40yr old 300lb - 1st of 3 BEASTROL CYCLES over 1 yr


New member
Hello All,

I will be starting a new 6 week Beastdrol cycle Log on Feb 26th. yes I know 6 weeks is pushing it but this not my 1st designer cycle.

The cycle will be 10/20/20/30/30/20

The aim will be recomposition [losing fat whilst gaining muscle]

Over a 1 year period I hope to achieve that hard grainy lookat a sub 5% bodyfat level whilst weighing over 300lbs.

Yes I know its a tall order but here goes my 1st cycle in that quest.

After a 4 week break[pct protocol, holding my weight and muscle mass]I will be dieting for 4 weeks then its time for another 6-8 week cycle[injectable + oral].

I am a endomorph in every sense of the word. Strong as an ox, gains muscle easily but gains fat just as easily.


40yrs old
estimated bodyfat[calipers]- 23.2%

I have been training for over 20yrs and have previously done a hdrol/epi cycle over 18mths ago. My diet was not good and 'Life pressures' have resulted in my current unacceptable body fat level.

As I will be doing a 6 week cycle I will be using extra liver support, as well as extra cycle support from mrsupps and need2build. Additionally I will be able to able to to get 7-9 hrs sleep a night + 1-2hrs/day. I will be drinking a minimum of 3L of water/day. Blood work will be done
every 2 weeks. Green Vegetables will be at 5-10cups/day !! and various
anti-oxidants will total over 5000-10000 mg/day.

At the end of the 6 week cycle at a minimum I am looking to end up at:

317lb at 18.6% body fat
muscle gain 11.7 lbs
fat loss 20.5 lbs

After 14 weeks:
308lb at 14.8% body fat
muscle gain 16.3 lbs
fat loss 33.9 lbs


I have a bad habit of weight training in the 3-5 reps range.

I will be training Ronnie Coleman style
Heavy weight[or 'light weight baby'] as heavy as possible 8- 12 reps [ I am naturally strong, can squat 300lbs the 1st day for reps after a 3 month layoff from gym]

Focus on basics - deadlifts, squats, etc
special emphasis on Upper Chest, Forearm and Calfs

Implicit in the above is balls to wall hardcore[1-1.5hr workout BUT keeping any over training to an absolute minimum.


The diet that I have had previous success with in the past [2005] is the old Twin Peaks carb cycling diet. In the past I have lost a steady 1-2lbs/wk on this diet with the following ratio's for a total weight loss of 45lbs over 25weeks. I gained 4lbs muscle over the period with no steriod use.

High Carb 425c/300p/105f
Low Carb 300c/300p/85f
No Carb 0-15c/300p/65f

past factors
I did about 300mins/week of cardio at the time[1/3rd of the cardio was HIIT] as my meats were not low fat at the time. More like thighs and legs instead of chicken breasts.

I WAS also more carb sensitive at the time and hence could get away with more.

My new carb cycle will be:

High Carb 525-625c/300p/75f
Low Carb 300c/300p/55f
LowLow Carb 15c-85c/300p/145f [ extra 250g dry roasted cashews 1st 6 weeks]


I WILL BE DOING HIIT CARDIO 3-4x/week @15min session

I WILL also be doing an extra 200-300mins of REGULAR CARDIO post leg workout, rest days and even pre 1st meal on some days.

I train on all High and Low carb days

Example High Carb Day

30min cardio[optional]

3cups Rolled Oats w/ 3cups no sugar Rice/Almond Milk
15g Protein Isolate
10g blueberries
1 v sml Fruit[eg. 1/4 orange]

300g white Fish[raw]
3.5cups Brown Rice [cooked]
3 cups Brocolli
1 v sml Fruit

60g Protein Isolate/WPC combo

250g Chicken Breast n/skin [raw]
3.5cups Brown Rice[cooked]
3 cups Brocolli
1 v sml Fruit

60g Protein Isolate/WPC combo

============================== ====
workout + HIIT + + 15mins cardio
============================== ====

225g Pork Chop[all fat removed]/Tenderloin[raw]
2.5cups Brown Rice
3 cups Brocolli
1 v sml Fruit


