding back. To date, my own personal connection with people having joint issues shows they still don't listen when confronted with my own personal accomplishments. Maybe it is my lack of presenting correctly but really I see it more as a general social issue to focus on what "doctor" says.

In my travels I found one nurse practitioner who found my protocol and recovery absolutely amazing and was thoroughly engrossed in what I told her. She was the exception, not the rule.

BTW, what was the end result of your GH, Deca program on the hip?
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You could contact a local TV host or radio station, they usually happen to know people with bigger connections. The internet is also a good place to look for. Famous people on youtube perhaps ?

My hip had been worn down, its a genetically over developed head on my femur bone that ended up rubbing on the joint and causing damage. It lost a lot of fluid.
At first it was slight pain during my jogging and later on it became so bad that walking ended up to be a chore.

I had to get a surgery to scrape down the bone a bit, but the damage was already done.
I noticed a small improvment after the surgery and physio, but it was no where near enough to go running and swimming again.
The joint showed quite a bit of damage and I was told several times that I'd have to find other hobbies.

Of course I had all the knowledge about gear and discussed HGH and Deca with 3 specialists. One of them didnt even know what Nandrolone is. The other two had the impression that gear is "bad" and will only make matters worse.

I started a 6 months HGH cycle at only 2.5UI EoD and eventually went up to 4UI, the Deca came in about 6 weeks later which I ran together with some test, both also dosed quite low, 200mg Test Cypt with 100mg Deca, I ran this combo for 12 weeks.

In the end, 6 months and many many many dollars later, I felt like I never had a problem with my hip. I'm afraid I dont have any MRIs to back things up as the doctors didn't support me on any of this.

I just know about 2-3 months into that cycle I felt significant improvments. I would go for jogs for the first time in over 2 years.

Now days I have a quick run 4 times a week and on the other days I go swimming with no pains.

Sometimes I get minor pains on the running days, maybe a 3 on your scale, if it gets real bad it can go up to a 4 but it always resolves itself rather fast.

All in all I went from a situation that I couldn't live with to something I'm absolutley satisfyed with. I might be able to even further improve it, I never really tried, I'm happy with where I'm at now.
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I first want to say that I hope you are doing well. I have read all of your thread and was going to start your modality on my knee joint.
I have had a bad knee for several years bone on bone based on x-rays and mri but refuse to go the route of surgery. Had mirofracture done years ago and will not let that happen again. Based on your pain chart I am currently about a 8; pain when I walk and have a limp.
Even though you started with test/deca/hgh, you felt that you test sus. gave you the best results. My question is when injecting your ankles with test was there any shut down to you system while doing this? Based on the study you posted why not go with the test e. or test cyp. ? Where you on a ED, EoD, etc. plus did you stay at 60mg. per inject?
Hope you will be able to return to the forum soon and best of luck. GIVE US AN UPDATE ON YOUR HEALTH.

I guess and update is appropriate.

Been through 3 cycles of Deca and have inconsistently injected Test Suspension into joints and knees for coming on the last 2 years.

Bottom line is everything keeps improving. I am now to the point where I can run long distances and even sprint with no pain. The only thing I cannot do is very high impact sports for long periods.

Currently I am trying a regiment of TB-500, Thymosin Beta 4, peptides. Inconclusive as of yet but have some hopeful signs even at this early stage.
hey thannks for updating. Man my knees are still sore as hell. im doing 2 iu GH and going to give the TB500 a shot.
Hey man,

Read your threads here and the stuff you wrote over at Knee Guru. Am having to get into joint rebuilding heavily myself now due to a laundry list of injuries incurred during the years. Been studying all the various proliferants, growth factors, injection techniques, anatomy, etc, for months now.

Thanks for providing the info you have thus far. Stories by people who, in the end, have had to get their own hands dirty and not just roll over and accept the limitations impossed on them by docters, are few and far between. It's all been helpful to me.

Read your latest update about the TB500. How's that working out for you? I read cycles usually consist of an inital loading period of 2-5mg once a week for six weeks, followed by 2-5mg maintenance once a month. Same thing you're doing, or are you mixing it up a bit?

Anyway yeah, thanks for your threads and posts man, it's been interesting. Hope your success continues!
Hey all another update.

I did my round of TB-500 and have now come off. I did a 6 week loading of about 5 mg each week. after that, I have just stopped mostly to see what the effect would be to come off.

My initial take after about 4 weeks is the TB acted about 50% of the effect I got from my cycles of Deca. However I have stopped taking for probably 6 weeks and I feel even better than before, but then again I am not lifting at this time and that probably helps also.

I would do again but next time I would go with 10 mg per week on the loading phase and then stay on for a number of months after. I would probably do this after my next Deca cycle which I hope I will start in a few months.
hey bubba;
thanks for the update I just started back on GH after 6 mo off. 2 iu a day and adding the tb500 10 iu a week. hope it helps. my knee pain is coming back...
Really nice reading.

It's nice seeing someone using AAS in a non-conventional way. You could be a pioneer for all I know.
2 year update.

Things just get better and better. I have not done joint injections for months now. Not on peptides and finished my TB-500 cycle about 6 weeks ago. On nothing right now.

I am at a consistent pain level 2. This is great! I wanted this pain level eventually and can say I have it. Really, I could say that it is even better. Plan on starting organized sports next year as I am sure I will be fine going forward.

For others out there, I hope what I have conveyed in this protocol helps others achieve more than they could have alone.

Pain Level References
1 = No pain running or walking no matter what the distance and stress levels.
2 = No pain walking. Only pain with running long distances or high impact sports. This is where I am at now.
3 = No pain walking and no hesitancy. Running possible short distances with pain being felt.
4 = Perception of pain with every step but does not affect gait. Barely any perceptible hesitancy in my walk.
Running pain = 6 possible for more than 50 yds.
5 = Walking with slightest limp because of pain. A slight hesitancy in walk. No issues with daily activities.
Running pain =7 but prevalent pain for 50 yds. This is where I started.
6 = Prevalent limp because of pain but daily activities are possible. Hesitancy in how I walk.
Running pain = 8; less than 50 yds with severe pain.
7 = Pain causes change in activities I must accomplish daily (airport walking is much slower, no standing for long periods)
8 = Walking is minimal because of excessive pain. I Cannot walk more than 100 yards before extreme pain. Ex: airport walking is out of the question.
9 = Pain causes me to stop daily activities essential to living (going to store, etc.).
10 = Cannot walk because of pain.
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hello, i saw this post online after searching for the best way to recover from a football injury in october where i tore my acl and meniscus. my research lead me to the thought of using hgh for recovery, and after reading about your usage i decided i should make an account and contact you because i thought you could share some good advice to me. i am 20 years old and have lived a active lifestyle all my life, although my football career ended this past fall i still want my mobility and strength back. so i guess my question to you would be am i a good candidate for using hgh to recover? and where do i start?

ps. i have been doing physical therapy since my surgery but have been very frustrated with the minimal gains. my quad, hamstring and calf muscles atrophied drastically.

any advice would be greatly appreciated!