750 pounds and dropping

hmmmm....not so sure how I feel about this guy hopping on hrt. plenty of hurdles to jump here before we reach the hormone hurdle. I am sure his test is low as well but there are plenty of ways of increasing it naturally, which will improve his lifestyle and make lasting changes.
Thanks alot guys, yeah chip i hope you didnt take that in a sarcastic way lol i just saw all the sex stories at the top of that thread...i literally have no idea what alot of these drugs or supplements are here, i am very new to this world but SOOOOOOO very interested...I want to make my body the best it can be...not only that but i want to make it my career, when i drop my weight and get where i need to be, I want to travel the world helping people who were in my situation....give people hope and be a walking breathing example of how it can happen for them. But i have to get my ass through thefire first...i will take any help i can get.

Most importantly i want to be alive for my wife and have kids with out being scared of leavig them behind....I just want a healthy life style...no more of what i use to be.
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Thanks alot guys, yeah chip i hope you didnt take that in a sarcastic way lol i just saw all the sex stories at the top of that thread...i literally have no idea what alot of these drugs or supplements are here, i am very new to this world but SOOOOOOO very interested...I want to make my body the best it can be...not only that but i want to make it my career, when i drop my weight and get where i need to be, I want to travel the world helping people who were in my situation....give people hope and be a walking breathing example of how it can happen for them. But i have to get my ass through thefire first...i will take any help i can get.

Most importantly i want to be alive for my wife and have kids with out being scared of leavig them behind....I just want a healthy life style...no more of what i use to be.

There was no offense taken at all!! NONE! I think that DIALTONE and I have different opinions on your situation and I have no problem with that. He has always given great advice. However, when you say that you want to make a career and life out of fixing your own and then helping others, there is NO ONE who has been down that road like I have. I completely disagree that HRT is not what you need. It is EXACTLY what you need, assuming your blood work warrants it. I'd be shocked if it didn't. D-tone... I'm not starting any controversary, please don't take it that way, but I gotta hold my position on this one. If his blood work show us what we would all be expecting to see, especially after having been this heavy and on the weight loss roller coaster for quite a while, than this man needs therapeutic administration of hormone replacement. He needs a catalyst that is going to propel him into a positive direction, if for nothing more than the psychological benefit of seeing his body, in conjunction with diet and training, change more rapidly than it would without HRT. Read the link below, Jusselin. I was never as heavy as you are, but I do know what the point of no return is. I hit it, AND I DID COME BACK. AND THAT IS WHY I HAVE MADE HRT/TRT MY LIFE. BECAUSE IT SAVED MY LIFE.

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chip, I respect your position and insight. Like I said, I am quite sure that his test is very low and would certainly benefit from hrt. But...I feel that if he were to get him self in better shape through diet and lifting, naturally, his body's test would rise to somewhat normal levels. At which point, if he were to consider hrt, I would have no reservations.
All I am saying is get himself in decent shape and then start to consider alternative interventions.

Jusselin, chip is a great guy and has helped countless people on here with various problems. Please take some time learning about diet and fitness before jumping into other things. You've got a long way to go...let's do it in the order it is supposed to be done.
D-tone, i can absolutel take that for what is worth... i know my main focus righ now is diet and exercise. Thanks for putting in on the conversation.

So far my food is on point today (as far as i know, i am going to report back so 3j can help me out) This afternoon my wife and i will go get some cardio in at the city park!
We are happy to have you on this board !

Let me start by saying you're story is very inspirational, you should feel very proud of your self for accomplishing what you have so far, loosing 138 lbs.

We all know how difficult it is to even loose 10 lbs, and here you are showing us what determination you have, it takes hard work to do what you have done & I commend you for that !

Stick around, this forum is great, there's many knowledgeable members like 3J, that are always willing to help ! I think you're on the right path, the road ahead might seem long, but remember to focus on progress made so far & keep positive.

Remember "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"

I'll be following your progress !
Good Luck to you :)
Hey Bro, I dont feel sory for you/but, I know thats not what your looking for here anyways. I applaud you for getting off your ass and doing something for yourself! Sooner or later, things are gonna pay off for you... Also, even when u dont see change right off/change is still happening.. and dont get caught up in "the perfect diet/workout" looking at the scale/mirror all the time etc.. Just remember how good you feel after your workout/and what its doing for your organs, health etc...This is a lifestyle. There is a guy, who is severly overweight in my gym.. He doesnt give a fuuuuuck/he is getting his moneys worth...For the last 3 months, every time I go i see this cat doing work.
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Jusselin...to start, great work on getting yourself in better shape and for coming on here to seek better information. I do think you need to get into a regular gym routine, but lifting weights shouldn't be your main focus right now. Do basic movements (bench, rows, leg press, bi curls, pressdowns, etc.) but there is no need to get fancy here. I would put your energy into cardio when you are in the gym.

Obviously, diet is the biggest thing you should focus on. Going to the gym is easy, and diet is where most people fall off or never get to where they want to be. I'm going to hold back from making any suggestions until I see what 3j says. He is who you should be listening to right now above anyone else. I'll keep my eye on this one.

im still waiting for him to do what i asked...

he's to worried about what he should be doing in the gym.. whereas 80% of the fight for weight loss is outside of the gym...

make a log of everything u eat for the next two days.. then take that log and input it into fitday.com...

i need to know where his metabolism is at...
im still waiting for him to do what i asked...

he's to worried about what he should be doing in the gym.. whereas 80% of the fight for weight loss is outside of the gym...

make a log of everything u eat for the next two days.. then take that log and input it into fitday.com...

i need to know where his metabolism is at...

