50mg tren eod to low of a dose?

As long as you train hard and eat clean I'm confident this will be one of your favorite cycles. I loved it. Another compound to try down the road is masteron. That and tren also work real nice together. But var is definitely kickass as long as it's real.
thanks. Yes diet is 100% clean macros etc. Yes when i cycle i never fuck up on diet. Thanks
Good deal and so you'll keep us posted,

Thanks we'll all get something out of it. OMM :)

Update 6 days in. Bp has been 120s/80 normal i guess. But last 2 days has been 130/90. I will up water intake and eliminate sodium from my diet. If this doesn't help. Should i take bp meds. Like Lisinopril what dose? I havecarvedilol 12.5 mg at hand now. What do you recomend
Also i think i wan to do eod shots. My bp seems to be more stable with eod rather than ed. How should i do the transition. I been pining ed at 1pm.
OMG do not take BP meds. You said 130/90 my God that does NOT warrant BP meds. My levels all my adult life have fluctuated from as much as 140's /73 - and mid to upper 80's. Yea I get concerned when I get up to the / 90's but I just try to calm down and with my training and letting go of stress it comes right down. Yours is driven by a different probably from maybe AAS but not being a doctor remember I think it to be counter productive to start some BP meds.. They are horrible and IMOP reek havoc with a cycle.

Remember I am not a doctor , however this has been my experience... OMM
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Transition is just begin it at anytime a day or two will not be any problem much to many others ignorance. So your level drops ,how much ? only to jump back immediately. In the grand scheme WTF, G2G.

Another thing IMOP you should go to 75mgs eod if you were at 50mgs ED

Edited an error ^^^ I made 50 to 100mgs with the prop and 50 with Tren
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OMG do not take BP meds. You said 130/90 my God that does NOT warrant BP meds. My levels all my adult life have fluctuated from as much as 140's /73 - and mid to upper 80's. Yea I get concerned when I get up to the / 90's but I just try to calm down and with my training and letting go of stress it comes right down. Yours is driven by a different probably from maybe AAS but not being a doctor remember I think it to be counter productive to start some BP meds.. They are horrible and IMOP reek havoc with a cycle.

Remember I am not a doctor , however this has been my experience... OMM

So i will up water intake and eliminate sodium. Add some cardio after my workout
Good deal and so you'll keep us posted,

Thanks we'll all get something out of it. OMM :)
Im at 50mgs prop ed. So just do 75mgs eod? Tren was 25mgs ed go for 50 eod. Just pin it today? I pinned yesterday since i been doing ed injections. Or syatt tomorrow?
So i will up water intake and eliminate sodium. Add some cardio after my workout

That's fine cardio always helps with stress and anxiety and just is a bit of a calming effect when someone needs something to help with the day t day emotions. My Good with my psychosis the gym and when I do some cardio it is saver for me. However I don't know if you are stressed but some guys are usually when on Tren and some are cool and calm you know how we are all different. You're G2G

Im at 50mgs prop ed. So just do 75mgs eod? Tren was 25mgs ed go for 50 eod. Just pin it today? I pinned yesterday since i been doing ed injections. Or syatt tomorrow?

Well as I said some would strongly disagree with me due the spiking effects but I have done so many unorthodox things and still had awesome cycles, But that's me again. I suggest that the prop go up to 100 Eod and the Tren as you say 50 mgs eod. As far as when Since you will be changing to EOD lets not get your level any higher, remember you are going EOD so lets have this off day and wait.
Come back here to this thread with updates.
Good luck
That's fine cardio always helps with stress and anxiety and just is a bit of a calming effect when someone needs something to help with the day t day emotions. My Good with my psychosis the gym and when I do some cardio it is saver for me. However I don't know if you are stressed but some guys are usually when on Tren and some are cool and calm you know how we are all different. You're G2G

Well as I said some would strongly disagree with me due the spiking effects but I have done so many unorthodox things and still had awesome cycles, But that's me again. I suggest that the prop go up to 100 Eod and the Tren as you say 50 mgs eod. As far as when Since you will be changing to EOD lets not get your level any higher, remember you are going EOD so lets have this off day and wait.
Come back here to this thread with updates.
Good luck

Will do. Ill staet tomorrow eod. Thanks for your help
Hey man this was a good thread and your feed back helps us at O'logy to learn from all the Vets who weigh in..
WE are glad to come together as a teaching forum and for the noobs to listen , learn and have a more successful cycle.

Keep it up and thanks for the opportunity letting me to be of some help. AND thanks to Anon44 for his wisdom and input.

I have pinned both ed and eod. Also there has been many times I have went 4-5 days due to certain circumstances. The times I've went 4-5 days I only noticed a slight decrease in my strength. My physique looked the same. Bump the tren and the prop each to 100mg eod.

I have never noticed a difference from ed to eod when it comes to sides or performance. Ed becomes more of a hassle than anything. Eod is way more convenient

Also mikes words of advice are words of wisdom. He's walked the walk,he's in his sixties and still going hard. Obviously he's doing something right

Yo Mr. Mike how have you been my friend?
Ah ha ha haaa Anon , I think you are working too much, watch out you will get old doing that...hee, hee ,heee :wavey:

Thanks for those kind words.
Not to hijack the tread but Anon I have been ill and been off n out of the gym 3weeks almost. Shit I gotta get back to save my life or die. however even though I don't lift much weight the punks can't keep up with my intensity
, they fall to the wayside , Ha lol but its killing me I'm gonna die with dumbbells in my hands. :laugh3:


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50mg tren a eod will do nicely, especially if diet and training are religious-like

Now to the subject of getting down to or near single digit bf% from 18%bf, without losing weight... not gonna happen bro

Set an attainable goal for the 12 weeks... I would say somewhere in the neighborhood of 190-195lbs, that will have you 10-12% if done right... to get to a single digit bf% from 18% in 12 weeks can be done, but not without depleting yourself, and you'll be holding onto less lean muscle mass in the process

Attainable goals... feel so much better