Yohimbine 5mg -7.5mg/day[ used for 1st 3wks ]
OEP - 3caps/day
Alpha T2 - 3caps/day
MACA or Rhodiola - 3g/day
BCAA - 5g/day[intra workout]
Fish Oil - 12g/day
Beastdrol - 10/20/20/30/30/20
Formastanzol - 5-10sprays/day during 6wk cycle [ wk 7,8,9,10 = 7sprays/day ]
Liver Assist[wk 1-6]
Liver Blend [wk 3-6]
Unleashed [ wk 7-10 ]
Post cyle [ wk 1-6 ]

**HGGenerate [ wk 4-7 [optional if DAA[wk 1-3] doesnt help possible shutdown]]

Forged Post Cyle [wk 7 - 10 ]
SERM if required
Need2Slin [ 2/1/2 protocol = 5caps per day]
Taurine [ 5g on workout days]
Hawthorn Berry 3g/day
Creatine/BetaAline/Acytyl-L-Caratine - [total 5g on workout days]
Jacked3d - [1 scoop on workout days]
Ashwaganda - 500g/day
Saw palmetto - 1g/day
Melatonin - 3g/day

Anyone Please feel free to make ANY comments as I am open to suggestions and can take criticism.

First off lemme say you presented alot of info about yourself, your plans, and so forth. That is great compared to what most people do which is provide nothing.

Alot of your supplements look good, I have to look up the regime you spoke of for diet as I never seen it. But onto the beastdrol.

This may not be your first rodeo, but have you ever used superdrol before? It is not in the same league as epistane or those other designers. Your comparing a Toyota Camry to a Corvette.

6 weeks of superdrol, I have never seen due to its ability to make you feel bad and also the risk of toxicity.

Not to mention after the 3rd week your gains from it will start to level out and the 5th and 6th week will really only result in longer suppression and increased sides. You would be better off sticking to 4, as it would also give a longer break in between cycles. That being said 3 orals in a year is probably the upper max of what you can do. My personal belief is one for every 6 months. The body is great, but it needs its time.

Beastdrol likely may raise your blood pressure as well, this has me concerned about the Yohimb. When I used some of that my blood felt very thick and my BP went up(dont tolerate it well) you will want to keep an eye on that.

Otherwise I quite like your supplement regime, your example diet. As for a SERM you will need one for post cycle therapy (pct) for sure, Beastdrol is amazing, but its definitely a big boy toy :)
I will post pics soon. I suspect I am closer to 30% but I am using a 1 site[side abdomen] caliper measurement and I figured at least I can measure the same way every time so I will have 'scientific' consistency. The caliper comes with a algorithm table..so thats what I rely one. One day I will get my body fat properly measured as I have a very endomorphic upper body and almost a mesmomorphic lower body. When flexing I have visible cuts in my legs at a suspected 30% bodyfat level !!...hmmm

I will site to the upper body caliper measure and post pics in a few weeks

so ur 326lbs at 23%??
that's over 250lbs at lean mass...

care to share pics?

Thank you very much for your comments. No I have never use Sdrol before. Do you think a 10/20/20/30/30/20 cycle is problem as the 1st week will be 10mg/day and I will be heavy on the antioxidants, liver supple, sleep, diet and water intake will be optimum ?

Thanks for the advise re the yohimbine. I will be monitoring my blood pressure. Hawthorne berry should help and hibiscus Tea has been proven to help, I also regularly take Co-Q10 which has proven effects. My fish Oil intake will also be high and I always have a very garlic intake which will also help greatly.

I will monitor non the less

First off lemme say you presented alot of info about yourself, your plans, and so forth. That is great compared to what most people do which is provide nothing.

Alot of your supplements look good, I have to look up the regime you spoke of for diet as I never seen it. But onto the beastdrol.

This may not be your first rodeo, but have you ever used superdrol before? It is not in the same league as epistane or those other designers. Your comparing a Toyota Camry to a Corvette.

6 weeks of superdrol, I have never seen due to its ability to make you feel bad and also the risk of toxicity.

Not to mention after the 3rd week your gains from it will start to level out and the 5th and 6th week will really only result in longer suppression and increased sides. You would be better off sticking to 4, as it would also give a longer break in between cycles. That being said 3 orals in a year is probably the upper max of what you can do. My personal belief is one for every 6 months. The body is great, but it needs its time.

