5th week of cycle - Have I reached a plateue?


New member
So I am closing in to my 5th week of cycle and I feel that I might have reached the maximum strenght and intensity with AAS. Although I can psych myself into increasing the sets and reps (until puking-threshold is crossed), I am not able to add more weights without ease and at least need 1weeks intervalls (and then only increasing increment of 1.25 - 2.5 kg).

But I do know, that If I hadent started with AAS I would never had been able to pull the weights that I am doing right now.

Without the AAS, and training natural, my routines were to change my training workout every 3months. New excersises, new movements etc etc. Also, during those 3months with the same regime, I could really feel the muscles working and burning!!! That awesome feeling when your arms and legs are on fire, and ripping through the skin!!!!

But nowadays, I cant say that I have feelt that feeling as much while on AAS. Also, sometimes it feels that the excersises just have become dull and that I need to change regime every other day for that specific muscle-group. Am I doing something wrong, not pushing myself hard enough or have I just really reached a plateu?

What is you guys overall feeling so far into a 20week cycle?
What's your cycle? Is this your 1st? I have found that adding an oral (d-Bol) mid to end of a cycle can help push through any plateau, and get nice pumps in the gym.
If it's your 1st cycle don't add anything. Just push your self and enjoy the gains that you have made so far.
Depending on what your cycle is but I can't see you plateauing at 5 weeks, your probably just hitting peak serum lvls at this point.

Post your stats, cycle and diet because if your plateauing this early in the cycle your doing something wrong so lets figure it out
Depending on what your cycle is but I can't see you plateauing at 5 weeks, your probably just hitting peak serum lvls at this point.

Post your stats, cycle and diet because if your plateauing this early in the cycle your doing something wrong so lets figure it out

I no longer feel that glorious burn during workouts. That excersises just have become dull and the need to change training-regime more often to feel anything at all. But at the same time, I am pushing and pschycing myself to "break the wall". I reason that if I cant increase the weights weekly no longer, I make up for it by maintaining the same weights (or go down 2.5 - 5kg) but increase the sets & reps, and even more slow controlled movements. After each workout, I never feel fully satisfied but at the same time I am puking my shit out.
The body is taking a toll, but I listen to it. So nowadays I have gone down from 6days at the gym/week, to 3-4days/week. It is a bit mixed and contradictive, but I just dont understand.

It´s my first cycle. 30years, 1.79cm, 75kg.

1-6 weeks
500mg TE-injections/week (1ml [250mg] Monday morning & 1ml [250mg] Thursday evening)
50mg Dianabol (daily, 2x25mg pre-workout)
0.5mg Adex EOD

6-12 weeks
500mg TE-injections/week (1ml [250mg] Monday morning & 1ml [250mg] Thursday evening)
0.5mg Adex EOD

13-14 weeks
0.5mg ADEX EOD

15-18 weeks
PCT with Nolvadex (40/40/20/20) and Clomid (50/50/50/50)
So according to that cycle (see above), I only have 1week remaining of Dbol. And it is also recommended NOT to take Dbol more than 6weeks (liver-toxic).
But I am thinking of continuing Dbol for another 3weeks and emtpy the entire Dbol stash I have, instead of saving a half-used Dbol-package until the next cycle next year.
I am taking 2400g NAC each day, 200g B6.

Could I continue with Dbol for 3more weeks? What do you guys say?
What is the longest anyone taken Dbol continously?
You sure the gear is legit? Diet? Gotta eat to grow, bro!

The stuff is legit. I was a bit worried in the beginning, but once the results kicked in, it was awesome. Went from 22kg dumbell bench press (3x12) to 28-30kg (1x12, 1x10, 1x8) in less than 3days. So no question about it.

Diet.... maybe?
Although I try to watch the diet, I am not used to counting calories and keeping track of every mouhtful. That is my biggest weakness. But still, the diet hasnt declined at all to be the only main reason for me not keeping up.
The stuff is legit. I was a bit worried in the beginning, but once the results kicked in, it was awesome. Went from 22kg dumbell bench press (3x12) to 28-30kg (1x12, 1x10, 1x8) in less than 3days. So no question about it.

Diet.... maybe?
Although I try to watch the diet, I am not used to counting calories and keeping track of every mouhtful. That is my biggest weakness. But still, the diet hasnt declined at all to be the only main reason for me not keeping up.

I would be inclined to say that is the issue here if the gear is legit and the training is on point. Diet is the most essential thing... Cannot stress the importance of that and I'm sure many would agree with me...
You really need to calculate your macros and follow them if you want to continue to progress, without the nutrients required you will stall out and not go anywhere else gear and training will not get you far if diet is not on point, that is why you see people with 3 or 4 cycles under their belt and have only progressed a little bit. Outcome is 80% dependent on diet so treat it that way.. All the gear in the world without diet is wasted money.

Calculate your TDEE and adjust macros to give you a surplus to gain, if you do not know how visit the diet section 3J has an awesome write up on it. Once diet is engrained into you it makes eating properly easier as you know what your going to be eating all the time
I'm with everybody else on diet being the problem. As you get bigger, your body needs more calories to grow. Try to start keeping track of that and see if it helps.