Hey wuzzup yhall i'm new to board.I'm 20 and I did my first cylce about 3 months ago and I did a low dose of Tess 450(super tess.)I weighed about 142 and now I weigh 156.I did alot of shit wrong like not sleeping good,eating enough,and not drinking enough protein shakes.Not to mention I had been working out about a month before I juiced!I started at half a CC and ended up at .7.I started every 5 days taking my dose then half way trew took it every Sunday(due to shortage)I took 10 shots.
This time around I got hooked up with a old buddy who snagged me up some Tess 250 and some D-BOl liquid(he's juiced for 8 cycles and he isnt one to lie to me about what I got).I also got some NO-Explode,Muscle Milk and Whey Protien(3 of each).But I was wondering if it would be wise to take it every 3 days or a CC a week.I was told the D-BOL luquid only lasts 1-2 days(someone clearify that for me plz).Oh also I was wondering how much juice do you have to do to have a enlarged heart.
This time I will be sleeping 9-10 hours of sleep a night,eat atleast 4-6 times a days and I been working out hard(low reps high weight atleast 8 reps)
Forgive me but I am newbie!Let me no someting btw i'm Dustin if you want to c some pics of my results just tell me.
This time around I got hooked up with a old buddy who snagged me up some Tess 250 and some D-BOl liquid(he's juiced for 8 cycles and he isnt one to lie to me about what I got).I also got some NO-Explode,Muscle Milk and Whey Protien(3 of each).But I was wondering if it would be wise to take it every 3 days or a CC a week.I was told the D-BOL luquid only lasts 1-2 days(someone clearify that for me plz).Oh also I was wondering how much juice do you have to do to have a enlarged heart.
This time I will be sleeping 9-10 hours of sleep a night,eat atleast 4-6 times a days and I been working out hard(low reps high weight atleast 8 reps)
Forgive me but I am newbie!Let me no someting btw i'm Dustin if you want to c some pics of my results just tell me.