12-13% looking to cut down to 7-8 %,


New member
sup guys, im currently siting at 200lbs 12-13%, im on test-e 700mg/wk, im looking to cut through Keto on these last 3 weeks of my cycle, so i dont go catabolic.

im doing a strict Keto diet, and i have a very fast metabolism, im keeping carbs under 20g, and my protein at around 250g, fats i have yet to calculate them but they are probably gonna be around 6xtbsp of olive oil....(im not sure about the fats if someone could please help me out)

Im thinking of adding clen when i drop down to <10%, but im not very aware of the dosages.

any other cutting drugs you guys can recommend that would be good please let me know. (i want to avoid T3 for now, ill introduce it after my next cycle)
You didn't mention your calories during your cut - keto won't do anything for fat loss unless your in a deficit.

Don't worry about going catabolic unless your over your genetic limit, burning muscle is alot harder than bros make it out to be :)

On a keto diet you want your fats to be at least 0.3-0.4g/lb, so for you anywhere from 60-80g. This is a minimum and obviously you can go higher if you want to have a smaller deficit.

Good idea on using clen only once you get into the single digits, generally you want to start low (between 10-30mcg) and slowly taper up over 7 days to 100-120mcg.
You want to stay at this dose for 2 weeks on/off cycle unless your planning to supplement with ketotifen, in which case you don't have to take time off it.

The other cutting drug I recommend if you don't plan on using ketotifen would be the classic EC stack; its not quite as effective as clen but you don't need to cycle it so you can stay on it until you reach your target goal.
3 weeks to drop 5% bf? not gonna happen bro.. I mean not effectively gonna work. To drop bf that fast u would be losing lean tissue as well and would probably be starving yourself calorie wise.

Pros take 12-16 weeks to drop that amount of bf% effectively
You are going to need some more time to acheive those goals but if your wanting to add something in to help take a look at Winstrol or even Anavar.
You didn't mention your calories during your cut - keto won't do anything for fat loss unless your in a deficit.

Don't worry about going catabolic unless your over your genetic limit, burning muscle is alot harder than bros make it out to be :)

On a keto diet you want your fats to be at least 0.3-0.4g/lb, so for you anywhere from 60-80g. This is a minimum and obviously you can go higher if you want to have a smaller deficit.

Good idea on using clen only once you get into the single digits, generally you want to start low (between 10-30mcg) and slowly taper up over 7 days to 100-120mcg.
You want to stay at this dose for 2 weeks on/off cycle unless your planning to supplement with ketotifen, in which case you don't have to take time off it.

The other cutting drug I recommend if you don't plan on using ketotifen would be the classic EC stack; its not quite as effective as clen but you don't need to cycle it so you can stay on it until you reach your target goal.
im on keto, is it ok for me to get saturated fats? or should i completely avoid them?
im on keto, is it ok for me to get saturated fats? or should i completely avoid them?

Fat intake doesn't effect you being in keto - carb intake does.

You want to make sure you still get some saturated fats, but obviously the majority of your fats should be coming from EFAs - any oily fish 2/3 x week will do the trick.

Also, remember that being in "keto" isn't important for fat loss, the caloric deficit is :)
Fat intake doesn't effect you being in keto - carb intake does.

You want to make sure you still get some saturated fats, but obviously the majority of your fats should be coming from EFAs - any oily fish 2/3 x week will do the trick.

Also, remember that being in "keto" isn't important for fat loss, the caloric deficit is :)
Calories r mainly made up of protein, carbs, and fats right? Do I'm on 250g of protein and 70g of fat, and 10g of carbs, I would multiply that by how many calories they each have per one unit, right? And I know everyone is extremely against this, and I'm not saying I'm going to do this, I'm just curious about DNP, could this be safely used?
Since you know people will advise you otherwise, I don't understand the point of your question, at all.
Like I said I was curious about it, I can't even get dnp if I wanted to....

U ever been curious about something?

Lols did u just come here to argue with me?
Like I said I was curious about it, I can't even get dnp if I wanted to....

U ever been curious about something?

