20 and I want to juice, test and sustanol

look the damage is already being done, I have embedded too much thought and time to think about this and Im going to do it, Im taking test 250mg a week not too sure when im going to throw tren in there prob 2-3 weeks depending how my body feels, Im also going to be taking arimidex, pct ofcourse after my 8-12 week cycle any suggestions regaurding this will be more than helpful Im getting advice from my ifbb friend but I want to consult on this to see how these responses correlate.

your body talks to you, listen to it.

SO your natural test levels are higher that what 250 mg a eek with give you. Plus test is just going to thin you out.

I 've been at this more than Half your live. I when from 200 to 240 in 12 weeks and have never lost it. I 260 now. I've worked with Professional football players. In this world I'm very anonymous but one of the biggest deals in Bodybuilding for the last 15 years. I'm giving you the most professional opinion when I say wait till you stop growing taller. Most women are around 6' these days. I grew an inch between 24-25. If I'd cycled before my wife would be the same height as me and would never have dated me.

Welcome to the site. If you can't gain with out steroids you won't gain with them.
This threads just pissing me off now. Dude wants to piss on the advice given, and on top of it, throw in one of the most side-ridden substances... Just gotta let em burn themselves and hope they learn their lesson I guess.

I'm sure this is normal to the vets here, but I'm still semi-new and this would annoy the fuck out of me after years of it..
look the damage is already being done, I have embedded too much thought and time to think about this and Im going to do it, Im taking test 250mg a week not too sure when im going to throw tren in there prob 2-3 weeks depending how my body feels, Im also going to be taking arimidex, pct ofcourse after my 8-12 week cycle any suggestions regaurding this will be more than helpful Im getting advice from my ifbb friend but I want to consult on this to see how these responses correlate.

Dude! I have serious concerns about someone asking for advice on things that can jack him up, yet he appears to not be capable of even reasonably good grammar and punctuation. This isn't a brief text message, communication needs to be clear! If you are as fastidious with your cycle protocol as you are with your posts you're in for a world of hurt.

And don't think I'm just being a dick. It's probably clear in your head when you're typing it, but to us its a jumble of text that's damn hard to follow. You can do and be better.
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if you know you're gonna do it eventually you might as well do it now. if you look like that natty then damn youre gonna look insane just on some test. and with tren, forget about it