750 pounds and dropping

Again, good luck Jusselin. Glad you got a good opportunity for yourself. We will be looking forward to all your progression.

Alright, my wife is going to drop my brother-in-law and i off at the gym where i am about to work out my core and then walk home (bout a mile walk, should take m about 45 minutes) here is my quetion guys/gals....

What can i do to work out my core...obviously crunches but what other exercises can i do to fill about an hour of work out time and focus on my core?

I dont have a stop watch or anything.
well no feed back lol so i did some circuit training.

25 kettle bell swings with a deep squat (switching arms at the top of the swing)

50 sky punches with 10 pound DB in each hand

25 step ups

50 cross jabs

25 jabs

30 medicine ball slams with 12 pound MB

I did 4 of these circuits, took me about 40-45 minutes got a great sweat in, i even got that side pain you get in middle school while running track lol.

My food needs to be better but i am very restricted right now because of finances. So i eat what is at the in-laws house but in moderation.

here is a picture of todays sweat.
just take it easy... keep it low intensity and steady so you can be constant bro
Hey Jusselin.... being a dancer I can give you some great core workouts that will be easy for you to do! Best part is you dont have to be at the gym to do them...

lay on ur back..knees bent up... and naturally, there is an arch that rises in ur lower back...try to contract ur abs, pull ur belly button in and flatten out your lower back

hold for 8 seconds then release... inhale and contrat again..do this 4 times.

the 5th time, inhale..contract...and as you exhale plant ur heels on the floor and lift ur butt as u keep your belly button tucked in

repeat this 5 times..

(on your walks home from the gym, try contracting as you take 8 steps, then release, breath and repeat)

another great core exercise that will be easy for you is to lay down on ur back again and lift ur right leg and lift ur left arm and touch the two above ur torso..then swtich...then lift both legs and both arms at the same time... do 3 sets of 5 reps
Hey Jusselin.... being a dancer I can give you some great core workouts that will be easy for you to do! Best part is you dont have to be at the gym to do them...

lay on ur back..knees bent up... and naturally, there is an arch that rises in ur lower back...try to contract ur abs, pull ur belly button in and flatten out your lower back

hold for 8 seconds then release... inhale and contrat again..do this 4 times.

the 5th time, inhale..contract...and as you exhale plant ur heels on the floor and lift ur butt as u keep your belly button tucked in

repeat this 5 times..

(on your walks home from the gym, try contracting as you take 8 steps, then release, breath and repeat)

another great core exercise that will be easy for you is to lay down on ur back again and lift ur right leg and lift ur left arm and touch the two above ur torso..then swtich...then lift both legs and both arms at the same time... do 3 sets of 5 reps
video please lol

awesome i will try this tomorrow with my wife!
thanks man...its not easy, i fall quite often.

Discipline is one of the greatest dividing factors between men. I support people as much as I can, but eventually I will get very hard on my friends about discipline. Without that, nothing lasts, nothing comes.

Believe in yourself, talk out loud to yourself, fight with yourself. When breaking a few addictions I had before I remember literally throwing my head back and forth and groaning refusing to let myself give into my bodies desires.

Retraining your mind is in all reality likely the most important part of this goal before you. But I know you can do it.
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Discipline is one of the greatest dividing factors between men. I support people as much as I can, but eventually I will get very hard on my friends about discipline. Without that, nothing lasts, nothing comes.

Believe in yourself, talk out loud to yourself, fight with yourself. When breaking a few addictions I had before I remember literally throwing my head back and forth and groaning refusing to let myself give into my bodies desires.

Retraining your mind is in all reality likely the most important part of this goal before you. But I know you can do it.

Good advice. Stick with it, everyone has setbacks, its how you progress from those setbacks that will determine your success.
Discipline is one of the greatest dividing factors between men. I support people as much as I can, but eventually I will get very hard on my friends about discipline. Without that, nothing lasts, nothing comes.

Believe in yourself, talk out loud to yourself, fight with yourself. When breaking a few addictions I had before I remember literally throwing my head back and forth and groaning refusing to let myself give into my bodies desires.

