40yr old 300lb - 1st of 3 BEASTROL CYCLES over 1 yr

thanks Big,

I cant even start with 135lbs... lol.

but I will follow your advice with more warm up sets and more stretching prior to my workout. I dont think my legs are injured as I feel no pain when leg pressing. I just think I may be a stiff, inflexible bag of knots plus being overweight for so long doesnt help either. I always feel less joint pain below 140kg. If only more fat people realize this :)

I'll do something like this..

stretching for 15mins

deeep leg press
100lb x 25

..... hips should be mostly warmed up

squat warm ups
50 x 5
100 x 5
150 x 5
75 x 15

225 x 15
275 x 12
315 x 10

135 x 10-12 [free squats - no smith mach.]

rest of Leg work out

stretching for 15mins

the free squats should build up other stabliser/core muscles. the older I get is the more I realize how much being flexible is really important. This of course also ties into using the core free weight building exercises as well.

who can forget Ronnie stretching for 30mins ending in a full ballerina split after a leg workout that included 700-800lbs squats ...something most of us should 'aspire' to imo

Ok sounds good. But remember to rest up if ur feeling intense pain or else ur goals will not be achieved. How do ur legs feel when doing cardio?? Sometimes i get ankle pain from the treadmill and will opt for the eliptical, bike, or stepper
^^Thanks bro^^
For those legs if you feel theyre knotted up try this. Get a softball and roll that between your leg and the floor. Hit the fronts, sides and backs of both legs. You prolly gonna be surprized at how you feel after...good luck!
Hello all,

I will be resuming my workouts today after a 2day break from the gym. The beast has started to kick in and lethargy is an issue. I weighed in my mind whether it was laziness or a well needed break. I am the type that has to pull myself from the gym and I think my body agreed with the 2 day break. Each of those days I did 45min beach walks + 30mins stretching so it wasnt a real break.

Thanks for all the advise on the joint issues. I have been stretching religiously and I think the cissus is kicking in as well. I am on 2 Beast/ 1 Phreak per day and will give a status update later. Mirror is showing a decrease in waist size so I am expecting a lower caliper and waist measure. Yesterday on the scale I was at 144.5kg

...more later
Hello all,

I will be resuming my workouts today after a 2day break from the gym. The beast has started to kick in and lethargy is an issue. I weighed in my mind whether it was laziness or a well needed break. I am the type that has to pull myself from the gym and I think my body agreed with the 2 day break. Each of those days I did 45min beach walks + 30mins stretching so it wasnt a real break.

Thanks for all the advise on the joint issues. I have been stretching religiously and I think the cissus is kicking in as well. I am on 2 Beast/ 1 Phreak per day and will give a status update later. Mirror is showing a decrease in waist size so I am expecting a lower caliper and waist measure. Yesterday on the scale I was at 144.5kg

...more later

sorry im late to the party, but arnt you aiming for 8% bf at 300lbs....id pick it up

im with alot of the other posters, this is quite the approach really.....following:scratchhe
Subscribed. Hopefully the lethargy doesn't effect your ability to keep moving, or it will be very counterproductive to your goals.
Hello all,

The beast has started to kick in and lethargy is an issue. I weighed in my mind whether it was laziness or a well needed break.

It's not laziness, it's the Beast, trust me on that. Day 25 here and it didn't start kicking my ass til day 14-16. Since then I have felt like pure dung. You just gotta grab it up like that little dung beetle and roll it where you need it to go and show it who's boss. You can do this. The reward is worth the all the dung in the end. I will be sooo glad when this is over but love the results.
:scratchhe just throwing this out here, Im sure its been talked about b4, but here we go..While on beast and the lathargy hits,what about increasing your carbs x2 or 3 or maybe more if your still feeling it.
It sounds to me like the body is using everything you eat for the muscles.
I read through all this and you still haven't posted some pics?? makes me wonder what you really look like....
I read through all this and you still haven't posted some pics?? makes me wonder what you really look like....

agreed, he seemed so intent on doing things his whacky way, i gave up on this shit

goal of 300lbs 8%bf....coming from 40% mind you, but cardio is a walk on the beach.....highly motivated!!!
I would've definitely worked out for at least 3months before jumping straight onto a cycle after...how long off? At 40 and between the PH (are you taking two at that?) and your muscle soreness from a layoff you must be dying bro.

This entire thing goes against every bit of advice I've ever received. I didn't even see a SERM for PCT after...7 weeks? You seem like a nice guy, but you began a post here for advice and your ignoring every single bit that has been offered to you by extremely experienced and intelligent dudes! This is just as bad as the 120lber that instantly wants to be huge so he takes gear even though he eats like shit and is lazy as hell.

You were losing weight before you started the cycle, you obviously can do it.:thinking:
:scratchhe just throwing this out here, Im sure its been talked about b4, but here we go..While on beast and the lathargy hits,what about increasing your carbs x2 or 3 or maybe more if your still feeling it.
It sounds to me like the body is using everything you eat for the muscles.

Exactly... For the most part beastdrol craves carbs,,, Up them and the lethargy goes away a bit.. Another thing is a transdermal DHEA/ pregnalone kind of product is a great add this has often warded off lethargy for a lot of people.. Hcgenerate can also be a huge help...

If you need a quick pick me up stag up a case of Ass lightening at Rlssupplements.com for a cheap 20 spot.. Use discount code Ruthless10 and make that even cheaper along with some free shipping too.


I am the creator of the beastdrol, Need2slin and many of the other products you are taking now my friend,. Names Nathan chase Btw and if you ever want to chat and pick my brain for some help and advice feel free to give me a call 978 378 4266.

You can be sure I am not some dick bag thats going to waste time making fun of you or dropping retarded comments that well to me I feel are just plan worthless and not needed for the betterment of anyone.

Na man just nothing but good clean advice and help from a guy like me man.. So please anytime you want to chat I am always here. TTYL good friend
So YOUR the one I can blame for my Beastdrol nightmare. Good to know. I've never felt so horrible in my life on that product. I wish I could get that 4 weeks back, as it turned into several weeks of doctor visits and illness. I never even exceeded 20mg/day.

Some do fine on it, I suppose. But now I'm sitting on a bottle that I will never use, and part of another one.


Based on my experiences, I would not be surprised if the OP quit the cycle early. Nor would I blame him.
Haven't your reps been openly denying that Mr. Supps was your company? It seems that was round one of excuses that came when your monsterdrol product failed lab tests.

easy there guys.. the last thing i need is a rivalry going on on the board... keep it cool

let the OP use the product and give his honest opinion about it.... and let that speak for itself..

i wont tolerate this whole bashing nonsense...
Exactly... For the most part beastdrol craves carbs,,, Up them and the lethargy goes away a bit.. Another thing is a transdermal DHEA/ pregnalone kind of product is a great add this has often warded off lethargy for a lot of people.. Hcgenerate can also be a huge help...

If you need a quick pick me up stag up a case of Ass lightening at Rlssupplements.com for a cheap 20 spot.. Use discount code Ruthless10 and make that even cheaper along with some free shipping too.


I am the creator of the beastdrol, Need2slin and many of the other products you are taking now my friend,. Names Nathan chase Btw and if you ever want to chat and pick my brain for some help and advice feel free to give me a call 978 378 4266.

You can be sure I am not some dick bag thats going to waste time making fun of you or dropping retarded comments that well to me I feel are just plan worthless and not needed for the betterment of anyone.

Na man just nothing but good clean advice and help from a guy like me man.. So please anytime you want to chat I am always here. TTYL good friend

Could also add stanodrol or androhard as a strong androgenic to help fight lethargy and lack of libido.