250mg Test + 250mg Deca VS. 500mg Test


New member

Most people would recommend 500mg of test for a first cycle and most can make great gains for years using just that for each cycle.


If someone was to propose a cycle of 250mg test and 250mg of deca which equals the same overall mg's of anabolic compounds.....(typically) they would be told that the cycle is inferior or too low dosed to make any real gains.

We know deca is slightly more anabolic than test, so would 250mg test and 250mg deca not be superior to just 500mg of test alone?

Hoping someone might have some literature on this or at least an experienced opinion.
That's actually pretty close to my TRT protocol! :D (the test/deca)

Been a long day, so I'll leave the pubmed studies to someone else this time, but I can say from experience that I see less issues with the two smaller compounds such as bp and aromatization. However, for someone just cycling, I don't think it would be worth it as nandrolone is so suppressive and I don't honestly see much in the way of anabolic response on such a low dose.

I totally get what you're saying, and it should be actually equal to around 650mg of test alone if we go by just the anabolic ratings (which are flawed due to how they tested them), but my experience says that the test at 500mg would be more conducive to growth. But we're all different, so maybe I'm in the minority on this one. :)

Great question though. :bigok:
Ok it is my experience that Deca can and does many times cause ED know to the bro-science world of Deca dick. IMOP and experience if you don't keep your Estrogen level in check and usually with BW to really know your estrogen levels you might have problems If not in the correct balance of range will cause prolactin levels to rise...ergo ED and thus called Deca dick. So it becomes a problem of estrogen to start. Too much emphasis on only trying to avoid Gyno and not being more on point with the close to accurate E2 levels.

In short a person new to AAS should keep it simple especially with no experience with the side effects of high and imbalanced E2 should stay away from the confusion of it all. Especially for the inexperienced it's more prudent and makes for a better cycle to do only Test. Also being inexperienced you don't have to try to figure out what compound is the problem of your unwanted sides.

Test for the virgin Endo system , in regard to adding exogenous Test is all that's needed to enhance your test levels and grow substantially, ah given a diet and training appropriate to build muscle.

Simple Simon says why complicate this when a simple Testosterone cycle is all my body needs to enhance the work I do and the fuel I feed it. Why over think this, boost your Testosterone level and work it.

PS: I'm just saying in a more layman's terms what halfwit told you so this should be a no brainer for you.
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I have had the same thoughts so I even went as far as to cruise on 500mg test e vs test 250/deca 250. I found test alone brought more to the table...but that's just me. Otherwise, I get why we only get newbies to inject 500mg of test e/c EW. It's pretty simple. Most test is dosed at 250mg/ml, so that's 1cc Mon and 1cc Thurs. Pretty hard to stuff this up.
I cruise on this exact cycle - and manage to maintain quite easily in between blasts - but I will say I am scrupulous when it comes to diet also.

I don't feel this would be a great cycle for a first timer - for the obvious estrogen related reasons - but as far as cruise doses for 'elderly' TRT patients - I don't think it can be beaten.

I blast and cruise Deca year round - my arthritic joints love it - and I have to raise and lower my AI accordingly.
Cialis helps with any ED matters that 'may' arise - however I add in Prami on blasts.

Before starting with Deca, I'd cruise on just 500mg of Test - and I definitely looked better for it. But for me the joint relief now takes precedent over aesthetics - as I know I can easily catch this back up when I blast.

Great question Joz.
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Thanks for the responses guys. Seems more of one compound is more effective than multiple compounds even if the total mg's are the same. At least according to the experience I've heard thus far. Very interesting. I'd love to see some literature on this if there's any out there.
Was doing this exact cruise as well but I started getting concerned with my blood pressure. My E2 was in check but my hemocrit was getting to high to fast and my blood pressure was around 145-150ish over 85 which I didn't like so I dropped the deca for a while to see if I can level off and if this was causing the problems.
I'm getting so many contradicting responses on other forums. It's 50/50 some claiming better anabolic activity with the 250/250 split and some claiming 500mg of test is better. Guess there's one way to find out.
the only reason id be against it is if something goes wrong you cant be sure what caused it..

id rather run test alone, then add deca second cycle
for me even a low dose of deca makes me rediculously strong and joints feel great. With that added strength and proper nutrition I can lift a lot heavier and therefore increase my size compared to just taking test! But that is just me.
for me even a low dose of deca makes me rediculously strong and joints feel great. With that added strength and proper nutrition I can lift a lot heavier and therefore increase my size compared to just taking test! But that is just me.

Yea some have reported the same....but it's literally 50/50. Some prefer just 500mg test....could have predicted this lol