19yo Needs Help Regarding DB Cycle, srs answers pls

I know I'm a noob on the forum but I've been lurking for about 19 months or so. I see these kids wanting to start AAS, hopping on here expecting to have things spoon-fed to them and trying to avoid well-meaning and serious advice by using the disclaimer "I know I'm young and I'm aware of the risks." If you need to put THAT out there, why would this seem like a good idea. Also, if you were aware of the risks, you wouldn't be asking about an oral-only cycle.
Sorry if it seems like I have nothing positive to add to the discussion but part of me wonders why anyone of seniority on this site feels responsible or obligated to dissuade kids that are looking into AAS. Other than the fact that there is a wealth of knowledge already posted to this site and easily accessible, I feel you guys' responsibility ends there.
Again, sorry for hijacking.
Every kid I can keep from doing AAS and giving my drug of choice a further bad name helps me and my community. I'd venture to say that the vast majority of negative stigmas associated with AAS comes from uneducated users or folks observing kids that have no business using the drugs. The better educated they are, the stronger and more educated my community becomes. Will these small steps benefit mankind as a whole? Probably not, but I at least am building up some serious positive karma. ;)
Every kid I can keep from doing AAS and giving my drug of choice a further bad name helps me and my community. I'd venture to say that the vast majority of negative stigmas associated with AAS comes from uneducated users or folks observing kids that have no business using the drugs. The better educated they are, the stronger and more educated my community becomes. Will these small steps benefit mankind as a whole? Probably not, but I at least am building up some serious positive karma. ;)

I digress. Well put, man.
Everyone has already hammered the points home

1) Nutrition

2) having 'knowledge' doesn't translate to experience - regarding training or nutrition or AAS

Get your nutrition in check and get a real training routine with enough rest time and a focus on compound movements.

Even if you disregarded all the advice everyone is giving you - you would lose all your gains as soon as you come off dbol.
..except for dem titties. they'd be there to stay.

Last point
Supplements are just that - SUPPLEMENTS - they aren't a replacement for whole foods and a varied diet.
Don't blame lack of progress on the fact you don't have a particular supplement or you're not on anything.