1st cycle test cyp 400mg


New member
im on week 3 of a 10 weeker. I've been cutting now for a month and will keep going another 2-3 weeks untill test really kicks in. also been on PGH which i like alot.

im 5'6
I went from 185lb-174 so far. Calories have been very clean at 2200.
150g carbs 260g protein 65g fat

I want to put on about 15lb of just lean mass. so ill be uping my cals very gradually throughout the cycle to about 3500 my first jump coming in like 2-3 weeks to like 2700 cals.
Ive also heard its good to vary your calories from bulking to maintence to just below from week to week to eliminate fat gain. I know this will be hard but the less fat the better?

the gear:
test cyp 400mg wk1-10
(fina 40mg ed) most likely I wont but thinking on it.
adex-on hand
nolva - post cycle therapy (pct) and/or gyno
hcg week 5-11 500iu 2-3x/week
pgh week 10-14
clen week 14-16
propecia - been on for a month will use to 1 month after cycle.
your not raising your calories until week 5-6 if i understand what your saying and you want to add 15 pounds of lean mass . thats probably not gonna happen . cutting while on cycle definately helps preserve mass and its possible in the first 3 weeks that you lost 11 pounds you might have added a small amount of muscle but more likely you broke even . waiting till week 5-6 to up your calories only gives you around six weeks to add mass and your still only planning on jumping to 2700 calories .
2700 cals like week 4, im at about 2200cals now. Then go up to whatever i have to in order to gain weight. probaly as high as 3500 i cant see myself needing to eat anymore then this.

if i start uping cals week 4 of 10 you dont think ill have enough time to put on 15lb?

does anyone have suggestions on staying really lean during a bulk(im at 9% now)?
bob123 said:
2700 cals like week 4, im at about 2200cals now. Then go up to whatever i have to in order to gain weight. probaly as high as 3500 i cant see myself needing to eat anymore then this.

if i start uping cals week 4 of 10 you dont think ill have enough time to put on 15lb?

does anyone have suggestions on staying really lean during a bulk(im at 9% now)?
i still think your not being realistic . first your cutting then your bulking then you want to stay lean while you bulk .to bulk excess calories are needed and along with the muscle mass will come some fat .that doesnt mean you have to blow up like the goodyear blimp to bulk it just means when your bulking is not the time to run around with the bcalipers checking your bodyfat .
Well I finally started my bulking(week 4). Im eating about 2800 cals and i will up that very soon I just wanna give my stomach some time to adjust.
But weight is up about 2 lb to 175. I'm not getting any sides yet exept more facial hair, couple pimples. No anger,bloat,gyno,hairloss yet so im pretty happy.
Strength is up alot too, probably from increase in carbs too.

for example:
shoulders DB press 70s-10,7 75-6
THIS week
shoulders DB press 70s-10 75-6 80-6

deads - 225-8,245-8,265-8,295-6,325-4
THIS week
deads - 225-8,245-8,275-8,315-6,365-4

and squats are up 10 lb from last week on last set.

I got chest tommorow cant wait to see what happens.
week 8 400mg test cyp/wk

weight is only up to 184, but I look like i've gained more then that. I havent really gained that much fat if any. I'll post progress pics in a few days.

cals are about 2800-3200 a day.
250-350g carbs 230-270g protein 100g fat
The reason its a diffrent amount of cals is from cardio and wether i have my pw shake. I always gain in bursts even naturally and I never tried stagering my calories like this but its working pretty good.
250-350g carbs 230-270g protein 100g fat

carbs in all meals but last one.

running 25min 2x/week

strength is up a decent amount
was month ago
DB press-70s-10,7 75-6
now 80-10 80-8 85-5

i put on about .5inch to arms and calfs, which was one goal on this cycle.

I dropped the propecia about 3 weeks ago and I havent noticed a difference, also no bloat/gyno. A little acne but 7.5g b5 a day is working well.