-12 Week TEST E Cycle-

End of PCT!

Ran Toremifene for 4 weeks at 60mg p/day and as far as first PCT experiences I'd say this was smooth after hearing horror stories from others.

Started into the real 5x5 and I'm bulking for winter now and will be on Axio prop and npp come the second week of November, I will kickstart that cycle with some geneza t-bol plus I have Test suspension from Sciroxx for workout days. The suspension may not be necessary.

Overall, Test E 12 weeks is the way to go for a first cycle. Everyone tells you so you can see how your body reacts and theyre right!

Final Stats:
Weight: 236lbs (up from 215lbs)

I get blood tests tomorrow.

All my major lifts hit new records and I am still increasing the weight on the 5x5! Only thing is I dont feel or look as wide as I did when I was on, anyone else feel that. Anyway.......on to prop and npp!
That was a good cycle for U imo. Sounds like good solid gains and smooth rolling for the most part. That Npp and Prop cycle is gonna be sweeet, starting mine the 3rd week of Nov. Only oral I'm running is Var. I will run it the whole duration of the cycle at 100mgs/day. If the back pumps get too intense I'm gonna bump it down a bit, but not much. This cycle will be all Axio except for the Var.
Var at 100mg a day bro? Your pumps are going to be insane!! My biceps felt like they would explode on 60mg, I would love to run it in November nut its damn expensive so Im keeping it for next March.
Bloodwork Results

Post PCT

Total Cholesterol 132mg/dl 100-199
Triglycerides 46 0-149
HDL 50 >39
LDL 73 0-99
LDL/HDL Ratio 1.5 0.0-3.6

TSH 4.710 0.450-4.500

Testosterone 500 241-827

Overall not bad. Wonder if taking lipid stabil helped any during the cycle. Will be interesting to compare bloodwork after next cycle.
I know this is really old and most likely inactive, but I found it to be very informative. Perhaps because I will be starting my first test e cycle Saturday (due to a conflict with schedules) and I know it can never hurt to soak in as much information as possible.