2nd Cycle- Pinn TestE/Deca


Mid Life Rebel
Test E 500 wk
Deca 300 wk
Split into two pins per week.
Have liquid prami and liquid adex.
Nolva and clomid for pct.
Will turn 46 during this cylcle.
Current weight 186

1st pin went well but it was hard for me to see the little lines while drawing .75ml of the deca 200. Time for reading glasses (damn).
Injected into quad with 23ga x 1". Used 1.5" last time and 1" is fine enough.
Seems weird shooting almost twice as much, but didn't seem to make a difference other than allowing more time to inject.
No pip so far.
Will update once a week, unless something comes up or I have questions/replies.
Okay, first question. I have been pouring over the posts on prami and am concerned and a little confused. My concern is the sides and I would switch to caber but not sure of source. So, I will run if needed and discontinue if I'm one of the unlucky ones.
My plan was to only use the prami if needed, but what are thoughts?
I will use liquidex, every 3rd day (.125). Starting next week. My estrogen got way low last time on .125 eod.
Confused on when to start prami if I was to use proactivly? 2 weeks out?
Cycle looks pretty good for the most part.
Here's few thing I would add
HCG 250iu x2 per week, 3.5 days apart. 500iu/wk total
Bump adex to .25 eod
Add NAC liver support (look it up online, very cheap product)
You can use prami or caber on cycle if you want. With 300mg of deca while estrogen is under control, it's unlikely that you will have prolactin issues. I would just keep it on hand. Just keep in mind elevated e2 can raise prolactin.

Your Plans for PCT?
Good to start the adex low as stated and gradually bring up the dose if needed. As far as prami goes I would just wait and use it only if prolactin related sides occur. If estro is kept in check you probably will be fine at that dose but everyone is different. If you get caber get pharm grade. Liquid caber is not very stable. For prami I start at .125 ed and increase very slowly every few days to access tolerance and sides.
PCT is Clomid/Nolva
Regarding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I have it, but don't think I will use it for a few reasons. One is I'm way done having kids. My nuts grew back fine from last sust cycle w/o it.
Also, don't want to have to make bac water and store it in fridge when I have 2 teen boys at home. Maybe a blast at end of cycle?
Dex, Estrogen was at 11.2 on .25 EOD adex. Don't want to get there again.

Lucky you I guess, don't have to use as much.

HCG is for better recovery, not just prevention of testicular atrophy. I think it's a must for those who cycle and want to avoid testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for as long as possible.
Pinnacle pinned smooth. Just mild pip, more than I had experienced on Sustanon (sust), but that was a 1ml and this is 1.75.
2nd pin was 2 days ago and was delt. Having an issue either with the larger volume or maybe the oil. Pip in quad got worse from last report and this one in my delt also. The pain is a couple inches below injection site. Yesterday was a couple inch diameter red sore area. Not infected, just irritated I think. Still light red and sore today, but not worse.
I am not really worried, rather than want to figure it out. Thinking it could be that I don't like the larger volume (1.75ml)? Next pin maybe I will load deca in one and test in another and shoot 2 pins. If 1 irritates me then I will have a decision to make. If they both go a smooth as my last cycle (only 1ml per injection) then I will try to get used to the larger volume.
Anyway, hoping it's not a gear issue and it's just a "me" issue.
I find delts to always have the worse injections. It's just virgin muscles your having. My whole cycle I just did quads, and first weeks suck. Now I could probably pin my quads ED and not get a pip. I just started pinning my delts past two weeks, virgin muscles doing shots EOD thanks to PROP. Anyways I have the same symptoms, its a big tight with a swollen sense and warm. Oddly enough the PIP hurts more on days 3-4 compared to day after injection. I don't think ML is the problem, just virgin but then again how fast are you injecting?
Delts never bugged me with 1ml of sust 250. But yeah, could just be getting used to it again, plus the added volume. Inject and stick nice and slow.
I think I am just being paranoid cause it's only my 2nd cycle, UGL gear, and 2 new products for me. That's why I will split the next dose into 2, just to make sure I tolerate both.
Looking forward to hearing your results on this cycle, especially from a fellow old fuck! Good basic cycle man...good luck!
So, Saturday I split my pins. deca in delt and test E in quad. 48 hrs later Delt is fine and has not hurt. Quad has pain below injection site again. Seems better that when I had themboth in 1 pin though.
Weird thing about the test is that it is very thin. I mean I can draw it in like 10 seconds with a 23ga needle. The sust 250 I used before would take much longer.
I think the gear nay be fine and I just don't agree with the carrier?
I do have enough of another brands sust 250 to run in place of the test E.
Is it okay to switch up test? Only a little over a week into cycle.
Should I just tough it out? I can deal with pain as long as I KNOW that the shit is good and it is not fucking me up.
End of week 1:
Except for above noted issues all is well. Weight is 188, probably due to increased calories. Strength is up a tad
So I decided to discontinue use of the Pinnacle Test E and go with some Sust250 (Eurochem) that I had. Had no issues with pain/inflamation with the Sustanon (sust).
Also am still using pinnacle's deca and that give me no issue.
Would still like to use the Test E, but I will wait until I return from my travels next week.
Will have no gym time for 5 days either. Damn.
Week 3 is almost done and I am definitely noticing more than I did on my test only cycle. Feeling fuller even way after workouts and strength is up.
Weight was 191 this am.
Some bloated feeling, but I think I could be eating better.
Very happy with deca so far. No prolactin sides noticed and have yet to start prami.
End of week 3:
Weight 191.
Started prami at .20 and moving up to .25. No sides, but sleep has been disturbed. Not sure I need it, but wanted to see how I tolerated it. May stop it for now.
So, since I am splitting dose into 2 (deca and test separate) I am running out of pin rotation sites. Had to finally get over my hang-up and do a glute shoot. Fuck that was easy and painless. Except I had a hard time turning enough to push plunger at 7AM, but will work on that flexibility.
Feeling good, vascularity is up, strength and always feeling fuller in muscles.
What are thoughts on adding Var at end of cycle? Say a 4 weeks, 50mg ED, for the last 2 weeks of Test E and the 2weeks bridge leading to PCT?
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End of week 4:
Weight 193
Great week in the gym, but very tired/lethargic at work during the day. Think my E2 was too low so am now dosing adex .25 E3D.
Will get bloods in the next 2 weeks.
Lesson learned this week was not to pin too high and close to top of quad. Felt like a Muay Thai fighter leg kicked me there.
Decided to use anavar at end of cycle (4weeks X50mgED).
Noting that elbows have been bugging me more last week or so. Was hoping the deca would help with that, but maybe I am pushing too hard?