40yr old 300lb - 1st of 3 BEASTROL CYCLES over 1 yr

TITLE SHOULD BE 40yr old 300lbs who is fat as fuck and has health problems and should worry about cutting the fat and not recomping with beastdrol or whatever your stupid idea is.


This wqs absolutely unneccesary and pointless. U came in here just to flame. Take it easy

the negativity is most uncalled for

TITLE SHOULD BE 40yr old 300lbs who is fat as fuck and has health problems and should worry about cutting the fat and not recomping with beastdrol or whatever your stupid idea is.

he's 6'5". that alot different than being 5'8" or even 6' thats a big fuckin dude and a big frame to come along with it. chill the fuck out.
Thanks 3J,

btw thanks for all the advise. As I value what you guys are saying re my body fat I will be reverting back to the 'original' Twin Peak carb cycling method that called for 0-15carbs on NOcarb day. So NO 250g of dry roasted cashews on no carb day.. back at 1700 calories on that day. Also on High carb day I will be MAX 425g no extra.

The result will be a reliable loss of 2kg/week. Thats about 25-30lbs over the 6 week period. Let the bodyfat % fall where it may.

I will keep the cardio constant at 3-4 HITT session of 15-25mins per week and an extra 200-300mins of standard cardio.

Right now I am doing 2x HITT per week that has my heart rate in the 140's during the 30-45sec 'run portion on the threadmill. I could easily do a higher intensity

Re my health, my last check had my doctor dumbfounded as HDL/LDL tryclicerides, thyroid all came back at 'normal' levels. My resting glucose level is also about 4.8mmol/L[87mg/dl on your scale] definately not in type II range so he had to double check.

Dont follow me, but taking 10 fishoil tablets a day and tons antioxidants plus NO processed food will tend to have an positive effect on the body.

If only I could stop sucking down 4-5000 calories per day !!

This wqs absolutely unneccesary and pointless. U came in here just to flame. Take it easy

I know ..some smaller guys have no understanding of what being my height with a big frame is like. Im actually 6' 5" 1/2 but us taller guys dont tend to boast about the extra 1/2 inch. I remember my doctor telling me at 19yr old how overweight I was. I was on cybergenics[under 35's will have no clue what I am talking about] at the time and had a clear 4 pack or flexed 6 pack and was about 275lbs. He of course was looking at those height /weight tables. :(

The other side is that fully clothed[I wear flattering clothes] guys at the gym love to tell me how they wish they were my size. I just smile and tell them no they dont !! My broad shoulders, lack of a rolly rolly stomach and muscular legs hides just how fat I am :)

he's 6'5". that alot different than being 5'8" or even 6' thats a big fuckin dude and a big frame to come along with it. chill the fuck out.
Facts are exactly that, Facts.

And I am 100% right and I don't even know this guy, someone needs to tell him.

Listen i really dont care for ur reasoning. U were flaming the guy. There are ways to deal with situations like this. Even rj took it easy on the guy compaired to u And hes known as the asshole. I dont tolerate flaming. U wanna dick around go to the convo lounge and flame all u want. Consider this a warning. Keeep things cool. U could have said the same thing in a much nicer manner and got ur message across
I know ..some smaller guys have no understanding of what being my height with a big frame is like. Im actually 6' 5" 1/2 but us taller guys dont tend to boast about the extra 1/2 inch. I remember my doctor telling me at 19yr old how overweight I was. I was on cybergenics[under 35's will have no clue what I am talking about] at the time and had a clear 4 pack or flexed 6 pack and was about 275lbs. He of course was looking at those height /weight tables. :(

The other side is that fully clothed[I wear flattering clothes] guys at the gym love to tell me how they wish they were my size. I just smile and tell them no they dont !! My broad shoulders, lack of a rolly rolly stomach and muscular legs hides just how fat I am :)
dude i was 330lbs at 6'4 when i started getting my shit straight.. i was probably in the high 30th percentile myself... no one is hating on u bro... handle ur biz..

come into the diet section if u want some diet tweaking..

enjoy ology
Listen i really dont care for ur reasoning. U were flaming the guy. There are ways to deal with situations like this. Even rj took it easy on the guy compaired to u And hes known as the asshole. I dont tolerate flaming. U wanna dick around go to the convo lounge and flame all u want. Consider this a warning. Keeep things cool. U could have said the same thing in a much nicer manner and got ur message across

Foby's a douche 3J... no one pays attention to him.

OP - I'm not hating on you either, just hate to see people set unrealistic goals and be upset when they don't reach them.

I don't know wtf the Twin Peaks diet is (wasn't that a TV show), but i have no idea how a guy your size can have a 1700cal day.

