Attempted the shoulder I was super nervous and I think i went to low. It is feeling a lot better and the color is getting close to skin color now. Had me nervous for a day or two. It really swelled after my oly session, I wonder if that could have aggravated the muscle more.
Thanks I read that a few times , but also read on this forum that studies show for a first cycle anything over 300 is not necessary. I was trying to take the middle road and give it a shot. lol appreciate all the advice in this forum. I woke up this am with almost a normal arm.
Thanks man that is all i needed to hear. Now for a better question should i workout before or after i pin? I plan on doing my Glute tomorrow and i want minimize any issues.
Did you notice a bid difference between your Glute and your Delt? Sorry to ask so many questions, it is tough being new in this. Not like i can ask the guys at the gym, lol.
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