25mg pink thai d-bol . enough ?


New member
Hey guys, uve ever taken 25mg of this and found any results ? that dose enough ? ive always run it higher . hyping myself up for this cycle with tren and test .. and when do u guys notice it ... first day .. after a few ? ty also would u run them on off days .. im going to take all 25mg pre workout
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25 IS A LITTLE LOW BUT GO GO GO..i TAKE MINE PREWORK OUT..1-2 HOUR S BEFORE AND USSSUALLY FELY DBOL round day 10 or at 2 weeks but that s me...
Test tren and 50mg dbol would be an exciting cycle. Strength like a fucking gorilla

Yea always run it every day. That whole using dbol as a pwo shit is for the birds.
I dose it once a day when I use it. Just remember it is not a PWO. I feel less lethargic with one dose instead of splitting it up, but to get stable levels I would like to do 3 times a day. 25mg is a nice amount too. If it is good dbol you will feel it. I cap my pills at 30 mg each now and one a day gives me crazy ass pumps.
is this a trick question ? i have always run d-bol at around 40-50mg .. i personally dont pay attention to when i notice it . one day ill be in the gym and be thinking shit ... i got a nasty ass pump ... gotta be the d-bol .. i just wonder if anyone else gets any type of say libido gains or something they notice earlier or when . just hyping myself up for my own cycle ... maybe some people will understand lol
just remember not to jump your max too quickly while on cycle.. on a cycle like that your tendons wont keep up

and of course nutrition should be your priority!!