A trip to sore nipple land.


New member
It seems like during this cycle I've taken a trip to sore nipple land. My nipples have been sore for a couple of weeks. I don't have any nolva on hand, but I Have some Arimidex and I have been taking that everyday. There is also a smaller than a pea sized lump on underneath my left nipple. My cycle isn't schedule to end until September 13th. Should I end my cycle early? This has been going on for a couple of weeks and I don't want chick boobies.

I've been doing a cycle of 500 mg of test every week and 50 mg of Winstrol (winny) every other day.

Any advice?
NightSonic said:
It seems like during this cycle I've taken a trip to sore nipple land. My nipples have been sore for a couple of weeks. I don't have any nolva on hand, but I Have some Arimidex and I have been taking that everyday. There is also a smaller than a pea sized lump on underneath my left nipple. My cycle isn't schedule to end until September 13th. Should I end my cycle early? This has been going on for a couple of weeks and I don't want chick boobies.

I've been doing a cycle of 500 mg of test every week and 50 mg of Winstrol (winny) every other day.

Any advice?

I've never been to Sore Nipple Land but I did visit Big-TittyVille this weekend... actually all weekend..LOL. :) it's just north of Vagina-Valley.
..But seriously, you started your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Arimidex) so you should be good. Was the lump already there when you started Arimidex? How many days now have you been taking Arimidex? If only a few, give it time... it will work but not over night. Now for the rest, I'll give you my suggestion.... I would continue to cycle (and the adex) until the 13th... and I don't think you need to take the Nolvadex with the adex. Then for post cycle therapy (pct) use Nolva or Clomid and drop the adex...all just my Opinion. You have to evaluate your gains and if it's worth it to continue. I hope all works out for ya.
How much B6 should I take? Thanks for all your help guys. I've been taking the Arimidex for couple of weeks and the soreness is still there. It diminished a bit, but it hasn't gone away.
Y would b6 help w testosterone related Gyno? b6 is for prolactin related gyno (e.g., deca, tren, anadrol). You need nolvadex or letrozole