A Question on rGH


New member
I am considering taking this but from what I read I understand that the minimum amount of time to take it is 3 months.

I have the money to buy two 45iu kits and was considering doing 2iu a day, 5-days on 2-days off. This would be a total of 9 weeks.

My main goal is fat loss and I would be doing a two weeker on ASS at the beginning of this.

I realise that there are cheaper options for fat loss such as Clen, ECA, T3 but I have a very low tolerance to stimulants.

BTW I am 30, 180lbs and 12%bf.

Billy_No_Mates said:

I have the money to buy two 45iu kits and was considering doing 2iu a day, 5-days on 2-days off. This would be a total of 9 weeks.

Save your cash till you can afford some more, 9 weeks is not going to do shit for you.
Re: Re: A Question on rGH

StoneColdNTO said:
Save your cash till you can afford some more, 9 weeks is not going to do shit for you.
2 weeks of AAS, that's not the way to run HGH. You want some test in there for at least 12 weeks.

9 weeks only? FORGET IT!! JOKE

5 days on 2 off? WAIST OF TIME. and even BIGGER JOKE.

Save your money time and efforts. If anyone tell's you otherwise, especially Hgh suppliers, they are looking to steal your money.