2nd nd most anabolic addition


New member
I been eating 4k plus a day, doing 2 a day s and growing and cutting a bit.

Today s like day 16 of a feeding frenzy ( pb and j s between meal s) training heavy..super.. for me (225 militaries x 6, 365 squat s x 8 etc) and I m sleeping..all night..napped all morning..got a bucket of KFC and gonn a eat and sleep some more.

U gotta rest young one s. Soft tissue s gotta catch up. REM s so important. U grow when u sleep
Im always down for a bucket of KFC but have you got some auto correction shit going on in your posts? how come theres always so many spaces between your words...

today s. meal s. squat s.... just let that S tag along nice and close to the rest of the word brother its meant to be :D
Im always down for a bucket of KFC but have you got some auto correction shit going on in your posts? how come theres always so many spaces between your words...

today s. meal s. squat s.... just let that S tag along nice and close to the rest of the word brother its meant to be :D

It's his signature style twat waffle
Anyone recommend anything for someone who can't get so much sleep? Maybe something to forcefully knock me out mid day to nap at least. I've gotten about 7 hours of sleep total in 2 days cuz of work.
Im always down for a bucket of KFC but have you got some auto correction shit going on in your posts? how come theres always so many spaces between your words...

today s. meal s. squat s.... just let that S tag along nice and close to the rest of the word brother its meant to be :D
Its the way he talks bro, get used to it :)
No arguement here with KFC. :)

Love it too, only problem for me is that 15 minutes after i eat it Im joenesing for it again, that KFC craving. I thought only chinese food was supposed to do that to you lol Just got a craving again for KFC BRB. :)
Do you mean between my words or the spacing between my sentences ? I will make a mental note and try harder in the future to write more aesthetically pleasing paragraphs with as little type o s or spacing issues so that your not so apt to be bothered irritated or critical of my prose as it s always in my philanthropic nature to try and please all members .
No matter how infinitesimal a thing may be that I can change to not cause you any discord or reason to feel compelled to point out such a calamitous disconcerting occurrence as "spacing" in my posts; I can and will be cognizant of your need for perfection.

I will try to do better.
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today s. meal s. squat s.... just let that S tag along nice and close to the rest of the word brother its meant to be :D
That waffle ha..lol I like that...BUT ya know

I hate it when these thugs make fun of the less fortunate people like Teut who have a leaning disability... :dance2:
Do you mean between my words or the spacing between my sentences ? I will make a mental note and try harder in the future to write more aesthetically pleasing paragraphs with as little type o s or spacing issues so that your not so apt to be bothered irritated or critical of my prose as it s always in my philanthropic nature to try and please all members .
No matter how infinitesimal a thing may be that I can change to not cause you any discord or reason to feel compelled to point out such a calamitous disconcerting occurrence as "spacing" in my posts; I can and will be cognizant of your need for perfection.
Ur next.

When you get Teutonic to use multisyllabic words, you know you're about to get twat waffled alongside the noggin'!

I for one respect the ability to type on a keyboard that's older than some of the members here. ;)

Sorry elicit, the only things I know that can help you sleep might make you groggy. Benadryl might help, but try a lower dose at first. :)
When i grow up, I wanna be like you teut haha I am just now realizing the importance of QUALITY rest and how much of a difference it makes
One must find way s to allow the bodies natural processes of healing and rebuilding to occur. I too sleep in stages so to speak. 4-5 hours at night at the most then a nap when I can. After a period of inability to rest I will ear mark an entire day and prepare my food and lower the climatic conditions in my bunker and induce rest if not actual sleep. Being semi retired and quite solvent I have this luxury.
Elicit do what you can , Sir. Sleep s as integral as eating .
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Im always down for a bucket of KFC but have you got some auto correction shit going on in your posts? how come theres always so many spaces between your words...

today s. meal s. squat s.... just let that S tag along nice and close to the rest of the word brother its meant to be :D

I will take this as a positive thing K and your correct my typing is not indicative of my education or writing skills.
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Sleep? I'm ecstatic when I get 5 hours. But yea sleep is crucial for recovery. I always wonder how my results would differ if I regularly got 8 hours....