Once again thank you for all your inputs I have thinking about doing this for quite sometime and im getting my gear tomorrow starting Monday what I am interested in is pct and other therapy supplements I should know about, this is what I dont want to happen; I dont want to get off and my dick to stop working im not trying to take yohimbee every time I go and smash.
This isn't a game man. If you take the plunge, you better know everything about what you're taking, and what to take after you're done.
Secondly, if your dude is an IFBB Pro, why is he telling you to take Test, EQ, and then Sustanol (another Test) for your first cycle.. You'd think this "pro" would know you don't need two forms of test, which Sustanol is actually a blend of esters.. so more like 5 forms of test... ON YOUR FIRST CYCLE!? Have you ever taken any Test? How about EQ? How about a blend of Test Esters? How do you know how your body will react to Test alone if you haven't taken it alone before? And so on, for the other substances. If you'd just read the sticky's you'd definitely have figured this out by now.
In terms of bodyfat, if I just compared your pics to the 100 bodyfat comparison charts out there.. hold on, checking google... 8-10% at the lowest. And that's really being nice.
When you take steroids, there is a chance, and not necessarily a small chance, that you will not have functional testicles EVER again. There's also a pretty high likelihood that they won't recover to 100% when they do actually recover. And guess what, Yohimbe Bark won't save your dick in the bedroom after AAS lays it's sword down. And if you want to be a normal man again, you'll have to be on TRT, (Test Replacement) for the rest of your life, among other substances like HCG and Cialis. Even if you knew what PCT to take, and had it ready in-hand at the end of your cycle like you should, you could still be doomed to TRT forever. It's just part of the game, and I'd imagine it'd be expensive for a 20y.o.
Last point, at 20 years old your body is not fully developed. Your mind is not fully developed. And your hormonal system is not fully developed. AAS will bring all of this development to a screeching halt, with a small chance it will just start right back up when you come off. Think it through.
Stop acting cocky, and open your mind.