300 degree F too much


New member
hi guys i was wondering if i heated my newly made homebrew to 300F to sterilize will it damage it buy being too hot? as most recommend 250 F. as i have this top of the range combo oven which will do 300F and have micro wave thermometer. also does test enan oxidize like tren does?
1 hour at 275f will do the trick. aspirate the vial while baking. make sure oven is calibrated.

what does oxidized tren look like? i never seen any that I know of. I been baking tren like this for several years now.
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i just told that afer you bake tren if it goes darker or cloudier it's becuase it has oxidised. PB can i get away with 300f as my combi oven doesn't do 275f. it's digital and has set parameters. otherwise i'll use standard oven.
cloudyness is usually indictavive of moisture. heat darkens solutions sometimes. is that oxidation? if so then it oxidizes all hormones.

300 may melt the stopper. 275 in a calibrated oven. make sure to calibrate it. aight?
you can bake it at 300 in any glass container, then transfer it to a sterile vial to avoid melting the stopper. I think it will melt the plastic on the pin before it melts the stopper. the stopper may be fine at 300 anyway.