Beastdrol likely may raise your blood pressure as well, this has me concerned about the Yohimb. When I used some of that my blood felt very thick and my BP went up(dont tolerate it well) you will want to keep an eye on that.

Otherwise I quite like your supplement regime, your example diet. As for a SERM you will need one for post cycle therapy (pct) for sure, Beastdrol is amazing, but its definitely a big boy toy :)
I will post pics soon. I suspect I am closer to 30% but I am using a 1 site[side abdomen] caliper measurement and I figured at least I can measure the same way every time so I will have 'scientific' consistency. The caliper comes with a algorithm table..so thats what I rely one. One day I will get my body fat properly measured as I have a very endomorphic upper body and almost a mesmomorphic lower body. When flexing I have visible cuts in my legs at a suspected 30% bodyfat level !!...hmmm

I will site to the upper body caliper measure and post pics in a few weeks

calipers start to get kinda useless when ur above 13%...

im a pretty good estimator... pm me a pic if u dont wanna post it on the open forum
Hello All,

I will be starting a new 6 week Beastdrol cycle Log on Feb 26th. yes I know 6 weeks is pushing it but this not my 1st designer cycle.

The cycle will be 10/20/20/30/30/20

The aim will be recomposition [losing fat whilst gaining muscle]

Over a 1 year period I hope to achieve that hard grainy lookat a sub 5% bodyfat level whilst weighing over 300lbs.

Yes I know its a tall order but here goes my 1st cycle in that quest.

After a 4 week break[pct protocol, holding my weight and muscle mass]I will be dieting for 4 weeks then its time for another 6-8 week cycle[injectable + oral].

I am a endomorph in every sense of the word. Strong as an ox, gains muscle easily but gains fat just as easily.


40yrs old
estimated bodyfat[calipers]- 23.2%

I have been training for over 20yrs and have previously done a hdrol/epi cycle over 18mths ago. My diet was not good and 'Life pressures' have resulted in my current unacceptable body fat level.

As I will be doing a 6 week cycle I will be using extra liver support, as well as extra cycle support from mrsupps and need2build. Additionally I will be able to able to to get 7-9 hrs sleep a night + 1-2hrs/day. I will be drinking a minimum of 3L of water/day. Blood work will be done
every 2 weeks. Green Vegetables will be at 5-10cups/day !! and various
anti-oxidants will total over 5000-10000 mg/day.

At the end of the 6 week cycle at a minimum I am looking to end up at:

317lb at 18.6% body fat
muscle gain 11.7 lbs
fat loss 20.5 lbs

After 14 weeks:
308lb at 14.8% body fat
muscle gain 16.3 lbs
fat loss 33.9 lbs


I have a bad habit of weight training in the 3-5 reps range.

I will be training Ronnie Coleman style
Heavy weight[or 'light weight baby'] as heavy as possible 8- 12 reps [ I am naturally strong, can squat 300lbs the 1st day for reps after a 3 month layoff from gym]

Focus on basics - deadlifts, squats, etc
special emphasis on Upper Chest, Forearm and Calfs

Implicit in the above is balls to wall hardcore[1-1.5hr workout BUT keeping any over training to an absolute minimum.


The diet that I have had previous success with in the past [2005] is the old Twin Peaks carb cycling diet. In the past I have lost a steady 1-2lbs/wk on this diet with the following ratio's for a total weight loss of 45lbs over 25weeks. I gained 4lbs muscle over the period with no steriod use.

High Carb 425c/300p/105f
Low Carb 300c/300p/85f
No Carb 0-15c/300p/65f

these macros seem weird.. ur high carb days should have very low fat.. and ur low and no carb days should see a decent increase in fat... u have to make up for the calories...with the way u are right now.. on ur low carb and no carb days ur eating nearly nothing... way less then ur tdee...
past factors
I did about 300mins/week of cardio at the time[1/3rd of the cardio was HIIT] as my meats were not low fat at the time. More like thighs and legs instead of chicken breasts.

I WAS also more carb sensitive at the time and hence could get away with more.

