s-s-s-s-s-howwwwwwwww dayyyyyyy
all in all I did 10x better than 2 weeks ago and feel a lot better coming out of it. I may have been slightly less lean (gf thinks I was leaner) or the same, but I did pose better and felt better all round.
Main things I fixed compared to last time:
water - drank more (600ml per 24 hours vs 250ml)
electrolyte - sipped gatorade when back stage when pumping up to go on for mandatory posing
salt - had salt and vinegar chips , about 2 handfuls, when back stage
food - at 1pm noticed I'd gone flat, stopped eating, was back to normal by the time I went on
break down:
7am wake up and have breakfast
8am have meal 2, peed a good 2-3x already
9am meant to leave now, gf is late
1015am NOW WE LEAVE, not sure how she was so late
1045 arrive and sign in
11am sitting around waiting for the start
1130 in typical IFBB fashion, 30 mins b4 show start, they finally get attendants on the front doors, kick every spectator out and then start selling tickets. There is no order in line or organisation so ppl that bought them online don't know where to collect or are the back of the line and have to wait for those to pay cash/card at the door
1230 start, 30 mins late. shitload of juniors and novies, taking ages
2pm juniors just finishing, now about 1h late. notice I start looking flat b4 i go to eat again at 2pm....so miss the meal until I look sharp again
3pm met some new friends and explained how BBing works. Ends up the chick (single) works close to me so we exchange numbers to hang out again later
4pm classic goes on. They aren't the best and in hindsight...I prob would have come top 3 or top 5 at the worst. Top 2 were great, but then it drops off. ah well
5pm weighted section starts. under 60, 65, 70 etc to 100 and I'm at under 95kg
530pm back stage, having some electrolyte, pumping up, having some chips, feeling good
5 mins later, they tell us we're on next. WTF????? how did they stuff this up. most of the guys aren't ready as you usually get 10-20 mins notice
545 we were rushed behind the curtain and lined up...to not go on for 10 mins. So we couldn't eat or drink, and had to do wall pushups and just tense to keep or get pumped
6pm mandatories all complete. I was next to the guy who won Overalls and got his Pro card**. He was a beast.
** will expand: there was about 12 of us split into 2 lines, I made the final 5 call out but not final 3 (see below). These guys at top 3 were amazing, I had 1st and 2nd either side of me. SHorter by a good 10-15cm but built like brick trucks and very lean. They were all really nice as well. I made a lot of friends. What was nice, was they weren't stupidly competitive. Backstage we were helping each other out, holding towels/ropes for resistance as others rowed or curled to pump up. On stage when my line rotate to the back, #1 was completed out of breath so I encouraged him and he caught his breathing by moving on an angle behind the line infront, so he could relax slightly. I sometimes have good advice

. There was more grunting and hissing then usual as we posed, but it added to the ambiance as the crowd got into it and realised the level of exertion we were going through. That helped us really hit the poses and smash each other more. The judges were having a hard time deciding final 5 so I called to the DJ for more music and we had an impromptu pose down which got the crowd going some more. Lots of fun, lots of good pictures of most muscular challenges and what not.
630pm because they're doing all the age groups in a row THEN award, there's 45 guys before me doing 1 min posing routines
715pm FINALLY I'm ready to do my routine. It went well though they cut me off at 55 seconds. As i choreographed it, I knew my seconds down pat and had 1 more pose to go......
745 everyone finished posing routines now so theyre calling results. As we're 2nd last it was a long wait...
8pm done, didn't place top 3. will find out how I went later
845pm home
9pm pad thai eaten...that ended up being my dinner of choice. DIdn't want pizza or burgers or steak. Good old local chicken pad thai. mmmmmhmmm
930pm here we are writing this. just had another gatorade, 2 anti-inflammatory tablets, 1 banana and a small danish for dessert my gf's mum baked me
time to do a lot of washing and hit the hay
I'll try to write one more post with pictures before closing off this log