750 pounds and dropping

It is nice that you have to take this decision, this is not an easy for any person, but you do it. This becomes inspiration for others.
Seams the more weight that has come off the harder and harder it is to lose. I have only lost about 6 pounds in the last 2 months....stuck at a wall here :(
Got no nutritionist right now....

Been on keto for almost the last year

Juss, the more weight you lose and the less you weigh, the less energy or calories your body needs this is normal and is where most start giving up or losing hope. Don't lose hope, you've got a great cast here for support to lean on. Just keep recalculating your TDEE and BMR and keep yourself in a deficit. Good luck to you, you've made quite the accomplishment thus far.
Thank you fellas!!!

Well, I hit the weight of 375. Which means I have ALSO LOST 375 pounds.

I am literally half the man I use to be but twice the fucking beast!!!!

Fantastic mate.

750 pounds, phwoaaaaaar, that's massive. Good work tho mate. I haven't read thru the entire thread, so, sorry if this has been discussed, but what are you going to do about all the loose/saggy skin?

Fantastic mate.

750 pounds, phwoaaaaaar, that's massive. Good work tho mate. I haven't read thru the entire thread, so, sorry if this has been discussed, but what are you going to do about all the loose/saggy skin?


There isnt a whole lot I can do. I am filling out pretty good muscle wise. I only hope I can fill it back up with muscle for the most part. Eventually I will have skin surgery though. From what I hear the burn center In Galveston Texas will do it for free because they use the skin for burn victims.
I'd honestly love to suggest great things, but the best thing I could suggest to you, and I'm sure it's already been done is get a hold of 3J. He has very reasonable prices, and simply he just gets work done.


I am in the lower half of the 300's now. Still chasing my dream fellas.

My troubles now, I am trying to pack on some muscle to help compensate for this loose skin I am acquiring.

I have no earthly idea really where or what to do in the gym muscle wise. I have been doing cardio for the last several years.
You're a monster! I'd probably switch to the other side of the street if I saw you coming. Looking strong :)

You need a simple resistance training program to follow so that you start exercising that muscle and growing the right way this time. See what your gym has, try machines out, get under a bench, put a bar on your back etc. See what YOU enjoy and design a program that way, or ask and we'll help.
Man, it's crazy when you think about "what if i never started on day 1" Amazing progress. You will reach your goals, no doubt. Whenever you get stuck in your diet, try some carb refeeds. They do wonders. Hard dieting down regulates Leptin, your satiety/metabolism hormone. It's your body's way of trying to fight your weight loss. Eating a lot of carbs(starches) is the best way to raise leptin. Raising leptin has a positive effect on thyroid and testosterone. Just keep your calories slightly above maintenance and it will make weight loss easier once you go back to your diet.