AAS and HST Question


Hello everyone, I'm new to HST. I have done one HST cycle already and I love it. I didn't take measurements, so I couldn't tell you exact results, but I gained around 7 lbs of muscle mass, not fat. I have a question for some the more experienced HSTer's out there. I am starting a steroid cycle soon, and was wondering what kind of routine to follow. I've read the FAQ, but I am still kinda cloudy on some of the details. I was thinking of doing my 15's, start my cycle, then beginning the following:
2 weeks 10's
2 weeks 5's
2 weeks negs
2 weeks 10's
2 weeks 5's
2 weeks negs

My cycle will last 10 weeks. Does this routine look good? Should I add more sets per excersise, or stick with 2 sets? Any input or experiences will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
It depends in the steroid you're using. If you're using testostorone-anything you may want to cut down your reps, say 8-6-4-neg., because you're trying to build size. If your using winstrol then 15-10-5-neg. should work to maintain and cut. There's no point in going through the hell steroids can put you through unless you absolutly and scientifically maximize your results.
My cycle

Well my cycle is going to be the following

Wks 1-10 400mg EQ
Wks 1-10 500mg Test Ent
Wks 6-12 50mg ED Winstrol

So what would be best to optimize these?

I think that a dbol cycle is the best to start with, not eq. I would suggest that see as how you're in shape already, go with dbol with a stack including an anti-estogen and lift 8-6-4-neg. for an eight week cycle.

Coming off of this continue the anit-estogen with winstrol for a neg-6-8-12 cycle. This seems strange, but is works if you adjust your weights. Go on a cutting diet these last eight weeks.

If you do this you'll be tired, confused and feeling stupid. But you'll be huge and ripped. All those little muscles in your shoulders and back you never knew you had will pop out.
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