1st cycle: Test E 500mg/wk @ 12 wks


New member
Hi everyone!

I'm in my final preparation of starting my 1st cycle after doing my share of reading for about 1yr.

I use the metric system so bear with me please should I screw up the conversions from time to time :)


26yo (almost 27)
5' 11" (182 cm)
193lbs (87 kg); started 162 lbs
~12-14% bf (after a bulk-ish winter)
6yrs of continuous training

Maxes & training:

Press 175lbs
Dead 390lbs
Bench 245lbs
Squat 330lbs

Following Wendler's 5/3/1 for a long time now and switching the assistance templates from time to time. Will follow an adjusted mass template once "on" by gradually building up volume up to the 4th week of the cycle.

Press ss w/ pull-ups x 4 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
Close grip bp 3-5 sets
Skull crushers 3-5 sets
Lateral raises 4-5 sets
Bent over raises 3-5 sets

Deads x 3 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
RDLs x 4-5 sets
Heavy DB rows x 4 sets
Bi curls variation x 3-5 sets
Heavy abs x 4 sets


Bench ss w/ pull-ups x 4 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
Incline DB bp x 5 sets
Push-ups x 4-5
Chest sup. row x 5 sets
Bent over raises x 3-5 sets

Squat x 4 sets (3-4 warmup sets)
Leg press x 5 sets
Leg curl x 5 sets
Shrugs 3-5 sets
Heavy abs x 4 sets

Armwrestling practice

Conditioning (hill sprints)


4 eggs
1 scoop casein

1 scoop whey
1 handfull nuts (cashews, almonds etc.) / 1 tblsp flaxseed oil

lean meat
brown rice/potatoes/whole grain pasta

1 scoop whey
1 handfull nuts (cashews, almonds etc.) / 1 tblsp flaxseed oil

lean meat
brown rice/potatoes/whole grain pasta

19:00-20:00 (during training)
1 scoop whey
1 scoop dextrose

1 scoop whey
1 scoop dextrose

plain yogurt
1 scoop whey

lean meat
brown rice/potatoes/whole grain pasta

= 9 meals

Water: min 1-1.5 gals


Vit C 2g/day
Vit D3 4000-5000 UI/day
Omega 3 10g/day
Enzimes with the PWO meal
Joint powder 1 tblsp/day
Will drop the creatine once "on"


1-12: test E 500mg (250 Mon; 250 Thu)
HCG 500iu ED for 10 days (starting 10 days after last test shot)
Clomid 50/50/50/50 (100 first day)
Nolva 40/40/20/20
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Went to do my bloodwork today and ordered my gear. Test E will be either Galenika or Aburaihan. Prepping to start as of next week.
How about some more stats diet and all that?/
Looks like a great cycle, I am sure you will have good times!

I also do a version of the 5/3/1 and I think you are about to get strong beyond belief man!

Good luck!
Looks like a great cycle!!! Im running the exact same one except 100mg more a week of Test E.

Did you see if the site sponsors ship to your location?? Aromasin isnt toooo expensive, especially if you catch it on sale, I got mine for 50.

Ill be following this, LOG IT UP!!
Updated the cycle in 1st post. Decided to go with a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast instead of cruising at 500 UI/wk since I got it in 5000 UI amps so I don't wanna stay with it mixed for 45 days.
Gear arrived. It's Galenika. Updated the 1st post with diet and some other things that I rushed initially. Will do first pin today.
got any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) already? you may want to have some to prevent any gyno while on test...good luck , i will look at your run!!!
Don't have any Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Decided to use a little Nolva here and there should gyno occur. I know one is a SARM and the other one an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and that there IS a difference between them with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) being the superior choice, however I just couldn't get my hands on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in my country. RUI shipps here but it takes ages for anything accross the pond to reach Eastern E.

In this particular case should I use Clomid instead of Nolva in case gyno pops up? My thoughts were to avoid Clomid even for post cycle therapy (pct) since I'm not very keen with the sides but don't know if used on cycle sparingly is more efficient than Nolva.

Btw, first pin (glute) went smooth yesterday PM. No pain at all, not even like a pinch. Small soreness today AM, noting unbearable.

Began to slowly increase training volume, cals and protein.
Yesterday was pin day again and well it didn't went so smooth this time. Tried the other glute, pinned, aspirated and saw blood. I pull out and here I think I started messing things up. Instead of pinning again right away I started pushing the aspirated air out so now I have blood on the needle. I'm pinning again and I think I forgot to relax because it hurt a little. I'm aspirating again and see blood again. Now at this point I'm not sure whether this blood was "new" or was some of the old one from the needle. ANYWAY, I'm pinning the 3rd time with a bit of a fear so I'm not darting while rather slowly pushing. Again hurts like a bitch. I'm pulling out without aspirating since I thought it will hurt like hell the second day if I continue at that point. Now I'm thinking I'm retarded while looking at the 3 holes and all the blood. Finally I start freaking out since the stabbed glute started hurting and cleaned the other glute, the one that I did on Mon. Eventually I got the shit in there after what seemed like an hour.

Fun things aside, I keep increasing my calls and volume in the gym. Waiting for the kick...
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just relax bro. If its the pain that bothers you like it was for me, i went to the drug store and bought "burn spray" it has novacain in it. I inject tiny amounts of it with an insulin needle into the skin on my glute a minute before i injected. No pain at all.

Doing the left glute with your left hand sucks. But you'll get the hang of it. Dont worry about pushing the blood you aspirated out of the needle... it's your blood just inject in back into you with the test.

Good luck.
Thanks pharaoh. I was concerned about the "air" that got in when aspirating, not for the blood. Just realized that there is no air in the muscles, just the vacuum created.
I would look into an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Especially once u start hcg. Like arimadex .25 eod atleast. Hcg can raise estrogen from 2 different pathways
Did my 3rd shot yesterday PM. Pinned delt with a 23G/1.25" all the way in and went smooth. Manageable soreness today.

Had a light form of test flu over the weekend. Slightly raised body temp that went away the next day. Also noticed a bit of oily skin that came and went away fast.
Day 12

Pinned for the 4th time yesterday and went smooth again. Still no effects, of course, being only 2 wks in. My weight is up a few pounds, water that is.
Day 17

Pinned 5th shot on Mon. Rotating through delts, quads and glutes. Weight is about 200. Took the blood pressure today and it's a bit elevated. Sex drive starting to increase.
Sup bro reading ur log and followin, u should take some fish oil .Lol
U already r. I heard garlic works too.