My new carb cycle will be:

High Carb 525-625c/300p/75f
Low Carb 300c/300p/55f
LowLow Carb 15c-85c/300p/145f [ extra 250g dry roasted cashews 1st 6 weeks]


I WILL BE DOING HIIT CARDIO 3-4x/week @15min session

I WILL also be doing an extra 200-300mins of REGULAR CARDIO post leg workout, rest days and even pre 1st meal on some days.

I train on all High and Low carb days

Example High Carb Day

30min cardio[optional]

3cups Rolled Oats w/ 3cups no sugar Rice/Almond Milk
15g Protein Isolate
10g blueberries
1 v sml Fruit[eg. 1/4 orange]

300g white Fish[raw]
3.5cups Brown Rice [cooked]
3 cups Brocolli
1 v sml Fruit

60g Protein Isolate/WPC combo

250g Chicken Breast n/skin [raw]
3.5cups Brown Rice[cooked]
3 cups Brocolli
1 v sml Fruit

60g Protein Isolate/WPC combo

============================== ====
workout + HIIT + + 15mins cardio
============================== ====

225g Pork Chop[all fat removed]/Tenderloin[raw]
2.5cups Brown Rice
3 cups Brocolli
1 v sml Fruit


Yohimbine 5mg -7.5mg/day[ used for 1st 3wks ]
OEP - 3caps/day
Alpha T2 - 3caps/day
MACA or Rhodiola - 3g/day
BCAA - 5g/day[intra workout]
Fish Oil - 12g/day
Beastdrol - 10/20/20/30/30/20
Formastanzol - 5-10sprays/day during 6wk cycle [ wk 7,8,9,10 = 7sprays/day ]
Liver Assist[wk 1-6]
Liver Blend [wk 3-6]
Unleashed [ wk 7-10 ]
Post cyle [ wk 1-6 ]

**HGGenerate [ wk 4-7 [optional if DAA[wk 1-3] doesnt help possible shutdown]]

Forged Post Cyle [wk 7 - 10 ]
SERM if required
Need2Slin [ 2/1/2 protocol = 5caps per day]
Taurine [ 5g on workout days]
Hawthorn Berry 3g/day
Creatine/BetaAline/Acytyl-L-Caratine - [total 5g on workout days]
Jacked3d - [1 scoop on workout days]
Ashwaganda - 500g/day
Saw palmetto - 1g/day
Melatonin - 3g/day

Anyone Please feel free to make ANY comments as I am open to suggestions and can take criticism.


calipers start to get kinda useless when ur above 13%...

im a pretty good estimator... pm me a pic if u dont wanna post it on the open forum

i love how he goes from 23% to 30% as soon as a pic is requested. :laugh:

Of course I'm still stuck on him thinking he'll ever be sub-5% BF at 300lbs.

this thread should be fun.

Hey Buddy[in my highest Ronnie Coleman voice],

Dont get on my case:uzi:

Seriously though, I am really mostly concerned on my final BF level in a year or so whilst staying above 136kg[300lbs].
I have no way of accurately measuring my bodyfat[well not exactly true**]. It could be 25% or 35% for all I know but I took the 1 caliper measure so I can have a scientific comparison point. ie. the same person taking the measure at the same body location at the same time every week. Hopefully the trajectory is DOWN.

Their you go buddy, lights out..game over :)

** my gym has one those enclosed bodypod capsule bodyfat measuring devices that I have 1 time FREE use of. I will enquire about it later this week.

i love how he goes from 23% to 30% as soon as a pic is requested. :laugh:

Of course I'm still stuck on him thinking he'll ever be sub-5% BF at 300lbs.

this thread should be fun.
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The 1st macros were my OLD DIET years ago when I lost the 45lbs on the Twin Peaks Carb cycling Diet. Twin Peaks liked to point out the diet was also an implicit calorie cycling diet as well. The diet worked VERY WELL for my Psychology as I have had diet discipline problems in the past and with this diet it was 1 day of payback every 3 days with a High Carb day just around the corner. I had no trouble sticking to it. Their is no doubt the HCarb day had me eating way over my maintanance [slow endomorphic metabolism with a sit down job] but The LCarb and NoCarb days took care of that. He recommended NO cardio on the diet but I did cardio anyway because my meats were higher fat[I was eating over 100grams/day in the old days].

