45 yr old..Cutting Pics...


Dropped from 235 lbs like in my Avi pic to 205 in the pics below..Ran very little gear on this..the only test involved was my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) gel and 300mg of primo a week..just strict dieting..very low carbs and roughly 350 grams of protien a day..and ZERO cardio..Got very good vascularity from it as well..
Stay Strong...............
Oh and please dont ask why the USMC tat is on my left arm in 1 pic and my right in another..Its not hard to figure out..LMAO
lookin good bro.......hope to be in that good of condition myself when I'm 45. do you follow any lifting regime?
Oh and please dont ask why the USMC tat is on my left arm in 1 pic and my right in another..Its not hard to figure out..LMAO
hahahahaha - that's just what I was going to ask, but I thot u had a twin brother...

excellent results, inspiring for us over 40 bro!

^^^^ Yeah times two - I'm doing a cut now (at50) and it's tough to get rid of the "legacy" fat...but if you can, I can! Thanks for posting! BTW - you are right the vascularity is rad - esp on the shoulders!
Is that what the 45 year olds that don't work out look like where you're from???:scratchhe

Btw you're looking great JMEALS. Do you plan on maintaining this weight or do you want to start bulking?

Actually my friend im kinda digging this "lower" weight..When im up @ 230-240 like my avatar pic i feel sluugish as all hell.the trens and eq etc wreck havoc on your stamina and labor your breathing as you get older..
Nice work. Where did you get your protein from? Shakes mostly or in your meals? or 50/50? also how many carbs per day? I am going to be running a strict cut cycle soon just curious as the the carb count and did you lower your sodium alot? Any cramping?
How many weeks was your cut? Also, I'm pretty sure the pics are fake due to the tattoo issue, lol.
Nice work. Where did you get your protein from? Shakes mostly or in your meals? or 50/50? also how many carbs per day? I am going to be running a strict cut cycle soon just curious as the the carb count and did you lower your sodium alot? Any cramping?

honestly i just use the least exspensive whey i can get..or in a bind gnc whey...75/25 shakes over meals..didnt really count carbs but made sure to stick with no carbs after 5pm..im always low sodium so that wasnt an issue..little bit of cramping but keep your water intake very high during cutter...120 oz a day minimum..
Holy Crap! I have never looked anything like that even when I was a teen. Damn impressive.
Keep up the hard work.
TRT and primo?

...the only test involved was my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) gel and 300mg of primo a week...

How do you get away with using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and primo. Doesn't your doctor know about this (assuming there are routine blood tests) and how does he deal with this?