1st cycle for getting shredded


New member
Hey all, This is my first time posting . Im 25 and have been training with weights since 13 and
bodybuilding on and off since 21 because of an underlying rotator injury.Ive always done it naturally and am 5'8 224lbs and around
15-18% bf after a 12 week mass cycle. Ive decided to use gear for my next cutting cycle as I usually drop to 10%bf and plateau(physically+mentally) .
My aim is to get shredded down to 5% or lower. Any CONSTRUCTIVE advice would be appreciated. Heres what ive got planned;

week 1-6= natural mod carb dieting phase just to get into the groove. Start with 3 cardio sessions and work up to 9 cardio sessions (4 mornings)and use Hiit post workout.
week 4-6= 100mg test prop eod, 100mg masteron eod,both on sundays= 400mg each/wk
week 6-12= same test+mast, T3 25,50,75,75,75,75, clen 100mcg (with benadryl). Drop carbs down to 50g,prot up around 350g and fat 100-150g
week 12-14= same test+mast, Maybe t4,tyrosine,iodine supps depending on energy drop.
week 14-16= 20mg nolvadex

Supps=20-40g leucine+glutamine, 6g Carnitine, 10g Creatine, 140g/4servings whey/casein,6g beta alanine,6g taurine (daily)

Few questions;
1. Is test prop/mast a good base for cutting and is 400mg/week correct dose?
2. Is 2 week pct on nolvadex enough?
3. Would it be better to run Test from the very start so that i keep more muscle when im cutting on t3/clen?

I know its not healthy to get down to 5% bf but its what i want, Ive always thought (and been told) i had potential as a bodybuilder
and I think the results of this course will give me the confidence to get on stage.
If this is your first cycle then stick with just test. Go read the beginner cycle stickys. It will explain pct too.
yes my first cycle. So cut the masteron out because it will be unsafe or ineffective because of first cycle? (I aim to get chiseled look and after research masteron is best for muscle hardness apparently). I've read the begginer cycle sticky and now plan to change my pct from 2 weeks immediately after cycle to use nothing at all in week 14(will this not result in huge deppresion?) then clomid 50mg ed+ nolva 40/2wks then nolva 20/2wks. Is this correct as most guys say you dont shutdown much after first cycle? Would i need to use a larger test dose or stick with the 400/wk?

thanks for the reply
just do a test only cycle with a clean diet and you will get the same results.
tbon told you to do test only because that way on your Next cycle you will know how your body responds to test an di fyou add another was such as master on you will know the cause of your side effects isn't test(if you get any) ...
welcome friend,

good advice doolled out to you.

ur stats are impressive..very stout..

It s my understanding that mast is used by advance bbders as it has LIMITED anti estro properties..ie it CAN help offset the water retention...or gyno..to use it instead of an ai is sheer folly though

there are a lot of those myth s in locker rooms..winny will shred me..mast will cut me..

it s all about your natty genetics and your diet, your training and THEN ONLY THEN should aas be factored in.
Ok then so ill change it to just test then (saves money and jabs:)) Initially I was only going to run only Masteron because its the same price as test and had anti estrogen property's. But then after a little research decided to use both to cover all bases. Will 400mg/wk be enough? My diet/training is up to scratch aswell. Will be doing lots of Multisets with reduced rest and work up to 1/2 hour hiit post workout. I can do this naturally without overtraining so may do a bit more on the gear.
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My advice stay natty and cut that way.

I cant get to the bf% i want natural and im at the age now where i can make my own mind up.The only reason i havn't tried it is because them dreams of being a pro rugby player but now with my rotator the way it is and youth no longer on my side i think its time to see what all the fuss is about. IMO its not cheating if your competing against yourself.
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As I get older I find ways to do thngs easier

if my test was dosed at 200 I d do 4 or 600
if it s 250 I d do 500..savvy ?

Also as I am very impatient I tear the tops off my bottles and back load 10 cc s at a time in my syringes and just swap the actual pins..is it sterile ?
I clean the bottles and my hands...so..it is sterile enuff...for me.
I cant get to the bf% i want natural and im at the age now where i can make my own mind up.The only reason i havn't tried it is because them dreams of being a pro rugby player but now with my rotator the way it is and youth no longer on my side i think its time to see what all the fuss is about. IMO its not cheating if your competing against yourself.

