35y.o 250 15-17% 6'3 1st time aas(trt) what can i expect on 200mg test cyp a week


New member
Doc wants to put me on 200mg of Test cyp a week. What if anything can i expect if i keep all my dieting and lifting habits the same?

If i decided to cut would i lose weight quicker with the new infusion of testosterone?

Not necessarily trying to get bigger but if i gain another 1-2 inches in my quads i won't complain, is this a realistic expectation over the next few months? I have no male pattern baldness on either side of my family, will i keep my full mane?
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Doc wants to put me on 200mg of Test cyp a week. What if anything can i expect if i keep all my dieting and lifting habits the same?

If i decided to cut would i lose weight quicker with the new infusion of testosterone?

Not necessarily trying to get bigger but if i gain another 1-2 in my quads i won't complain, is this a realistic expectation over the next few months? I have no male pattern baldness on either side of my family, will i keep my full mane?

At 200mg per week, you should expect harder erections, improved libido, better strength and endurance and some muscle gain. Everyone likes more test. Even at 200-250mg per week, I see a lot of improvement in my physique, as opposed to my usual 100mg ew
i had some fat build up around the mid section before trt and within 12 weeks of being on 200mg/week i leaned wayyy out and definition was much bettter. diet and training stayed the same. i was putting on fat even with a very good diet when I had low T, then when I added the 200mg/wk my good diet really started paying off.
i had some fat build up around the mid section before trt and within 12 weeks of being on 200mg/week i leaned wayyy out and definition was much bettter. diet and training stayed the same. i was putting on fat even with a very good diet when I had low T, then when I added the 200mg/wk my good diet really started paying off.

This is exactly what I was wondering. Seems like nowadays I have to literally keep my diet at 2000 calories a day to avoid blowing up past 15-17%bf. A few years back i could literally eat whatever I wanted Sat and Sun and diet Mon thru Fri and cut.
i had some fat build up around the mid section before trt and within 12 weeks of being on 200mg/week i leaned wayyy out and definition was much bettter. diet and training stayed the same. i was putting on fat even with a very good diet when I had low T, then when I added the 200mg/wk my good diet really started paying off.
Same here