1st cycle help


New member
I'm 48, 5'10", 155, 16%bf. I'm ready to do my first cycle. I want to add lean mass and get my bf down. After doing tons of research, I decided on EpiStrong for my first cycle. Now I'm reading that it's too strong for a first cycle. I've been lifting seriously for 6 years, heavy for the last 3. I got my weight down from 182, which had gone up due to herniated disc and not being able to work out for 10 years. I eat pretty clean 2,000 - 2,500 calories a day and eat every 2 or 3 hours. I've gone through 3 month periods w/ personal trainers during which I increased calories to 4,000. I did gain muscle but also gained some fat. I just feel like I've done all I can on my own.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Come on guys, 17 views and no opinions. I know that quite a few of you guys have a lot of knowledge regarding cycles. I've read most of the threads in this forum. I ordered the Epi stack from Orbit but will not start anything until I'm sure.
Come on guys, 17 views and no opinions. I know that quite a few of you guys have a lot of knowledge regarding cycles. I've read most of the threads in this forum. I ordered the Epi stack from Orbit but will not start anything until I'm sure.

its mild, but works good, some size, some leaning out, best to dose it 40mg at least, 4-5wks
djm - thanks for the advice. i thought a mild one would be best for a 1st run. would you recommend something else?
Epistane is pretty mild when it comes to prohormones in regards to size. You will typically have mild gains with very little if any water retention or estrogen sides. The step below this as far as a little bit weaker is probably Halodrol (Turinabol LV, H-drol, T-bol). It is also methylated and should be dosed around 90mgs at least. I cycled Turinabol LV and gained around 11 lbs and were lean gains.

Stick with Epistrong it is good stuff. This is how you should dose it.

2 weeks prior begin running liver supplements (this is methylated so it can be rather harsh on the liver)

First day - 15mg
Second - Seventh day - 30 mg (split dose)
Week 2-30mg (split dose)
Week 3- 30mg (split dose)
Week 4- 30 mg (split dose)

-Take Liver Supplements throught the cycle and during post cycle. I recommend Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Cycle Support ORANGE flavor. This works good and is the only flavor that does not tasted like crap. It will keep BP, Cholesterol and Liver in check.

-post cycle therapy (pct) - I recommend taking some D-Aspartic Acid the first day of post cycle therapy (pct) and continue for 14 days. You can include any other test booster as well.

You need a SERM (a real one). Torem is considered the best with Tamox(nolva) following a close second although this is subject to debate. Do not chance it witht he OTC protocol that you will find. It will cost more that a legit post cycle therapy (pct) and will not be as effective. If you cannot find a SERM then you are not looking at the banner for this site. (hint hint) - Best of Luck
The first sentence should have read "sides" not "size." I also forgot to include that you need to up your water intake, use joint supplements and take in alot of fish oil (with high DHA EPA) when you take Epistane. It is horrible on the joints because it eliminates most of the estrogen in your system. If you want something milder on the joints go with H-drol, but I would stick with Epistrong.
bomb - thanks so much for your help! It's really appreciated. I should have added more info to my question. I have the following lined up:

2 week preload cycle assist (I also have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support)


Epi 30/30/30/30
cycle assist
multi vitamin
vita c - 500 mg
vita d - 1000mg
zinc - 15 mg
Flax Seed Oil - 1 gram
Omega 3 - 1 gram (of actual EPA & DHA)


cycle assist
Nolva 20/20/10/10 (i'm waiting for it to arrive before i start cycle)

Let me know if you would make any adjustments, and again, THANKS!
Add a joint supplement. Animal Flex is cheap and very effective.

Get rid of the Purus Recycle and PES Erase. Just go Nolva 20/20/10/10 and then do the PES Erase- 0/3/2/1 beginning second week of post cycle therapy (pct). Try and keep post cycle therapy (pct) simple because with all the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in Erase and Recycle and the SERM you will be competing and ulitmately doing more damage. The goal of post cycle therapy (pct) is to get your body back to normal and thus the SERM blocks estrogen as it builds back up in your system. You do not want to eliminated it too much as it is already low and this will only cause rebound after post cycle therapy (pct) if you did all of them. I would even just use Nolva by itself really and return all the other products. just my opinion
bomb - thanks again! The erase and recycle were included in a stack I bought so I can't return them unfortunately. I read alot of people say to use the Nolva only. They've also said you'll know when your body has recovered and if you need to other products. Can you tell how you'll know? Do you just start feeling normal again or what?
Pretty much your test will be low and it will build up so you will start to feel more agressive. For epistane it is a relatively low suppressive PH so it should rebound fine and you will likely not notice much. Just follow post cycle therapy (pct) and you will be recoverd by week 4. You may notice testicle size increasing back to normal if you have any shrinkage but this is unlikely on Epistane. I hope this helps and be sure to up those calories.
use liv-52 for ur liver support since ur older u want to hold on to all the test ull get. Milk thistle has been shown to reduce test levels not sure if its even a big dif i just know that liv-52 works best for me
hey bud - if you are really 15% i would concentrate on diet to get that down before going on a cycle. then i would look into a test cycle, cause at 48 i would bet you have low test (I do at 51) Check out Alex azerian for a diet/training coach - he could def help you get to 10%. if you do go on a test cycle to gain muscle you will love it.

Just my opinion.
hey bud - if you are really 15% i would concentrate on diet to get that down before going on a cycle. then i would look into a test cycle, cause at 48 i would bet you have low test (I do at 51) Check out Alex azerian for a diet/training coach - he could def help you get to 10%. if you do go on a test cycle to gain muscle you will love it.

Just my opinion.

Damn Congrats on being 51 and still with it
Damn Congrats on being 51 and still with it

Thanks man - truely fukkin amazing thing is that you can still make changes to your body at this age - i love it! i just cleaned off my hard drive for a new computer and some of my pics from only 3-4 years ago are amazing - I do look a few years younger, but damn i had no muscle mass or tone! (same weight as now!!!)Wannab - hope you stick with it!
Thanks man - truely fukkin amazing thing is that you can still make changes to your body at this age - i love it! i just cleaned off my hard drive for a new computer and some of my pics from only 3-4 years ago are amazing - I do look a few years younger, but damn i had no muscle mass or tone! (same weight as now!!!)Wannab - hope you stick with it!

U ever try HGH?
Just did a cycle of Epistrong did like 30mg wk1, then 45mg to finish the bottle... I only gained maybe 5-7lbs. Doing clomid for PCT now also continuing the cycle support and tribulus.

Experiences: Most noticeable effect was I felt pump quickly when I worked out, noticed to be more vascular, had slight increase in strength (but sustained injury due to trying too much weight too quickly), recent increase in appetite (post cycle). I have also noticed my urine was slightly darker towards the end of the cycle and currently working on that issue hopefully.

Other supps: cycle support containing milk thistle etc..., hawthorn berry, multi, protein, HG frag, zinc, and several others...