Onk Spring 2016 Contest Prep

Sorry in advance but I can't resist.

"Hairless, smooth and slippery" brings to mind lots of things, but "weird" was not the first thing that came to mind ;-)

Oh wait, letting imagination wander a bit, NOW I can see weird! Lol

Again, really sorry for the hijack Onk. I now return you to your previously scheduled programming.

am - chest, delts, triceps
3x10/7/6 incline press @ 160kgs
3x10/8/6 dip machine @ 135kgs
3x10 cable crossover

delts have copped a hammering here and I feel quite week, don't do a press and just push on through without that exercise
3x10 side DB raise @ 14kg DBs

3x10 tricep bar ext @ 80kgs
3x10 overhead rope ext

pm - finished work at 830pm and got home at 9pm, not going to do any cardio tonight
Getting weaker has got to be the ultimate mind fuck as you prepare for another show. We train for size and strength only to finish small and weak. Just a few more days mate....hang tough, you got this!
Getting weaker has got to be the ultimate mind fuck as you prepare for another show. We train for size and strength only to finish small and weak. Just a few more days mate....hang tough, you got this!

I try to give it a positive spin: people see me and how little weight I lift sometimes (i.e. my 14kg lat raises or 20kg DB curl) and they ask me how I lift so little. I don't tell them about how I've lost strength, but tell them I lift as little as possible to be as big as possible and watch their minds explode!

It may not be entirely correct, but it is true, I'd do 20kg deadlifts if SOMEHOW it made me as big as DLing 300kg!

now this was a long day. Got up at 6am for gym session, finished 730, showered and got to work by 8 then finished work at 1015pm. home now and nearly ready for bed (1142pm) to be up at 6am again. What a joy!!!

am - legs
no squats now, don't want to be sore for next week as I get a bit weaker
3x10 single leg press @ 150kg per leg
3x8 standing leg curl @ 50kg per leg
3x10 seated leg ext @ 120kgs both legs
3x20 standing calf ext @ 125kgs
3x8 seated calf ext @ 80kgs

pm....no cardio, but I ate less carbs to make up

now this was a long day. Got up at 6am for gym session, finished 730, showered and got to work by 8 then finished work at 1015pm. home now and nearly ready for bed (1142pm) to be up at 6am again. What a joy!!!

am - legs
no squats now, don't want to be sore for next week as I get a bit weaker
3x10 single leg press @ 150kg per leg
3x8 standing leg curl @ 50kg per leg
3x10 seated leg ext @ 120kgs both legs
3x20 standing calf ext @ 125kgs
3x8 seated calf ext @ 80kgs

pm....no cardio, but I ate less carbs to make up
Best job ever!!!!

up at 6am, tough after 5-6h sleep, during first week of a new job

am - back, rear delts, biceps
3x8 wide lat pull down @ 110kgs
3x10 wide row @ 90kgs
3x7/7/6 close grip pull down @ 100kgs

3x10 underhand rope face pulls
3x10 bent over rear delt flys @ 14kg DBs

3x8 standing BB cheat curl @ 50kgs
3x10 concentration hammer curl @ 18kg each

6x10 hanging leg raise
3x10 oblique crunches
30 mins posing. really pushed myself
I'm 27 and earn double what all my friends bar 1 (a laywer whom owns her own firm). Plus, i love what I do.
Cool man always good to be getting good coin and doing what you love . I cant even get work at the moment fucking china is destroying the metal industry over here
Getting weaker has got to be the ultimate mind fuck as you prepare for another show. We train for size and strength only to finish small and weak. Just a few more days mate....hang tough, you got this!

so true, so so true, thanks for sharing.

up at 6am, tough after 5-6h sleep, during first week of a new job

am - back, rear delts, biceps
3x8 wide lat pull down @ 110kgs
3x10 wide row @ 90kgs
3x7/7/6 close grip pull down @ 100kgs

3x10 underhand rope face pulls
3x10 bent over rear delt flys @ 14kg DBs

3x8 standing BB cheat curl @ 50kgs
3x10 concentration hammer curl @ 18kg each

6x10 hanging leg raise
3x10 oblique crunches
30 mins posing. really pushed myself

nice, thanks for sharing.
Hows the liver going to react to this?
Vodka or trest ?
I dont drink but trest especially the orals are pretty hard on the liver by the end of the oral trest i had i had a bit of a yellow ish blackish tinge under my eyes but i dont do well with orals my liver and kidneys hurt just looking at them . But 12 months of being on pain killer's was the reason for that plus when i was a teenager i used to drink heavily so that hasnt helped
Vodka or trest ?
I dont drink but trest especially the orals are pretty hard on the liver by the end of the oral trest i had i had a bit of a yellow ish blackish tinge under my eyes but i dont do well with orals my liver and kidneys hurt just looking at them . But 12 months of being on pain killer's was the reason for that plus when i was a teenager i used to drink heavily so that hasnt helped

vodka. ive seen more and more saying to use it to shred up.
Ahh the vodka was carvellis idea lol i dont know i dont really comment on cuts as i have never done one but i cant imagine that it would be very good while on cycle
I recall seeing that too. Nowadays its best to be sure whats being suggested as many new time members take it all at face value and jump in without knowing the whole story.
I have used Vodka for a pre-show diuretic when I had over carb-ed. It did help. It was hot out and I ran and then drank two drinks of double Vodka then rode around in a car with the heat full blast ...LOL it worked as we saw the next morning during a posing practice before show time. :insane:
I have used Vodka for a pre-show diuretic when I had over carb-ed. It did help. It was hot out and I ran and then drank two drinks of double Vodka then rode around in a car with the heat full blast ...LOL it worked as we saw the next morning during a posing practice before show time. :insane:

lol, your a piece of work uncle Mike thanks for sharing.
I knew a girl that did a bunch of shows over the course of 10 years. She would use vodca to bring out vascularity the day of the show. Didn't think of it as a diuretic but it would make sense as alcohol will use water to metabolize it. That s why hangovers are synonymous with cotton mouth