Good luck.
U will not see the results u want from Beast unless u get ur diet in check and drop that bf. Im a bigger guy as well 6'3 and 3/4 and am 254 lbs. Im lean except for a baby beer gut i never attempted to get rid of lol. Trust me tho man its an up hill battle the whole way if u dont do this shit right.


Understood re the goals.

Here is Twin Peaks & Par Dues diet. One the best 'semi-old school diets' around. Original diet was posted on Mindandmuscle.net in 2003.

bodybuilding.com/fun/par30.htm - part 1 of 3

NOcarb day is 1700 calories

Its very doable every 3 days. the other 2 days of the cycle more than make up for it.

The diet is not for everyone but if 1 has 'food issues' like me then it does the job psycologically and thats 90% of the battle with me.

Foby's a douche 3J... no one pays attention to him.

OP - I'm not hating on you either, just hate to see people set unrealistic goals and be upset when they don't reach them.

I don't know wtf the Twin Peaks diet is (wasn't that a TV show), but i have no idea how a guy your size can have a 1700cal day.

Good luck.
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Hi 3J,

Will check out the diet forum if I require any tweaking. Will give my diet a go for at least 2 weeks as I have had good success with it in the past

dude i was 330lbs at 6'4 when i started getting my shit straight.. i was probably in the high 30th percentile myself... no one is hating on u bro... handle ur biz..

come into the diet section if u want some diet tweaking..

enjoy ology
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thanks Bigs,

Its not my 1st rodeo however so we will see how it goes. This time I may be older but I have a more advanced supplement regime and sleep :) protocol.

Last times I was drinking just 1 gallon of water/day nd getting 6hrs sleep with very minimal supplement help and no steriod help.

This time, 3hr in the day naps will not be uncommon. Those that have the ability will understand how no 'supplement' can compensate for the ability to take extra rest sessions. 5-6 out of 7 days will have empty stomach cardio sessions at 5:30 am and post workout HIITcardio sessions at 3:30pm. No carb days will have 30-45 Low intensity cardio sessions premeal at 5:30am as well and if needed a 2nd session cardio such session 12hrs later in the evening. 5-6days a week will have a 3hr intraday seista zzzzzzz

Remember I can ramp up the weight loss to 1.5-2.5kg/wk if I want. I have done it before with a approx 1:3 muscle loss ratio, so lets see how it goes as long as I remain healthy[will do weekly bloods and daily blood pressure checks]. I expect the beastdrol will keep any muscle loss to a minimum.

Re stomachs, I already have a GH gut though I have never taken the stuff. I walk with my stomach sucked in to compensate. My Dad[a jogger with a 4pack] and my kid[stick n bones] have it too so I doubt unless I practice vacuum stomach poses or yoga I probably have no chance of losing mine :)

U will not see the results u want from Beast unless u get ur diet in check and drop that bf. Im a bigger guy as well 6'3 and 3/4 and am 254 lbs. Im lean except for a baby beer gut i never attempted to get rid of lol. Trust me tho man its an up hill battle the whole way if u dont do this shit right.
By the way, is that you in the avatar?

Your beautiful face :) doesnt bother me but that DAMN BURGER sure does

:chimney: I will be sneaking 1 of those on High Carb day - Fri 25th - T minus day1 of my cycle.

U will not see the results u want from Beast unless u get ur diet in check and drop that bf. Im a bigger guy as well 6'3 and 3/4 and am 254 lbs. Im lean except for a baby beer gut i never attempted to get rid of lol. Trust me tho man its an up hill battle the whole way if u dont do this shit right.
haha no thats not me im actually a white guy. A big problem with Beast is that it will make u feel like shit , have trouble eating, and will be extremely lethargic as u progress through the cycle. not a really good choice imo for fat loss. As far as losing muscle if u just hit the weights and watch ur diet then u will be fine.
Hey better being a big guy needing to loose weight thats someone like myself.
I started at 5 "10 125lb.
Once you get your diet and routine in check.
Its all a matter of time from their.

Best of luck Archiving your goals.
OP this is really quite the undertaking here for you. I am very much looking forward to following along on this.
May I ask how come Beast as opposed to Katana?
Best regards and be safe bro!
haha no thats not me im actually a white guy. A big problem with Beast is that it will make u feel like shit , have trouble eating, and will be extremely lethargic as u progress through the cycle. not a really good choice imo for fat loss. As far as losing muscle if u just hit the weights and watch ur diet then u will be fine.

Its not 100% guaranteed he will suffer all those sides at such levels. Everyones physiology is different. But he should be ready for it lol.

Another reason why it stops at 4 weeks and not 6!