40 year olds, check in....

finally back to 315 for a triple....18mos after shoulder surgery

Since my surgery (left shoulder) I've relied mostly on dumbell presses to hit my chest.....hearing a shoulder ligament tear again isn't high on my list of "things to do".

315 x 3 is a damn decent lift, imho.
Since my surgery (left shoulder) I've relied mostly on dumbell presses to hit my chest.....hearing a shoulder ligament tear again isn't high on my list of "things to do".

315 x 3 is a damn decent lift, imho.

the repaired one feels great....the other feels old and worn out tho!!
I hear DADAWG's pretty old too, I think yoiu two must be the oldest.

Wait a minute SCNTO.....If I'm not mistaken...din't I see you saying somewhere you are... hmmmmmmm sssshhhh 50??
I thought I was older than you.....but I'm not:)
38 here.

I dont get this magical joint dealio on Deca or the Decka Dick. I dont get sore joints on Winstrol but I guess everyone's different as the saying goes......

38 here.

I dont get this magical joint dealio on Deca or the Decka Dick. I dont get sore joints on Winstrol but I guess everyone's different as the saying goes......


I wonder if ya bloat on deca? If ya don't that might have something to do with the easing of joints...

I get bloated as all hell. moon face and all it sucks. oh well
I wonder if ya bloat on deca? If ya don't that might have something to do with the easing of joints...

I get bloated as all hell. moon face and all it sucks. oh well

I get a medium bloat on Deca but thats it. Doses run on average 400 mgs e/w.

I never run an anti-E because i like the water retention. Water retention=size and size= strength.

Thankfully gyno isnt an issue with me.

Never mind that you have a great body at that age, but you can use a computer really blows my mind:)
Aged 42 only started juicing last year I would rather be dead than become a weak sedentary senior citizen. That’s why I took the chance - never looked back new vigour for my workouts and getting good results. Not confident to stick up picks yet maybe at the end of my present 2nd cycle.
Aged 42 only started juicing last year I would rather be dead than become a weak sedentary senior citizen. That’s why I took the chance - never looked back new vigour for my workouts and getting good results. Not confident to stick up picks yet maybe at the end of my present 2nd cycle.

good for you bro..i look forward to the pics
Aged 42 only started juicing last year I would rather be dead than become a weak sedentary senior citizen. That’s why I took the chance - never looked back new vigour for my workouts and getting good results. Not confident to stick up picks yet maybe at the end of my present 2nd cycle.

Awsome. My first cycle was at 38 and I feel the same!