Lols did u just come here to argue with me?

wooooow slow down killer... snowpatrol does nothing but contribute great information to guys like you who come on here asking if you can drop 5% bf in 3 weeks?

and acting like you know everything while asking questions like this are quite contradicting ...

good luck on your fat loss goals.. id advice talking to 3j about setting up some sort of plan with him
And I know everyone is extremely against this, and I'm not saying I'm going to do this, I'm just curious about DNP, could this be safely used?

This is an anti-dnp board so you wont get any advice whatsoever about it here.

In my experience, your barely aware of what your doing with your diet - so no you shouldnt even think about using DNP because your basically not ready for it (no offense).
My bad guys, I don't want to seem like a dick right now, I'm just roid raging and a lil hungry....I don't intend on doing dnp I know how toxic it is.

Also when I said I am 12-13% I obv exaggerated to be on the safe side, I'm more around 10% and the reason I expect such a dramatic drop is because I have a very fast metabolism, and am an ecto....
wooooow slow down killer... snowpatrol does nothing but contribute great information to guys like you who come on here asking if you can drop 5% bf in 3 weeks?

and acting like you know everything while asking questions like this are quite contradicting ...

good luck on your fat loss goals.. id advice talking to 3j about setting up some sort of plan with him
Also, I may have posted this wrong but i am not looking to drop that much in 3 weeks, I'm going on Keto for 2 months, I just wanted to start now because I don't want to go to catabolic, but as someone mentioned that's unlikely....

As for 3j I don't have the finances to do so currently.
My bad guys, I don't want to seem like a dick right now, I'm just roid raging and a lil hungry....I don't intend on doing dnp I know how toxic it is.

Also when I said I am 12-13% I obv exaggerated to be on the safe side, I'm more around 10% and the reason I expect such a dramatic drop is because I have a very fast metabolism, and am an ecto....

1) hate to bust your bubble but theres no such thing as roid rage, quit giving us a bad name because your in a bad mood...
2) why mention DNP if your not interested in using it, its about the same as saying your going to use tren for your first cycle
3) post some pictures and we can help estimate your bf % i know 3j has a really good eye..

Also, I may have posted this wrong but i am not looking to drop that much in 3 weeks, I'm going on Keto for 2 months, I just wanted to start now because I don't want to go to catabolic, but as someone mentioned that's unlikely....

As for 3j I don't have the finances to do so currently.

3j offers payment plans and is very affordable and able to work with you...

also i'd look into carb cycling instead of keto.... works just as good and its not as hard on your mind and body
1) hate to bust your bubble but theres no such thing as roid rage, quit giving us a bad name because your in a bad mood...
2) why mention DNP if your not interested in using it, its about the same as saying your going to use tren for your first cycle
3) post some pictures and we can help estimate your bf % i know 3j has a really good eye..

3j offers payment plans and is very affordable and able to work with you...

also i'd look into carb cycling instead of keto.... works just as good and its not as hard on your mind and body

Listen buddy, i dont know what your issue is, but ill try to make my self clear once again.

1) i know there is no such thing as roid rage, it was a joke (u know the ones u laugh in? "ahhaha"), i thought i made it clear, i over reacted because i was hungry as fuk.

2) Ill try to explain this in a lil more detail since no one seems to understand, and are obviously blinded by the word DNP. I asked just to ask, a simple question can it be done safely, no where does it say i want to do DNP and can you give me the doses please......If i were going to run DNP i woudnt give two shts about wht u had to say, i dont need permission from anyone, there is plenty of information online, i just wanted to get Rippedzillas opinion because he is very knowledgeable, i am fully aware of DNP's dangers.

Idk wht kind of a person you are, but i tend to ask questions about everything, ive asked about every single recreational drug, just to know wht they do and why people take them, do i do these rec drugs? obv not, does me asking info about them mean i want to try them? obvvvv not, just curious about it and thought i would ask.

3) im not sure if u even read or bother to read wht i had said....i would hit up 3j, if i was in the proper financial situation at the moment, which im not....

4) im not putting up pics on a steroid forum....