14 - 4 weeks out comparison - Toolifter


Well-known member
Posting these up of one of our own - Toolifter, he has a show coming up in a month so lets so him some support as these last few weeks are the toughest.

You've done awesome buddy, you've had it easy up till this point so its time to turn up the heat. 1st place all the way.
His legs are crazy!! And he's got an awesome v-taper going on...keep that shit up, fo'sho!! Good job!!!
Wow.. What a difference from the first pic to the third.

Awesome small waist with the wide back, good luck with the show fellow TOOL fan! \m/
looking great. Legs are looking good and tris and forarms are thick.

Dirk; you one hell of a trainer and i like your approach to the offseason eating.
Thanks everybody for the words...really looking forward to the state show. Dirk is by far the best prep guy around in my opinion and is definitely an artist when it comes to comp diets and nutrition...dials me in everytime...

evansss...you are right- my chest has always been my weak point but still making progress on it little by little..

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real good transformation looking good all over l'll say needs to bring traps out abit to match rest of the body? jsut my opinion but overall looks real good :)
Dirk, i have told you this before with your help with me and Madine, but you got it down brother. I know alot of prep guys and your approach is on time for sure.

If I ever get my sorry ass around to competing, you know who I will be calling.:D

Toolifter, great job bro. You're in good hands.
Bro those forearms...

What do you feed into them they are huge, any tips on working them?
DirkMoneyshot said:
Posting these up of one of our own - Toolifter, he has a show coming up in a month so lets so him some support as these last few weeks are the toughest.

You've done awesome buddy, you've had it easy up till this point so its time to turn up the heat. 1st place all the way.

that is exactly what i am saying dirk. you said it right with "turn up the heat" you know what time it is!!!!!! time to push your body beyond its limits. couple of things if u could find some cream to take care of that stretch mark above your left part of your chest you would look supreme. next i would suggest a cream to cover up the tazmanian devil on your back because the judges might find that silly and not take you seriously. good stuff bro and good luck in a few weeks i hope you get first this time buddy!