Well at first I was all for the test,mast,t3 and Clen.
But since your natty and I know tons of of people who get to 6-8% with diet. So I had to be the first to say do it natty.

You should post a pic.
It makes no sense to spend money on your first cycle to just cut, do it natty then cycle to bulk.

If your plateuing at 10% its probably because of the insane amount of cardio - 9 cardio sessions?! HIIT post workout!?

Too much cardio causes your metabolism to drop & makes you feel like shit on a cut.
The last thing you need when your cutting & need to recover is hiit after a hard workout, its useless for fat loss efficiency.
Keep it at 3-5 low intensity sessions, preferably first thing in the morning.

To make up for the lower cardio, lower the carbs from your diet to increase the deficit.
Relying on your diet rather than cardio is alot easier for fat loss.

Introduce clen once you get to sub 10% if your fatiguing mentally, but avoid t3 since its catabolic for natties.

U do not ever have to justify using aas here mate...unless ur 19 wanting to pin a gram...

A couple things from an old dog if I may...OK ?

Body fat under 5 percent usually involves an ICU and or pushing death...Google Andreas ( love that name) Mueller autopsy...he was perhaps the most ripped guy...ever....seriously.
Ur 25...you got so much time..I m glad your going into this slow and are here to learn as you go..we all need a trough to slop the little bits of stuff we don t or can t get elsewhere.
U do not ever have to justify using aas here mate...unless ur 19 wanting to pin a gram...

A couple things from an old dog if I may...OK ?

Body fat under 5 percent usually involves an ICU and or pushing death..I.Google Andreas ( love that name) Mueller autopsy...he was perhaps the most ripped guy...ever....seriously.
Ur 25...you got so much time..I m glad your going into this slow and are here to learn as you go..we all need a trough to slop the little bits of stuff we don t or can t get elsewhere.

Andreas Munzer** dude was nuts.

Lots off great advice from others here OP. Better off having your first cycle be for a bulk, doing low intensity steady state fasted cardio, reduce carbs (I'm a HUGE believer in carb cycling) and using clen and avoiding t3. Clean is harsh but it's prob the most effective compound for you to use at this point. 5% is something you peak at, 5% isn't realistic to keep all summer long for a beach body (at least in my experience). At 8% with a good tan you'll look great, feel much better and not have to be an absolute slave to your diet and cardio.

After your first cycle, a test/mast cutter would be an acceptable 2nd cycle... I've never aas but that is exactly what I'll be doing
Ok I appreciate the concern guys about staying natural but that part isnt up for debate. Let me expand a bit more on my history- Ive been training as a bodybuilder since i was about 16 and dont like to brag but am the strongest in the gym (220kg squat X2 butt to the floor),I get accused of going on the gear all the time whilst im bulking ( one rat said thers no way i could hold this much muscle/strength without using tren AND deca) so I have no current value of using it for mass at all. Now when I say I am using all this to cut is because I want the Physique that makes chicks say wow not the gym rats and the less time it takes me to get there the better because I hate cutting with a passion. That being said on my extreme cardio/weight/diet regime I use WORKS for ME IVE used it 3 times now after lengthy lay offs and after new years just gone i was 215lbs 20+% bf i dropped that down 196lbs 10% after 4months and gained alot of muscle. I eat 8-9 times a day 30+g protein and know when to eat carbs.

I dont want cause an argument on this forum. I Want advice on Gear Which I have no experience in and the only 2 guys that I know use at my gym are 1 who did a 24 week test only cycle for his first recently with no diet and limited training knowledge gained about 20lbs then lost it all after going str8 on my cutting diet(dropped carbs to 100g but couldnt up prot over 150) after his course. And the other is a bit younger than me and has been on 4 orals and 4 injectables over 6 year period and only used PCT on his last1 because WE told him lol. So I come to you guys.
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5% isn't realistic to keep all summer long for a beach body (at least in my experience). At 8% with a good tan you'll look great, feel much better and not have to be an absolute slave to your diet and cardio.

