Every one tells me this, and i believe it with all my heart but here is my question....How do i re-train my mind...i have been adicted to food my entire life. Using it as a crutch and a drug. And the chains that bind us are nt going to come off easily. I am actually very glad the conversation turned to this because the fact is, i have been doing horrible this last week. It seems like every time i put forth an effort its like my mind and body want to kick in to self destruct mode and take over...some times i will sit an eat 1000 calories before i really have a conscious thought that "HEY FATTY, YOUR KILLING YOURSELF"
I dont know what to do sometimes...its not as easy as "Just doing it" its a battle that goes on and often i am on the losing end.
Were you always overweight ?, even as a child ? Sometimes us parents without knowing overfeed our kids & make them develop a negative relashionship with food.. I think you have to trace back when it all began, I know you didn't gain the weight overnight, but you probably developed a pattern to overeat... I know I don't eat when I feel depressed, but some take comfort in eating to deal with certain emotions.. not saying this is you, but I think you have to start slow, at your size going from eating what you were used to eating to reducing to a low cal diet, could be too drastric.
Control your home environment. Just as someone with an alcohol problem shouldn't buy alcohol & just have it there in the fridge, cause they're gonna be tempted to drink again.
Try not to overstock your kitchen, have your wife or you prepare 1 day worth of meals.
Temper temptation. Sometimes it's not just a food that sets you off but also the place in which you eat it , that's why putting yourself in a situation where you used to eat excessively can be a recipe for trouble.
Retrain your brain, switch to smaller plates and bowls to help you reduce portion sizes.
Learn to eat only when you're hungry, I know this is hard, specially if you are an emotional eater, but try it.
Don't worry about failure, don't be hard on yourself, you can acomplish this if you really set your mind to it... Our mind is the most powerful muscle in our body