I have decided to modify the diet for the new cycle as follows:

High Carb 525-625c/300p/75f
Low Carb 300c/300p/55f
LowLow Carb 15c-85c/300p/145f [ extra 250g dry roasted cashews 1st 6 weeks]


p.s. I will send pics later today

these macros seem weird.. ur high carb days should have very low fat.. and ur low and no carb days should see a decent increase in fat... u have to make up for the calories...with the way u are right now.. on ur low carb and no carb days ur eating nearly nothing... way less then ur tdee...
past factors
I did about 300mins/week of cardio at the time[1/3rd of the cardio was HIIT] as my meats were not low fat at the time. More like thighs and legs instead of chicken breasts.

I WAS also more carb sensitive at the time and hence could get away with more.

My new carb cycle will be:

High Carb 525-625c/300p/75f
Low Carb 300c/300p/55f
LowLow Carb 15c-85c/300p/145f [ extra 250g dry roasted cashews 1st 6 weeks]


Well, you didnt see my legs buddy :)

Seriously though thanks for your opinion

I have scheduled my free bodypod bodyfat measuring session at my gym this friday.

They claim its is accurate to within 0.5 %

**correction online co. information say +-3%

We will see how it goes as it is air[instead of water] and electrical based.

i got the pics.. ur sitting 35-38% imo...
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uh... why not post the pics here? 3J is not the only guy who can estimate BF%. Although I'm sure he's close.

Either way, it sounds like you may have your head in the clouds. I'd consider a few short term REALISTIC goals if you're that fat. Also, fuck all that bod pod shit. If you want it done right, go to a local state college and get dunked. Everything else is worthless. i know you think consistency is great for the meantime, by basing your goals off of 35-40% BF and 23-30% BF are totally different.
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Cycle starts in 9 days [ I will post pics every week ]

btw I am loosing about 1 kg every 3days as I have already started the diet

bye for now[head in the clouds guy]

p.s. The differences of opinion are 35-38% BF and 23-30% BF. I suspect Im in the middle maybe 31.5%

uh... why not post the pics here? 3J is not the only guy who can estimate BF%. Although I'm sure he's close.

Either way, it sounds like you may have your head in the clouds. I'd consider a few short term REALISTIC goals if you're that fat. Also, fuck all that bod pod shit. If you want it done right, go to a local state college and get dunked. Everything is worthless. i know you think consistency is great for the meantime, by basing your goals off of 35-40% BF and 23-30% BF are totally different.
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Cycle starts in 9 days [ I will post pics every week ]

btw I am loosing about 1 kg every 3days as I have already started the diet

bye for now[head in the clouds guy]

p.s. The differences of opinion are 35-38% BF and 23-30% BF. I suspect Im in the middle maybe 31.5%

LMAO i hope this fucker doesnt die. But i will def be following this. idk with the high bf% and taking all those supps will be worth the risk. Oh well hope u have good insurance bro.:laugh3:
Cycle starts in 9 days [ I will post pics every week ]

btw I am loosing about 1 kg every 3days as I have already started the diet

bye for now[head in the clouds guy]

p.s. The differences of opinion are 35-38% BF and 23-30% BF. I suspect Im in the middle maybe 31.5%

i would take what RJ says very seriously.. he's one of the most respected guys on the board..

and i was being nice saying 35-38%... u could be at 40%.. im not sure..

and the bod pod isn't bad.. go ahead and get tested.. let us know where u stand

I promise I wont die

We are a little more civilized down here in Aus :) no insurance reqd with thebest health care in the world, though I will keep the ambulance digits on speed dial.

I guess it wont matter if Im dead :shoot3:

LMAO i hope this fucker doesnt die. But i will def be following this. idk with the high bf% and taking all those supps will be worth the risk. Oh well hope u have good insurance bro.:laugh3:
Will take what he says seriously and will post the bodypod result.

i would take what RJ says very seriously.. he's one of the most respected guys on the board..

and i was being nice saying 35-38%... u could be at 40%.. im not sure..

and the bod pod isn't bad.. go ahead and get tested.. let us know where u stand
TITLE SHOULD BE 40yr old 300lbs who is fat as fuck and has health problems and should worry about cutting the fat and not recomping with beastdrol or whatever your stupid idea is.
