Hello everyone, I'm new to HST. I have done one HST cycle already and I love it. I didn't take measurements, so I couldn't tell you exact results, but I gained around 7 lbs of muscle mass, not fat. I have a question for some the more experienced HSTer's out there. I am starting a steroid cycle soon, and was wondering what kind of routine to follow. I've read the FAQ, but I am still kinda cloudy on some of the details. I was thinking of doing my 15's, start my cycle, then beginning the following:
2 weeks 10's
2 weeks 5's
2 weeks negs
2 weeks 10's
2 weeks 5's
2 weeks negs
My cycle will last 10 weeks. Does this routine look good? Should I add more sets per excersise, or stick with 2 sets? Any input or experiences will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
2 weeks 10's
2 weeks 5's
2 weeks negs
2 weeks 10's
2 weeks 5's
2 weeks negs
My cycle will last 10 weeks. Does this routine look good? Should I add more sets per excersise, or stick with 2 sets? Any input or experiences will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.