
I'm a newb here . . .I just started hitting the gym again for about 3 months, I've been on Gaspari's Superpump, SizeOn, and PlasmaJet. . . .Superpump and SizeOn for all 3 months and PlasmaJet for about 3 weeks. . . so far i've gone from 194lbs down to 171lbs. . .i'm 23 and 5'9". . .I saw some nice gains with the PlasmaJet, but that only lasted for one week, after the first week it wasn't doing anything for me . . .I went to a local vitamin shop that my boy in the gym told me about and told them I needed something to get a little bigger. . .they gave me 13-DMZ by Innovative Laboratories . . .the directions say 1 cap in the morning and 1 cap after my pm workout. . . I haven't taken any of this stuff since my freshman year in college, I was 18 and at the time and I took 1-AD and it worked great for me, but that was that was 5 years ago . . .I don't know if these are similar supplements or not but I just wanted to check if maybe there's anything I should know before I start a cycle of this . . .and will I need a post cycle therapy (pct)? . . .right now I lift 5 days a week and the diet is good, I plan on continuing the SuperPump and SizeOn while on this. . . Thanks

post cycle therapy (pct) is a MUST for any ph that you cycle with, size on is fine to use during the cycle since it will stimulate protein synthesis even further. post cycle therapy (pct) should include HCGenerate because of the specific extract of Fadogia it contains along others. Feel free to pm me.
hey its kinda the same thing as the Dieselbolan-v2.0 im taking.
cept mine comes with 90 caps and is a bit cheaper but yours has a SLIGHTLY higher dose per cap.
and im liking this sofar.
just abotu 2 weeks in (on my 3rd i think) as a kickstart to my trenE, testE cycle.
and its pritty good stuf.
YES PCT is a good idea.
if its onyl a 4-5 weeks cycle Id say NTBM's HCGenerate would be good nuff for pct along with Forged liver support ear the end and during pct.

a couple links incase you want it:
Forged Liver Support

gains will depend on diet , trainning and trainning history.
I personally liek long cycles with an oral for 4-6weeks.
but you may gain 5-6 lb in the end , of muscle if you a biginner-moderat lifter.
for me im happy with 5-6lb in a 12 weeks cycle (NOT COUNTING WATER POUNDS there worthless to me and alot count these)
sounds good, i'd be happy with 5-6lbs of muscle. . .as for the HCGenerate it sounds good, did you post that link so I could see the product as a reference or is that a good site to order from?. . .same goes with the forged liver support. . .Thanks

there a great site to order from!
I use them all the time.
there needtowhey is pritty nice also.
Thanks for all the help guys. . .its been almost 2 weeks on the DMZ and I LOVE IT. . .just a few more questions. . .my sister's wedding is coming up and its going to be 3 nights back to back of nothing but partying. . .this might be a dumb question, but can I drink while i'm on the DMZ??. . .at all??. . .it's ok if I can't. . .it's just that she'll just be wondering why i'm not drinking anything (which is not like me at all). . .and I can't really see myself not drinking anything, especially since it's her wedding. . .also i'm trying to do a cut after this DMZ, my sisters reception will be in Jamaica so i'm trying to get right before then lol. . .anything you guys recommend?? -thanks

. . . by the way i'll be ordering that HCGenerate for my PCT. . .

I would be very cautious while on cycle, if you decide to drink, go with the lighter alcohol content drinks, and limit the amount you consume. Diet must be in line in order to get up.
Help pls...

post cycle therapy (pct) is a MUST for any ph that you cycle with, size on is fine to use during the cycle since it will stimulate protein synthesis even further. post cycle therapy (pct) should include HCGenerate because of the specific extract of Fadogia it contains along others. Feel free to pm me.

how long time after the end of the cycle(DMZ 13) starts post cycle therapy (pct)?

thanks a lot!
what would some of the side effects of a 15 year old who stands 5 9" and weights 120lbs and is very stong (benches 185lbs.) be if he took 13-dmz and a regular pct? stunt of growth? messed up liver?