1st real cycle help


New member
Ok i am lookin for a cycle that will not make me hold alot of water.I am thinking of sus and Winstrol (winny) or maybe a deca and winny.ANd also thinking of sus and eq.What are you guys thoughts and how long and how many mg's a week.Thanks
I am not a big fan of SUS, but I would suggest for a first cycle just regular single ester test like Enanthate along with some EQ. The Enan will be cheaper for you and your results will probably be alot better. The EQ I would highly suggest becaue it is not hard on the body and your gains will be solid, quality mass you will be able to keep on easily.
Enan.@400-500mgs./week & EQ @400mgs./week for 10-12 weeks.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I am not a big fan of SUS, but I would suggest for a first cycle just regular single ester test like Enanthate along with some EQ. The Enan will be cheaper for you and your results will probably be alot better. The EQ I would highly suggest becaue it is not hard on the body and your gains will be solid, quality mass you will be able to keep on easily.
Enan.@400-500mgs./week & EQ @400mgs./week for 10-12 weeks.

Go with Dawgs suggestion is you can. however i do disagree with the Sustanon (sust), Yes it is best used ed or eod but i know people who gained off of just 250-500mg a week, + its cheap, well over here it is.
If you don't want to hold a lot of water don't use deca. You could also run liquidex throughout the cycle to keep you from being bloated.
Systema said:
If you don't want to hold a lot of water don't use deca. You could also run liquidex throughout the cycle to keep you from being bloated.

Indeed. You should be using an anti-e anyway, and that will help keep the water down.
I did sus for my first cycle and it was pretty good but Enanthate is sooo much better. I would do Enanthate @ 500mg/wk for 10 weeks. Good luck bro

BTW run some liquidex if u want, but won't need it but doesn't hurt having it on hand
I think trenbolone is really the best drug for your goals. Having said that, every cycle should include some test. Since you really want to keep water down, keep the estrogen down with arimidex or another anti-e.

Test prop pairs well with trenbolone acetate (fina) since they have a similar half life and can be shot together. To reduce pain you could add some eq to each shot, eq also will work well in your cycle.

How about a daily administration of 50-75 mgs. tren, 50-75 mgs. prop, and 50-75 mgs. eq. for 8-10 weeks, followed by clomid.
im sure you just told that guy to take 3 things for his first cycle. just run test bro with the proper diet and training you could gain 20-30 lbs easily.
How about this :
Tren weeks 1-6 75 mg eod
Eq 400mg weeks 1-10
Winstrol 50mg ed weeks 6-12
test enth 250mg weeks 1-10
test prop week 10-13 @ 50mg ed
.5mg l dex weeks 1-12

That would be a nice cycle for your goals. It looks like a lot of gear but it is all at relativly low doses.
Wartime100 said:
How about this :
Tren weeks 1-6 75 mg eod
Eq 400mg weeks 1-10
Winstrol 50mg ed weeks 6-12
test enth 250mg weeks 1-10
test prop week 10-13 @ 50mg ed
.5mg l dex weeks 1-12

That would be a nice cycle for your goals. It looks like a lot of gear but it is all at relativly low doses.

Hey wartime, it's his FIRST CYCLE I think he needs to become a little bit more experienced and do some more research before he would hit a cycle like that. It may be low dosage but I think for a first cycle someone should keep it very simple. Test & EQ is great for a first cycle because it is not that hard on the body and the gains would be easily kept. Damn bro you have 5 different things listed there. I know I would not have stacked 5 on my first cycle. ;)
02gixxersix said:
im sure you just told that guy to take 3 things for his first cycle. just run test bro with the proper diet and training you could gain 20-30 lbs easily.

I don't really see why you have a problem with 3 vs. 1. Its a good stack for anybody and I think it is particularly appropriate given his goals.

Also, I just have to reject the notion that he is going to gain and keep 20-30 pounds "easily" if at all. It sounds like he wouldn't want to do that anyway.