Retraining your mind is in all reality likely the most important part of this goal before you. But I know you can do it.

Every one tells me this, and i believe it with all my heart but here is my question....How do i re-train my mind...i have been adicted to food my entire life. Using it as a crutch and a drug. And the chains that bind us are nt going to come off easily. I am actually very glad the conversation turned to this because the fact is, i have been doing horrible this last week. It seems like every time i put forth an effort its like my mind and body want to kick in to self destruct mode and take over...some times i will sit an eat 1000 calories before i really have a conscious thought that "HEY FATTY, YOUR KILLING YOURSELF"

I dont know what to do sometimes...its not as easy as "Just doing it" its a battle that goes on and often i am on the losing end.
Discipline is one of the greatest dividing factors between men. I support people as much as I can, but eventually I will get very hard on my friends about discipline. Without that, nothing lasts, nothing comes.

Believe in yourself, talk out loud to yourself, fight with yourself. When breaking a few addictions I had before I remember literally throwing my head back and forth and groaning refusing to let myself give into my bodies desires.

Retraining your mind is in all reality likely the most important part of this goal before you. But I know you can do it.

Good advise Zero,

Juss, Everyone has setbacks, no one here can say they have never failed, or have never had set backs, There's days I don't feel like excercising, But I remind myself that I have to do it, and just do it, then I feel so good afterwards.... The important thing is to acknowledge the falls, get up & try again..

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Keep at it !!! :)
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Every one tells me this, and i believe it with all my heart but here is my question....How do i re-train my mind...i have been adicted to food my entire life. Using it as a crutch and a drug. And the chains that bind us are nt going to come off easily. I am actually very glad the conversation turned to this because the fact is, i have been doing horrible this last week. It seems like every time i put forth an effort its like my mind and body want to kick in to self destruct mode and take over...some times i will sit an eat 1000 calories before i really have a conscious thought that "HEY FATTY, YOUR KILLING YOURSELF"

I dont know what to do sometimes...its not as easy as "Just doing it" its a battle that goes on and often i am on the losing end.

Were you always overweight ?, even as a child ? Sometimes us parents without knowing overfeed our kids & make them develop a negative relashionship with food.. I think you have to trace back when it all began, I know you didn't gain the weight overnight, but you probably developed a pattern to overeat... I know I don't eat when I feel depressed, but some take comfort in eating to deal with certain emotions.. not saying this is you, but I think you have to start slow, at your size going from eating what you were used to eating to reducing to a low cal diet, could be too drastric.

Control your home environment. Just as someone with an alcohol problem shouldn't buy alcohol & just have it there in the fridge, cause they're gonna be tempted to drink again.

Try not to overstock your kitchen, have your wife or you prepare 1 day worth of meals.

Temper temptation. Sometimes it's not just a food that sets you off but also the place in which you eat it , that's why putting yourself in a situation where you used to eat excessively can be a recipe for trouble.

Retrain your brain, switch to smaller plates and bowls to help you reduce portion sizes.

Learn to eat only when you're hungry, I know this is hard, specially if you are an emotional eater, but try it.

Don't worry about failure, don't be hard on yourself, you can acomplish this if you really set your mind to it... Our mind is the most powerful muscle in our body :)
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i hear yuh Mrs.P

aint really nothing to it but to do it.....no one said it would be easy

i just feel like a damn crack head when it comes to food tough...willing to do anything to get that next fix....lie, cheat, steal, go into debt.....just to feel ok for a moment
Well finally got a letter in the mail from both Jobs i was waiting on....turns out that when you are a dumb fuck up as a kid then it effects the rest of your life...I had a few misdemeanors as a kid and now i suck as an adult...starting to feel like im just not supposed to make it in life...like im just destined for repetitive failure.
Well finally got a letter in the mail from both Jobs i was waiting on....turns out that when you are a dumb fuck up as a kid then it effects the rest of your life...I had a few misdemeanors as a kid and now i suck as an adult...starting to feel like im just not supposed to make it in life...like im just destined for repetitive failure.

Hang in there buddy, things will get better know it may not feel like that now but it will. Now is the time to get your life in order. The other things are really not that important in the grand scheme of things.