24hrs post QV Enanthate shot and...

The only negative thing about them is they're not scored around the neck.
You definetely need an amp opener for ICN's.
Unless you want to waste a few amps trying to open them.

VitorBelfort said:
Dont anybody have anything negative about ICN?
rj420 said:
Whats strange is I just shot a cc of the enanth with a cc of QV's prop and today it doesn't hurt one bit. I figured I was in for it by adding the prop.lol
I did the samething in my cycle, with no pain.

I did the ICN amp in my delt...NO pian!

It is now 40 hrs post QV shot. 3cc's in my left quad and all soreness is gone! It was nothing to what you guys made me believe. I guess going through a cycle with t-400 makes everything pale in comparison
Canuck4 said:
The only negative thing about them is they're not scored around the neck.
You definetely need an amp opener for ICN's.
Unless you want to waste a few amps trying to open them.

I just use a file on it and then snap it. Works great.
i didnt have a problem with any pain from qv on my last cycle.
but this time is different, i started on monday and my shoulder
hurt pretty bad all the way til thusday. i injected 1 cc of eanthate
and 1 of eq. but the funny thing is the enthanate was a half full bottle i had left that i only took 3 shots out of, and those 3 didnt
hurt a bit.