I know 5% isnt achievable over a long term basis but I want to get it to see what Id be like as a competitive bodybuilder because at the moment im stuck between doing powerlifting or some kind of strongman thing or doing bodybuilding. And for all the meat heads out there saying just get on the tren/deca , I have no value of getting ridiculous freakish big and would rather the 202 lb look as opposed to the 250 alien look lol.
I know 5% isnt achievable over a long term basis but I want to get it to see what Id be like as a competitive bodybuilder because at the moment im stuck between doing powerlifting or some kind of strongman thing or doing bodybuilding. And for all the meat heads out there saying just get on the tren/deca , I have no value of getting ridiculous freakish big and would rather the 202 lb look as opposed to the 250 alien look lol.

The guys above are telling you how it is. Diet and the kind of exercise dictate results more than what kind of gear you're running. As mentioned earlier, test by itself will give you great results without complicating things for you.

You're old enough to make decisions on your own, but the information you've received in this thread has been spot on. I don't necessarily think you need AAS to cut, but that would be hypocritical of me to tell you to abstain when I do not myself.

Just make sure you have an AI and PCT lined up BEFORE you begin. Water bloat defeats the purpose of cutting and while we can all appreciate boobies, they look much better on women. ;)
You're old enough to make decisions on your own, but the information you've received in this thread has been spot on. I don't necessarily think you need AAS to cut, but that would be hypocritical of me to tell you to abstain when I do not myself.

Just make sure you have an AI and PCT lined up BEFORE you begin. Water bloat defeats the purpose of cutting and while we can all appreciate boobies, they look much better on women. ;)

Thats why my first plan was to run masteron with t3/clen to combat metabolism and less chanceof sides from test. But then I read Test would be more effective so I changed to both then got told be better to run just test (Still unsure if this is because of safety and/or Effectiveness). The effects of T3/clen are my main desire from this course and the anti catabolic base is just there so I dont have to go back on a strength cycle to get back to where I am. I think that most people offering me advice on my diet/training have different goals to myself and am only here for advice on how to get shredded which I did make clear in my OP.

Any how here is a typical day dieting with a 10-20 min morn cardio +45-60 minutes weights/20-30 min cardio/hiit evening and little other activity during day;

1. Shake+oats+oil- C/60 P/50 F/15
2.Tuna+light mayo+veg- C/0 P/35 F/5
3.Chicken+veg+oil- C/0 P/35 F/10
4. Whitefish+lightmayo+veg+oil- C/0 P/30 F/10
5 Pre shake -C/0 P/30 F/0
6.Post Shake - C/40 P/50 F/0
7.Mackrel+Light mayo- C/0 P/30 F/20
8.Steak/Eggs +veg+ oil+ shake- C/0 P/50 F/20/30 Overall= C/100 P/310 F/110 = 2500 cal approx
(extra calories in Whey/veg probably 200 but no need to count veg cals and only have whey in morning and around training. Night shake is just Leu+glutamine+taurine)

At end of cut when started plateauing dropped carbs down to 30-50 but had 10g leucine before each meal and gained alot of muscle but was spent mentally after four months. Was only supposed to carb up for 4 weeks but thats turned into 14 now lol. Probably gunna start this after new year because got a lot of good work (6/7 nights a week on the rigs) upcoming and Dont think Ill be able to cut so ill probably follow moderate bodybuilding programme until then. Im not to Tech savvy but I will try post a pic up 4 yall as soon as poss.

Work starts tomoz so if I dont write back for a while Im not ignoring your advice.
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I know 5% isnt achievable over a long term basis but I want to get it to see what Id be like as a competitive bodybuilder because at the moment im stuck between doing powerlifting or some kind of strongman thing or doing bodybuilding. And for all the meat heads out there saying just get on the tren/deca , I have no value of getting ridiculous freakish big and would rather the 202 lb look as opposed to the 250 alien look lol.

I'm right there with you bro, being huge gets you noticed, being ripped gets you laid. People are saying it might be better to cut batty and start with the aas your next bulk leading into next years cut with aas. I'd suggest this year trying clen, it will be very effective for what yours goals are.

Sounds like you have a admirable physique, when your natty getting accused of gear it's a compliment. If you have your mind set, test only is ideal, mast wouldn't be the harshest compound to stack with.