Women always look at me like I'm nuts when they tell me what their eating and I tell them to eat more, just better foods XD But then a month later they are quite happy.

Metabolism is tricky, and varies by physiology. Genetically originating and yet eventually becoming a product impacted and developed by environment.

I have been wondering how these "crash course" diets are going to effect people down the road. All these wacky ones some people do sometimes...
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We are happy to have you on this board !

Let me start by saying you're story is very inspirational, you should feel very proud of your self for accomplishing what you have so far, loosing 138 lbs.

We all know how difficult it is to even loose 10 lbs, and here you are showing us what determination you have, it takes hard work to do what you have done & I commend you for that !

Stick around, this forum is great, there's many knowledgeable members like 3J, that are always willing to help ! I think you're on the right path, the road ahead might seem long, but remember to focus on progress made so far & keep positive.

Remember "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"

I'll be following your progress !
Good Luck to you :)

thank you mam, very motivational!

Hey Bro, I dont feel sory for you/but, I know thats not what your looking for here anyways. I applaud you for getting off your ass and doing something for yourself! Sooner or later, things are gonna pay off for you... Also, even when u dont see change right off/change is still happening.. and dont get caught up in "the perfect diet/workout" looking at the scale/mirror all the time etc.. Just remember how good you feel after your workout/and what its doing for your organs, health etc...This is a lifestyle. There is a guy, who is severly overweight in my gym.. He doesnt give a fuuuuuck/he is getting his moneys worth...For the last 3 months, every time I go i see this cat doing work.

Thanks man!

im still waiting for him to do what i asked...

he's to worried about what he should be doing in the gym.. whereas 80% of the fight for weight loss is outside of the gym...

make a log of everything u eat for the next two days.. then take that log and input it into fitday.com...

i need to know where his metabolism is at...

Im working on that 3j Im logging everything down then i will post it up here when the day is over.

I am assuming this will just become my online Journal so if any mod is able to move it to that forum it would be cool!

Congrats on your weight loss so far and even more so for showing the desire to better yourself. Good for you dude. I'll be following this thread for as long as your willing to post in it.

Zero and dtone, great posts!

And do what 3J asks he's the diet king. He will get you on the right track quick.
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OK 3j here is what I ate today

breakfast - 8 am...2packs of instant sugar free oatmeal and a protein shake

snack - 10:30 am.... 2 packs sugar free oatmeal and protein shake.

lunch - 12:30 pm....2 turkey sandwhiches, lettuce mustard half avacado on each sandwhich and wheat bread.

snack - 3 pm... protein shake

dinner - 7 pm.....2 turkey burgers. lettuce mustard half avacado on each burger and wheat bread.

that's it...

the repetitions are because I font know what else to eat really. and lack of finances....the turkey burgers are 1/4 pound each burger and its 97/3 ground Turkey.

I plan on eating the same tomorrow.
zero, I got my cardio in today, felt good when I was done but my back hurt a little...just growing pains but its all good!

any thing else I should be doing guys?
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Knowledge is the first step and you came to a great place to seek it. I see a lot of advice but some I don't completely agree with. You don't need an extreme workout regimen to start with. The biggest factor is going to be diet. 3J's going to do you right. But I'd like to share my experience with dieting from 300 pounds down to 204. The only surefire diet that worked for me was one that included low carbs (but never dipping in to ketosis) I literally lost 1 pound a day for a month stretch while never being hungry or cranky due to extreme carbohydrate restriction. My rules were:

1. Get your (slow metabolizing) carbs in the morning.

2. Never eat carbs before bed.

basically this means meat and veggies with the occasional fruit (but again, never before bed with the fruit)

Hopefully you get a FAR more elaborate diet plan. But using the rules I used in unison may do you wonders.

As for the extreme regimens recommended to you, I personally would hesitate to have a man of your size trying rigorous exercises until you've reached a manageable weight.

Stick to the treadmill or elliptical (an even better choice since at your weight even walking strains your joints.) 45 minutes to and hour of moderate cardio a day five days a week should be more than sufficient in aiding your fatloss.

If you feel comfortable doing additional exercise, stick with compound movements.
legs and glutes are great muscles to exercise for fat loss since they are comprised of so many muscles and are your largest muscles; more calories burned.

Again, diet is going to make or break you.

Good luck.
OK 3j here is what I ate today

breakfast - 8 am...2packs of instant sugar free oatmeal and a protein shake

snack - 10:30 am.... 2 packs sugar free oatmeal and protein shake.

lunch - 12:30 pm....2 turkey sandwhiches, lettuce mustard half avacado on each sandwhich and wheat bread.

snack - 3 pm... protein shake

dinner - 7 pm.....2 turkey burgers. lettuce mustard half avacado on each burger and wheat bread.

that's it...

the repetitions are because I font know what else to eat really. and lack of finances....the turkey burgers are 1/4 pound each burger and its 97/3 ground Turkey.

I plan on eating the same tomorrow.

how long have u been eating like this?? is this new??
yes, very new less than a week

this past month I fell off the wagon but the last week I have been getting into gear, like I said I should start a new job in a month and im trying to get back on track. new income means better choices and im ready to commit to this.
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before this I just ate what ever and when ever as long as I didn't go over 2500 calories....didnt really have a set schedule..... I hope this helps. I feel like the reason I hit a wall is because I never had structured eating, but cutting back and exercising helped me lose weight. but it has only gotten me so far, now I really need to buckle down and understand how im suppose to eat.