750 pounds and dropping

before this I just ate what ever and when ever as long as I didn't go over 2500 calories....didnt really have a set schedule..... I hope this helps. I feel like the reason I hit a wall is because I never had structured eating, but cutting back and exercising helped me lose weight. but it has only gotten me so far, now I really need to buckle down and understand how im suppose to eat.

dont worry bud ill get u on the right track...
yea... have u been going to the gym.. if so, what was ur routine... if not, what are u planing to do to change it.. and what is your proposed routine
i have not been to the gym in about 3 months, just slight walking around my neighborhood...i was really thinking about doing Zero's routine he laid out on the first page for me.
hold off on that for a sec.. let's worry about ur diet first k?

we'll continue this tmorrow... i need my sleep..

gnite everybody
one more thing i forgot to mention, i usually allow myself one high clorie day in te week...usually saturday because my wife is off that day. But its pretty much a cheat day. I have allowed myself to have it so when i feel like cheating i can just hold out till that day and eat with ou counting...not sure if its a good thing but like i said i want to be honest.
had basically the same meal plan today as yesterday, only difference is for my snack between lunch and dinner i had sludge

protein powder + naturaul peanut butter + water, freezer for 5 minutes its likea freaking reeses cup awesome
I do have some muscle under all this fat lol, i know its no where NEAR what you guys are at but for a 600 pounds man im glad to see any definition.
this next week will be a steady diet of turkey sandwhiches...just cheap food until I can get some money this weekend to get some groceries
Juss, great idea coming here and awesome work so far.

Here's my take since you got a lot of great info. The HRT thing is a tricky call because on one hand, a hormonal imbalance could be holding you back, but on the other, getting to a healthy weight could fix the hormonal imbalance. So I'll let you work those things out on your own.

Anyway, back to my thoughts. Living a healthy lifestyle is pretty damn simple. Most people just make it difficult because they are always looking for the next big shortcut to get them there faster.

DO NOT DO THIS. Here's some tips that may help.

1. As I said, keep it simple. Food, weights, cardio, and a strong mind will do wonders.

2. Setting goals is great, but try to stay off of the scale. Use the mirror and how your clothes fit as a guide. I'd weigh yourself no more than once a month. The body goes thru so many changes thru the day, from day to day, and the scale is the most discouraging thing you can keep around if it doesn't say what you want it to say. Lock that fucker in the attic and only get it down when you NEED to, not when you WANT to.

3. Make this process as fun as possible. Yes, getting healthy is serious for you right now, but the minute you start worrying about anything too much you will start to get burned out. This will take a long time. You're not gonna be in a size 32 waist by next year. But you don't want to be either, cause all that loose skin from losing too fast will have to be shoved in the front and back pockets. lol

The goal here is a total lifestyle change, not a diet to lose weight. The moment you realize that, the better off you will be.

Good luck to you. Great job and keep us posted.
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I agree on the weighing thing it can vary.

One time at LFF I weighed myself, took a crap and a wizz and came out weighing about 4 pounds less...I was actually kinda shocked but I do drink a gallon of water a day most days, and do produce quite the admiral brown submarine.

To be serious though, Get You Some Juss! lol As you build muscle mass you will reach areas where your weight will seem to stay the same but in reality you are losing fat. This can cause you to think its not working, or your doing something wrong. I agree weighing yourself less often would be of great benefit.

You will succeed in this my man, become a legend!
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Thanks guys very good advice. I will take you both up on the scle thing, i know it can be devistating...Thank both of you again...I am going to take some pictures this week and get an official weigh in (i have to go to the scrap yard to get weighed) and hoefully wth a new diet and work out routine i can kick start this thing as early as monday... I will update every one and again i seriously appreciate the advice every one is giving me, as well as the support.
Yo buddy i got called into work for 48hrs last minute. My comp isnt with me ill get to u tmorrow sorry bout the delay. Id do it now but im on my fone its tough
Yo buddy i got called into work for 48hrs last minute. My comp isnt with me ill get to u tmorrow sorry bout the delay. Id do it now but im on my fone its tough

I understand about the phone and work brother, no worries..i got oatmeal and turkey sammmiches until then lol.
Great buddy I really cant recommend you anything as I'm a newbie myself, I would just be here to support you and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

lets get this done..

u said ur on a short budget... what can u get.. what can u stand eating??

remember that if u eat the same thing over and over again ur just gonna lead to diet failure... u have to switch it up... and without knowing what ur budget looks like.. or is gonna look like, i cant tell u what to eat... i know foods that are cheap.. but we need to make it things that u can stand
I can eat anything man lol i didnt get this big by being picky...there are literally VERY few things that i dont like. I do have a budget not really sure what it is at the moment lol. but if you give me a lay out i can do my best to follow it. Also i am going to PM you about something. ;-)
ok then... lets get at it...

i want u on a 3000 calorie diet... now this is ONLY A STARTING POINT... but we'll get to that later...

300g protein
150g carbs
133g fats

here's where it gets tricky...

i want ur carbs to be takin in 3 servings.. 50g in the morning 50g before ur workout and 50g post workout.. thats it..

300/6 = 50.. so 50g protein per meal...

so it should look like

bfast...pre.. and pwo 50p/50c/10f

theres 3 meals of ur day..

the rest of the meals are going to be high in fat.. i dont mean margarine here.. im talking about good fats.....

check my free diet advice thread.. the first post.. i give u ideas of what good fats are...

so the rest of ur day is gonna look like this.. 3 meals at...

50g protein/ trace carbs from veggies (yes, u will have a salad 3 times a day)/ 30-35g fat

using fitday.com.. make a diet up... take ur time.. post it up.. and i will make the necessary changes