20 and I want to juice, test and sustanol

Once again thank you for all your inputs I have thinking about doing this for quite sometime and im getting my gear tomorrow starting Monday what I am interested in is pct and other therapy supplements I should know about, this is what I dont want to happen; I dont want to get off and my dick to stop working im not trying to take yohimbee every time I go and smash.
Once again thank you for all your inputs I have thinking about doing this for quite sometime and im getting my gear tomorrow starting Monday what I am interested in is pct and other therapy supplements I should know about, this is what I dont want to happen; I dont want to get off and my dick to stop working im not trying to take yohimbee every time I go and smash.

This isn't a game man. If you take the plunge, you better know everything about what you're taking, and what to take after you're done.

Secondly, if your dude is an IFBB Pro, why is he telling you to take Test, EQ, and then Sustanol (another Test) for your first cycle.. You'd think this "pro" would know you don't need two forms of test, which Sustanol is actually a blend of esters.. so more like 5 forms of test... ON YOUR FIRST CYCLE!? Have you ever taken any Test? How about EQ? How about a blend of Test Esters? How do you know how your body will react to Test alone if you haven't taken it alone before? And so on, for the other substances. If you'd just read the sticky's you'd definitely have figured this out by now.

In terms of bodyfat, if I just compared your pics to the 100 bodyfat comparison charts out there.. hold on, checking google... 8-10% at the lowest. And that's really being nice.

When you take steroids, there is a chance, and not necessarily a small chance, that you will not have functional testicles EVER again. There's also a pretty high likelihood that they won't recover to 100% when they do actually recover. And guess what, Yohimbe Bark won't save your dick in the bedroom after AAS lays it's sword down. And if you want to be a normal man again, you'll have to be on TRT, (Test Replacement) for the rest of your life, among other substances like HCG and Cialis. Even if you knew what PCT to take, and had it ready in-hand at the end of your cycle like you should, you could still be doomed to TRT forever. It's just part of the game, and I'd imagine it'd be expensive for a 20y.o.

Last point, at 20 years old your body is not fully developed. Your mind is not fully developed. And your hormonal system is not fully developed. AAS will bring all of this development to a screeching halt, with a small chance it will just start right back up when you come off. Think it through.

Stop acting cocky, and open your mind.
Maybe when he jumps in the sack with a chick and his dick won't get hard or goes limp and she laughs uncontrollably at him he might listen! Guess what though its too late. Enjoy what is about to happen to you. You've earned it
Food For thought.

Growing up I was a fat kid. I could walk by a candy bar and gain a pound. By my Senior year in high school I started to shed weight and lean out. From my 18th birthday to 23 I grew another 1 1/2 inches and became able to shed the fat and grow better muscle. 24 years old I looked the best I had ever looked in my life and never even considered AAS.

But what ever
Maybe when he jumps in the sack with a chick and his dick won't get hard or goes limp and she laughs uncontrollably at him he might listen! Guess what though its too late. Enjoy what is about to happen to you. You've earned it

Stop being a pussy plus im hopping on a light cycle compared to 500mg a week like my other buddies and if taken right you with proper pct and what not you shouldn't have limp dick
A light cycle? What does that mean? A cycle is a cycle. Your shut down as soon as you start anything. You don't know what your talking about kid...
Those pic's are not of a 5'11 165 20 year old. I've been at this far too long to be fooled. I looked like a bean pool at 6' 165. I'm calling BS. Ether way you need food. at 165 you haven't learned how to eat to grow. It doesn't matter what you take your only going to gain 5- 10 pounds of water and loose it. You need to wait 4-5 years and put on 45 pound before you think of cycling. But you should know you body is going to do that in the next 4 years naturally. You will get to a point where gaining it easy. IT's 80 % diet. Steroids are not magic. work on your diet spend you money of protein and a good diet program. The truth is your natural testosterone levels are plenty high already.
Stop being a pussy plus im hopping on a light cycle compared to 500mg a week like my other buddies and if taken right you with proper pct and what not you shouldn't have limp dick

Those word alone show how ignorant you are.
Okay so Ive been working out for about 5 years, Im a genetic freak I had a six pack since kindergarten, I have a symmetric physique with a well crafted foundation of muscle, my veins come out like a penis when I work out all over my chest shoulders and arms, Ive left my current gym to join a juice head gym and everyone walks around looking like a refrigerator Ive actually gotten asked if im on gas when Im at my peak muscle pump in the gym, any who I believe like Ive reached my genetic potential and want to excel Im not doing this for shits and giggles I want to compete in mens physique....

