1st cycle low dose tess 450. 2nd cycle tess 250 dbol luq.


Hey wuzzup yhall i'm new to board.I'm 20 and I did my first cylce about 3 months ago and I did a low dose of Tess 450(super tess.)I weighed about 142 and now I weigh 156.I did alot of shit wrong like not sleeping good,eating enough,and not drinking enough protein shakes.Not to mention I had been working out about a month before I juiced!I started at half a CC and ended up at .7.I started every 5 days taking my dose then half way trew took it every Sunday(due to shortage)I took 10 shots.

This time around I got hooked up with a old buddy who snagged me up some Tess 250 and some D-BOl liquid(he's juiced for 8 cycles and he isnt one to lie to me about what I got).I also got some NO-Explode,Muscle Milk and Whey Protien(3 of each).But I was wondering if it would be wise to take it every 3 days or a CC a week.I was told the D-BOL luquid only lasts 1-2 days(someone clearify that for me plz).Oh also I was wondering how much juice do you have to do to have a enlarged heart.

This time I will be sleeping 9-10 hours of sleep a night,eat atleast 4-6 times a days and I been working out hard(low reps high weight atleast 8 reps)

Forgive me but I am newbie!Let me no someting btw i'm Dustin if you want to c some pics of my results just tell me.
hey bro here somethig i wrote after my experience with test 250

My experience with AS I started out weighting 150lbs 5’9” two cycles later im now 180lbs and I love it My first cycle was 12 weeks test only and I had a few sides nothing major a small bit of acne a little extra hair growth small cold due to my immune system was weaken by AS, really good gains.21 days of post cycle therapy (pct) everything looking good and back to normal.

I waited 14 weeks to do another cycle.Test work really well at 500mg a week
250 Tuesday and 250 Saturday so I went with test stack with Anadrol 50 and the Anadrol rocked I really liked this stuff. After 4 weeks I stopped the Anadrol. And after 8 weeks of my cycle the first side I was I started having shortness of breath and snoring at night I went to the doctor and he said I had chronic asthma im like what the fuck is this quack talking about. He gave me two kinds of medication a few days I was good as new.
2nd side I started noticing some Hair loss which is common. The gains were looking good
I stopped the cycle after 10 weeks. I was getting chin splints while running so I had to loose some weight for the military APFT. Three weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). Everything back to normal.

12 weeks later I start another cycle I have lost 10 lbs and a small amount of gains (normal).
10 weeks into my cycle of test only im 188 lbs loving the gains but the sides start and this time the sides are different
1st acne on my stomach, chest, shoulder blades, lower back. and arms
2nd more Hair loss
3rd extreme hair growth on my back shoulders and my ass
4th shortness of breath and snoring
5th cant sleep
6th limp dick
7th puffy sore nipples pointing downward
8th starting to feel tired most of the day
9th started taking energy pill to pick up the pepp pissed a lot and still had a limp dick
10th I noticed both my knees were popping while doing some dead lifts and after running
MRI showed both knees are damaged and Doc says it “ may have” resulted from the extreame heavy lifting while I was using AS or Test

I know these are normal side effects but I didn’t think I would get all these with my third cycle since cycle 1 and 2 was for the most part normal sides

Im not sure but this is probably gonna be the last cycle for a while at least till November then I will try another method like 8 week cycle or something

But everyone is different and there body reacts different
Ok so shortness of breath is a sideafect.I'm just worried about my heart manily.I've alot of drugs(uppers)but I quit completly been almost a year.ButI think I've kinda messed it up.Plus someone told me a bad story about his cousin who claims "steriods played a part in his death"but the dude still did drugs when he had a enlarged heart so whatever.

I might just take a CC a week Ive got 20 CC's enough for 2 cycles.But i'll keep you guys posted with photos let's see what I can pull(start Sat.)