Ive done my homework about this stuff Ive talked to my doctor and nutritionist, he obv didnt give me advice on what compounds to mix but im thinking Test and Sustanol

20/ 5'10 - 5'11 / 165 4-5 percent body fat.

Nice dude! SOO your trying to shine for like 2 months and then get fat and bloated and have your genetics play no part in what you look like because you destroyed your natural hormones???? NOT A GOOD IDEA! Trust me man if your dead set on taking something there are many things you can take that will not destroy your hormones and will aid you in getting bigger.
Why did you even ask if you're only going to bash members that give you sound advice. We aren't here just to give you what you want, people are speaking from experience. If you want to wreck your body go for it!
Stop being a pussy plus im hopping on a light cycle compared to 500mg a week like my other buddies and if taken right you with proper pct and what not you shouldn't have limp dick
He's trying to help you. How many people have to tell you your game plan is retarded. You came to an epic site full of tons of good advice and are completely ignoring all of it. Think of your body as an investment. You are not a test subject but hey it's whatever... Not my body.
That shouldnt happen if a cycle is done properly, its never too late well it is I just got my stack lol, not taking eq or sustonal just for now test and i might throw in some tren depending how im feeling.

Maybe when he jumps in the sack with a chick and his dick won't get hard or goes limp and she laughs uncontrollably at him he might listen! Guess what though its too late. Enjoy what is about to happen to you. You've earned it
look the damage is already being done, I have embedded too much thought and time to think about this and Im going to do it, Im taking test 250mg a week not too sure when im going to throw tren in there prob 2-3 weeks depending how my body feels, Im also going to be taking arimidex, pct ofcourse after my 8-12 week cycle any suggestions regaurding this will be more than helpful Im getting advice from my ifbb friend but I want to consult on this to see how these responses correlate.

your body talks to you, listen to it.
Those pic's are not of a 5'11 165 20 year old. I've been at this far too long to be fooled. I looked like a bean pool at 6' 165. I'm calling BS. Ether way you need food. at 165 you haven't learned how to eat to grow. It doesn't matter what you take your only going to gain 5- 10 pounds of water and loose it. You need to wait 4-5 years and put on 45 pound before you think of cycling. But you should know you body is going to do that in the next 4 years naturally. You will get to a point where gaining it easy. IT's 80 % diet. Steroids are not magic. work on your diet spend you money of protein and a good diet program. The truth is your natural testosterone levels are plenty high already.


Well put
look the damage is already being done, I have embedded too much thought and time to think about this and Im going to do it, Im taking test 250mg a week not too sure when im going to throw tren in there prob 2-3 weeks depending how my body feels, Im also going to be taking arimidex, pct ofcourse after my 8-12 week cycle any suggestions regaurding this will be more than helpful Im getting advice from my ifbb friend but I want to consult on this to see how these responses correlate.

your body talks to you, listen to it.

Now instead of EQ you're going to add tren to your first cycle? Comeon....

You truly don't nuderstand simple concepts do you? Of course those things can happen on any "properly" done cycle. Where is your before bloodwork? How are you going to know how you react to 1 drugs sides when you introduced 2? You don't even know how to properly manage your AI dosage yet. Now youre going to add tren, wheres your DA? No caber? Prami?

Seriously, you are 20 years old and dumb as a fucking brick. You are thinking about the here and now, not about what the consequences to your body are. You sound like every other kid these days. Entitled and stupid.
Is your ifbb buddy the selling u your stuff? Would make sense why he got u doing stupid shit. Can't fix stupid...